People unironically like the beginning 3 hours of this game

>people unironically like the beginning 3 hours of this game

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You must not have had a lot of KH fangirls at your school. I was the only one in my group to express dislike towards the world's longest tutorial/intro and got death stares. I realize now that it doesn't matter when you care more about shipping your OTPs than playing the game.

I remember being seriously confused when I first played this, especially since I didnt play Chain of Memories (seriously, fuck you SE). Thoughts being "Who the fuck are you people, and why the fuck am I in a sleep pod?!?!"

Are you me? I was in the 7th grade when this came out and literally everyone in my weeb friend circle loved the opening except me.

The opening is good plot wise, but it's filled with shitty minigames and that boss with the qtes is a pain in the ass.

Its...fine the first time around but I dread it now
Honestly cut the ____ shit out and it'd be a lot more bearable

The only thing I really like about it is when Roxas gives up his body. Says something about his summer being over or something. That and Sora tearing up and not knowing why when leaving
Pretty good emotional set up, just wish that segment wasn't so fucking long

I liked it for the fact that if you save up enough munny you gain extra AP that you can't get in the game elsewhere

I actually liked the minigames

It was fun the first time but replaying it is a chore.

It wasn't bad the first time through.

When I replayed the HD version tho it was a fuckin' chore

The begining bore the shit out me. The entire game was boring until i got my ass beat by organization 13 members. That's when the game actually got interesting.
Twlight princess to me has thee most boring beginnings ever. The fishing part took like an 1 hours just to figure out.

Who's getting KH 1.5+2.5 here?

Me, 60fps without it breaking the physics? Yeah it's a guaranteed buy
>The fishing part took like an 1 hours just to figure out
How old were you?

Cutscenes are honestly the bulk of it, you can speedrun that part fairly quickly if you are replaying it.

But yeah, it was a bit too slow in the beginning. I wish they condensed it down to half of what was in the final and maybe had some more combat.

I like the intro a lot more than any other intro in the series.

That being said, I have save files made right after the tutorial to load off of. Starting with the Axel fight is a much better way to get into it.

I never got 2.5 because I don't know so I'll probably get 1.5+2.5 whenever I get a PS4.

meh I have em for ps3

fighting Twilight Thorn and Axel was enough to save this segment for me desu
> 3 hours
Just skip cutscenes user it'll be down to like an hour or so

That is what is stopping me from doing a 2ndplaythrough. I sure need to have a 99-save last on the list when Sora awakes to restart whenever I want, or right before Roxas vs Axel

Sure, you don't know some of the characters at the computer or why Sora was in a capsule sleeping, but those 3 hours or so with those kids, that town and Roxas are never explained or told in CoM. That town just appears in CoM out of nowhere. Those kids and the blond looking Sora appear in the credits, fuck knows why, until 2 actually explains stuff
But this was fucking good

>waste time with those mini-games with Roxas breaking the records
>it doesn't carry over with Sora
>you have to break the records again
Fuck no I don't.

I was 14 at the time when playing the game.

If they fix the load time problems the PS3 versions had, then yeah. Otherwise, no. Don't know why SE just never patched in an install option for those games.

Have both on ps3 no point in getting them again.


Why has the internet become so mean?

I started with KH2, so I liked Roxas. Then that homo Sora showed up lusting for Riku's dick.

I have 10 copies of a save file just after Sora wakes up.

I still sometimes play through the prologue anyway.

It's just too fucking comfy.

ha, just last night I was talking to some non-autistic people who had happened to play this game when they were younger, and we agreed that the intro was the dumbest shit ever.

>We have to deliver mail on a skateboard 10 times in a row so we can go to the beach!

me...bc I gave my brother my ps3 for netflix n shit at his place and I was getting a ps4 anyway.
> kh2.8 in january
> kh1.5+2.5 in march
Nomura saves SE's ass yet again and they'll need it after xv

Kiss your son?

Does anyone else prefer Sora's Twilight Town song to Roxas's?

They both do a good job at reflecting each others views on the town though if you think about it

>He never had a summer job as a kid to earn pocket money
>He never saved for weeks up to go to an amusement park with his friends

user, I'm sorry.

> He doesnt like SoRiku
> he doesnt realize Riku is the Heroine after Kairi has been utterly irrelevant since kh1

I like it
It had cozy care-free atmosphere, nice music and it ended just perfectly

I've played 1, 2, and 358/2. What is included in this collection, and how are the games?

I prefer Lazy Afternoon
Re:CoM Lazy Afternoon is the best version

1, 2, a movie about days, Chain of Memories, a movie about coded, Birth By Sleep.

I loved the intro because of the atmosphere and because of how Roxas played. by the time you actually start controlling Sora you're almost completely invincible, but the Roxas segment almost feels like a half-throwback to the slower KH1 style. Or at least it did at the time, I'm sure going back to it now would be unbearable.

Roxas had his own unique animations in KH2 that were almost 1:1 identical to KH1 Sora, when you look back it was pretty obvious what that was trying to convey

Its honestly a truly /comfy/ town theme
I hope Destiny Island/Town is playable in kh3, even as just a tutorial area.


kissing you softly

Personally, didn't like it for the most part. It came out when I was in 8th grade and I was hyped as fuck for the game. Blasted through those 3 hours and saved when I reached Yen Sid's place and called it a night. The whole intro gave me a headache and just wasn't satisfying. It served its purpose plot and gameplay wise as an intro, and as another user mentioned- "my summer is over" was fanfuckingtastic. I think the major problem was that I was too hyped for the game and the first 3 hours was a slog, 1/3 of which I had already seen/heard/read about. And when I look back to play that part, it's just boring. It's probably an okay 3 hour intro for someone who has recently played KH1 and moves onto the second without much expectation.
Also, Sora felt like a stranger to me when you finally started playing as him. His voice was deeper because of HJO getting older, and he had outgrown his KH1 outfit. And his 3 hit combo now ended with a diagonal slash instead of a horizontal one. All of this felt very alien to me at first, but quickly grew on me.

In case one of y'all didn't noticed this: Roxas has the same animations as Sora from KH1, kinda neat.

He's not wrong.

post your favourite tracks from the series

>there are people that unironically enjoyed KH2's Atlantica

I didn't know girls in school

Didn't you get Magnega only from completing it? It didn't take too terribly long

The first eight hours playing Roxas was a nightmare. Who thought a fifteen hour tutorial was a good idea? I don't want to spend 74 hours playing some new no name faggot for the next six months.

It might be awkward as shit but at least its less infuriating than Atlantica/kh1 gameplay

> this much comfy in a mobage gamu

Pretty much this.

KH2 Atlantica's just an uncomfortable rhythm game.

There is yet to be a world in the KH games yet that is as unenjoyable as KH1 Atlantica.

Roxas is basically a middleground between KH1 Sora and KHII Sora, to make the transition in battle styles smoother for the player.


PS4 games have mandatory installs so it shouldn't be an issue.


Where does this fall in the conversation of "Worst KH enemies of all time"

This mother fucker caused me to be stuck in that fucking world doing the same fucking fight for like an hour.

Not as bad as people want it to be

Literally same controls as flying Sora in Neverland. And the level layouts are equally as bad. Atlantis was an unmemorable sea of blue tint with areas that felt maze like, Neverland was a claustrophobic mess inside the ship which was 1/3 of the level, and another 1/3 of the level was just Big Ben that you could fly(swim) around.

a little better than those deathbots and the shaman monkeys at CoR

>Shaman Monkeys


Fuck those dudes with a rake.

>50 god damn dolleridoos

And I know damn well I'll be paying full price for it along with Kingdom Hearts Ground Zeroes. Hopefully the 60fps makes the sluggishness of BBS a bit more tolerable.

it took you that long to do this

The plot is A+and the final section is great. I say it's only disliked because of the minigames.

>"C'mere, I'll make it all stop!"
>That first time you DUEL WEILD
>That Roxas moveset


It's pretty good though, once I learned CoM and 358/2 or whatever it was very good. Anything in twilight town was very comfy and anything involving roxas was interesting and emotional.

It's okay they'll mature when reality slaps them in the face one day.