What MMO had the best economy?
What MMO had the best economy?
Eve online.
Runescape pre-GE.
>value is price
the one that wasn't ruined by RMTs
oh wait...
Eve and maybe Shadowbane if anyone remembers that diamond in the rough.
>quality can't be objective
Fucking Marx was such a piece of shit.
That pic lel
Guild Wars 2
Reminder that Marx was a lazy piece of shit neet who never held a job and mooched of his friends and family his whole life
His whole ideology only appeals to people with that same description.
Redpill me on economics
Capitalism hurts, wear a cup
this and only this
I'll give you a fucking hint, Marx wasn't right
White people = bad, vote Bernie Sanders, mmkay?
Capitalism and its globalist ends are just a step to the next evolution of economy and government. Market oppression drives down the price of labor, causing the working class to revolt , and then forming a system that uses aggregate labor power to produce the goods that society needs. Marxism isn't without its criticisms, read Althusser's thoughts on it for something more well rounded.
I'll leave with this: why shouldnt a society as advanced as ours be able to use the economy to provide predetermined outcomes?
>why shouldnt a society as advanced as ours be able to use the economy to provide predetermined outcomes?
Because nobody wants to work for free because some faggot is too lazy. You commie retard.
That doesn't really answer that
But anyway, I'm def not a comm. I studied international econ in school and def don't subscribe to a magic land where people arent evil. It's just good to know both sides
What said.
It would never work, you'd have faggots doing nothing who'd take the reins and do nothing while other people sweat their asses off in factories and fields. And at some point, other people get pissed and revolt against the new leadership. You're essentially promoting permanent revolution. Know who else wanted permanent revolution? Mao. Look how that turned out for China.
How does that not answer the question?
What the fuck is going on with the commies on this board?
Money is good so always make even more money
Mao jumpstarted china into the industrial era in a matter of decades
Yes it was at the cost of tens of millions of lives but I'm sure the middle class kids in china are grateful for it
And yeah people are lazy I agree but that's where the "reeducation " step is implemented. Capitalism teaches you that people are hobbsian when we are capable of acting outside of our self interest
I'm devils advocate
Eve Online
A few buddies tried to get me to play the game, but i have no time for this kind of game. The way they keep track of the economy is insane
Ever since Sup Forums got everywhere, so too did the shills.
Or maybe it's because it's a system that doesn't work, like most people on this board.
Someone is purposely baiting people into discussing economies and socialism/communism while trying with failure to veil this thread as a video game thread.
Basically, another Sup Forums or /his/ colony.
All I'm saying is that there are some good points in Marxist theory. I don't want a socialist government, I like my extravagant goods and services but there's always something to learn
He's the Ur example of those militant NEET types that hang around this site.
>I'm sure the middle class kids in china are grateful for it
Mao was as paranoid as Stalin and literally wanted nuclear war because "China has enough people to survive it" in order to build global communism on the ashes. If those kids should be grateful for anyone, it's Deng Xiaoping for opening China up to trade and allowing market forces to foster economic growth in the working class.
Hayek, Keynes, Friedman.
You're welcome
The ones clamoring for a beta uprising and worship Elliot Rodger?
It's not like China is some paradise now.
Japan has decent people but a shitty culture.
Korea has a decent culture but shitty people.
China has shitty people and a shitty culture but they'll probably become the number one world superpower simply because they don't view humans as anything.
You're definitely right about that. That still doesn't dispute that without mao and those millions of lives china would still be entirely agrarian
And yes free trade and globalism is great , I fuckin agree. Keep in mind tho a global society is that much closer to a singular socialist one
WoW, only through Burning Crusade.
China also stepped back socially from embracing Western medicine and Mao pitted young blood against old blood. The man orchestrated the death of millions without care like a buffoon child and got away scot-free to the point where the Party voted that he was only "30%" wrong.
He may have helped industrialize China, but the Chinese economy didn't take off until technocrats and the 80s started rolling in. After Mao was out of the picture and pseudo-capitalism crept back into China.
You can't attribute China's current economic success to "THE POWER OF COMMUNISM." It took people who actually knew a thing or two about economics to get the party started because Mao was a screeching retard who may have had one or two good points, but he was still a screeching retard nonetheless.
No doubt, but perfect socialism can never exist, not with human nature.
Star Wars Galaxies
all resources had a bunch of different stats that were randomly generated on like a biweekly basis or something. So all accross the galaxy the resources spawn and traders went and surveyed for them, then either manually dig it up or plop down drillers.
it was kinda cool because you could get shitty minerals everywhere if you really wanted to craft an item with middling quality. but if you wanted the top tier stats you had to find some old player that had old stock piles of all the best minerals he'd collected over the years.
I agree with you on everything you said
Capitalism isn't the be all, end all that some people think, the automation of labor will eventually lead to a post-scarcity economy where one does not need to work in order to prove his value to society, ending in a socialist utopia where one is free from work and can spend his time dedicating himself to the sciences and arts, just like Marx wanted in his books.
The ultimate redpill is that both Marx and Adam Smith are right
LMao wanted revolution for the sake of revolution, leading to 30 years of civil war, then starvation killing 30 MILLION and then when he stepped down and things finally started getting somewhere, he came back to start the cultural revolution lel.
And the day he dies is the day China went on it's way from a third world shithole to an economic superpower hmmm pure coincidence
remember protective liquid coatings
remember binary liquids
This a hundred times.
Deng Xiaoping said Marx probably hated him from heaven but he didn't care because he wanted to make china rich. Mao glorified poverty, starvation, death and violence
>we are capable of acting outside of our self interest
There is a vast gulf of difference between being capable of acting outside self interest and abnormally limiting human behavior to it exclusively.
The only thing that Capitalism teaches universally between schools (of which Hobbisanism is only one, and an old one at that) is that the value of goods is not solely a function of the labour which goes into it.
It is specifically a criticism of the old physiocratic school of thought upon which Marxism leans to a fault.
>but there's always something to learn
I agree. In this case we learned a damn fine lesson in how to not structure a society.
Thank god someone else is here to advocate mixing both I'm not as smart as these niggas
Problem, Marx-kun? Are you perhaps craving my egotism?
>tfw the chinese credit farmer you paid finally trades you the money in doaba guerfel
>ending in a socialist utopia where one is free from work and can spend his time dedicating himself to the sciences and art
More like everyone will be dedicating themselves only to art. No one is going to do anything harder than what you can easily already do. Art is easy. Learning how to do a quadratic equation to reach a ratio that won't lead to some steel cracking in a skyscraper is not.
If a smart person can do something in 1 hour
If a stupid person can do the same thing in 10 hours
Should the stupid person be paid the more than the smart person?
This is why communism fails, it's stupid
Capitalism is a string of crises punctuated by brief periods of growth. It's also an unsustainable system in that it requires infinite, greater than linear growth.
commies = cummies = dummies
Absolutely hate eve online but it does economy right. Even if its busted. It's only busted because so many players had fun with it for such a long time in a closed circle with no real opportunities for growth.
Depends of the type of work.
shouldn't infinite growth be the ultimate never ending goal of our society and species as a whole? Perfection must always be chased but can never be caught
this, it proves that pure free market capitalism is the best economic system
fuck you Marx
Recettear you faggot commie
Marx was just a writer and journalist. If it wasn't him creating the conclusions and thoughts he came to, it might've been someone else.
It's the people who actively start up movements to the pursuit of utopia and authoritarianism on a large scale that manage to create massacres totaling in the dozens of millions.
whats going on?
Dead Frontier.
It made many people quit. Not to mention is nearly full p2w now. You can get by and have fun without playing still.
Poor people feel entitled to rich people's shit.
Why the fuck do I find this fucking hilarious?
kek, malthusian detected
Nigga, captialism doesn't reward merit.
The only thing that does is an enlightened monarchy, one that can and oft is toppled by pissed subjects.
High school level economic theory recitations
Don't get ahead of yourselves. Socialism is not a guaranteed outcome of post scarcity even in the face of ever expanding automation. It is entirely possible that all we end up with in that situation is an ever expanding "final frontier" of a labor market. It is impossible to reasonably speculate on the economics of the far future while solely relying on hindsight. We don't know how emerging markets, technologies, or social theories will evolve when we learn more about our universe past the tiny bit we've explored thus far.
Why the fuck should I be paying for other people's shit and the consequences of their poor choices solely because I make more money?
>Because nobody wants to work for free because some faggot is too lazy.
>you'd have faggots doing nothing
Guess what idiots, the USSR imprisoned people who refused to work/contribute, they literally called them social parasites.
>Art is easy. Learning how to do a quadratic equation to reach a ratio that won't lead to some steel cracking in a skyscraper is not.
EVE is the only valid answer.
The economy is so crazy that, for a long period of time, they had an in-house economist who worked on figuring out how it all worked.
Every other MMO economy, no matter how open-ended, is heavily influenced by what the GMs want. EVE doesn't have this problem - at least, not to the degree that others do.
Malthus' Theory has been soundly debunked at this point. Try again.
If I can do in 1 hour what you do in 10, I make 10 times what you do
You can say wrong all you want, but there's some pretty dumb people in the world today. And in a socialist society, no one is going to go after a tougher job if everyone gets paid the same amount of money.
>so why not just give people better pay for better jobs
Exactly. Welcome to what we already have. Some jobs aren't as valuable as others, and people who have zero jobs are no value to anyone.
Temporary HC PoE leagues.
Maybe once we've freed ourselves from inhabiting a single planet. Until then we're working with finite resources.
A crisis is not a Malthusian mass die-off. An economic crisis is much smaller, and they happen all the time. The biggest one was in 2008. Before that we had a big one in the early 2000 (dot com bubble). Japan had one in the early 90s. It's a historical trend with capitalist nations.
I feel like that's wrong.
There is always room for improvement on the engineering end of things and people will always want to feel superior to one another so if the intellectual pursuit alone is not reason enough, the chance to prove somebody wrong will be.
Im pretty sure EVE has a more advanced economy and viable than most of Africa
>complains about people making less than you getting handouts
>complains when people making less than you organize to make a little more, negating the need for a handout
Just own up to the fact that being moderately wealthy is your equivalent of a safe space and you couldn't stand it to see more people at the same level as you.
>communism is what highschool teacher taught me
No that's not what communism is. Communism is essentially a bunch of steps society takes to eventually get to the "utopic" classless, stateless, moneyless society.
One of those steps is capitalism, after comes socialism (Leninist skip capitalism entirely and go straight from feudal to socialist) and then communism happens.
Socialism essentially means democracy in the workplace. You know how people vote to choose the president of a country? Well, it's the same but for a corporation: workers own the factory just like the leader does and they can vote on who the leader is. Now there are different types of socialism. One party country isn't the same as a actual democratic socialist (not the Scandinavian countries and Bernie's dream but actually centrally planned and democratic worker run corporations ) is.
Again there are MANY types of socialist systems, the early 20th century ones are not all of it. There's different ways to approach how to implement democracy in the workplace and factories.
For fuck's sake. I'm not a communist (I dislike slave moralities from Christianity to communism and I am anti-egalitarian) but the amount of anti-communist propaganda and lies is stupid.
If you want to understand a philosophy or ideology, especially when it's controversial, learn it from the sources and scholars of those ideologies, themselves. Skip Sup Forums, reddit, tumblr and all that bullshit.
Yes, technically.
But, what job are you talking about and what in the fuck makes you think what you do is so important that you deserve more for doing better slave work?
Recettear is a capitalism simulator, where you work hard to collect and generate as much free money as you want. It's not an economic simulator, especially not related to the other responses in the thread.
IIRC, the net value of the EVE economy is greater than the net value of the actual Icelandic economy (in terms of the GDP of New Eden in association with the current PLEX value).
I dunno about that, I'm awful at math but if it didn't cost me anything and if I didn't need to worry about money or a career I might take courses just for the sake of gaining knowledge. There are bound to be others like me.
Video games
Because you're assuming we have enough ability to coordinate, analyze, and effectively plan and manage an entire economy. that's king retarded. we can't even accurately predict a stock price. do you want market inefficiencies because this would be a great way to maximize them.
>EVE doesn't have this problem - at least, not to the degree that others do.
That's a lie and you know it.
>non communists
>on MY video game board
You really overestimate people's need to try to outdo one another intellectually. Intellect is not objective. I can easily say I have more money and I already know I'm better. But you can't tell someone you're smarter and instantly get some gain. You'll just have some chemicals fire in your brain and that's it. People will only pursue knowledge and those more difficult venues if it grants them a higher position in society, aka more prosperous life.
You think the people constantly inventing medicine right now are doing so under a basic paycheck? No, that shit requires funding from both private and public sectors. Where does that money come from? Why from capitalist businessmen!
I'm not even moderately wealthy though
And the problem with government handouts is that they're designed to keep you on the teat of the government
>A crisis is not a Malthusian mass die-off.
I'm not saying they are. I'm referring to the sustainability part and how a faulty model can lead to absurd absolute statements like the one in that user's post.
It's not. The GMs have tried to influence the economy before in significant ways, and they always fail.
If you can provide an example of a game (not just an MMO) that has a better economy than EVE in this regard, give it a shot - it'll help stop this thread from being a shitfest.
Reminder that economics is a spook
Do liberals like communism
News alert.
There ain't going to be a utopia on Earth, that's for when God decides if you're good for one after you kick the bucket.
Unless we're able to achieve post-scarcity (which probably won't happen in our lifetimes) then no Utopia will ever exist.
Star Wars Galaxies
>My brother was that architect class
>got hired by a guild to build an outpost for them
>credits a many, brother thought they were hackers, asked how they got so much dosh
>the GM had this fucking novel sized explanation typed out on how he got funds on his own and from the guild
I genuinely think somewhere in that bible a small % from bands playing in their towns was in the main funds
Its what they all secretly desire. Don't be deceived.