Should BroQuest be a jrpg that focuses on story with FF like battles or should it be a crpg that focuses more on number crunching and open world exploration like your typical wrpg, such as Fallout and Skyrim?
Should BroQuest be a jrpg that focuses on story with FF like battles or should it be a crpg that focuses more on number...
Why not best of both world?
If you're going to make an open world please put secrets and content on every square meter please.
That's the ideal rpg, but no one has yet to tackle that. Not even Bioware or Bethesda has cause it would require so much time and money.
How is the dev on this game going anyway?
Been years since I've seen anything about it
I asked this on /tg/. The project died. So I'm the new guy taking up the concept.
>im an ideas guy
>no one makes good games anymore because it requires lots of effort.
I miss the old days when games were made by passion and love, when devs really enjoyed making games as a job.
Now gaming is just a gold mine for multi millionaire companies, no effort put into games, content gets rejected by publishers, cinematic experiences, no gameplay, zero replay ability.
Indie is the future of good games.
They turned it into Tower Princess instead to get shit ton of cash from patreon.
Good on you. I hope you have a team and you're not alone.
>Should BroQuest be a jrpg that focuses on story with FF like battles
THIS! I wish I still had the BroQuest documents with storylines, sprites, and artwork.
The original creator boned everyone involved and then went on to royally fuck everyone working on breeding season and made off with a years worth of cash.
Then begged for people to kickstart a new hentai game they'd "really for real make this time".
I'm the programmer. And artist. And ideas guy. Probably hire some people later for assets.
You are correct. crpgs were the epitome of passion behind the amount of work that went into them. But as time went on, people figured out that their effort wasn't always paying off, or just downright not paying anything. Whether it was because of piracy or it was just too many crpgs, or because there's only so many games you can play at a given time. These types of games would be nice to return, but you have to ask yourself if you'd get the financial return on it in the end.
That sucks, do you have a long post about what happened?
I just want 4chinners to make some good games like Katawa Shoujo
JRPG above all else. BroQuest is cursed though user, you're never going to finish it or even release anything remotely resembling a finished project. Ideas don't cut it.
>hotline Miami dev literally fixed bugs and errors in the pirated version of his game so pirates don't miss out on it.
That's how you get a great reputation and get people to buy your games, I got both games on a sale, much respect for the devs.
I'd like to see EA do it.
Having a good reputation sells games.
That's a valid position to hold. But I'm actually a dev in the industry. I know how to do good business when it comes to game development. Including project management. Why do I want to take on something stupid like BroQuest you may ask?
Maybe cause I like the concept a little.
>Having a good reputation sells games.
Nu-Bioware and DICE begs to differ.
It can only work in the style of a WRPG if it's an MMO. Limited online functionality like in the souls series (lol) can work too, but only if the number crunching is fun.
>Team formed
>Sup Forums is regularly at maximum hype, fueled almost entirely by NRFS propaganda and constant bickering over which catgirl design to use
>Team has like a dozen writers/idea guys, one programmer, one artist, and no director
>Sup Forums hype increases as they show off neat gameplay concepts like teamwork attacks and how every party member should have their own small storyline, etc.
>Team cannot manage itself or plan out what the fuck to do in X amount of time/funding. Also they only had like one programmer and a dozen fucking writers.
>Dev team eventually dissolves, leaving only vaporware and broken dreams
>They did make a basic as fuck "demo" and a decent flash game at one point though.
Granted, I think a full-fledged RPG takes more work than any VN, so until either one lone genius or a small team of dedicated autists assemble and are able to work together really fucking well, a homemade Sup Forumsidya is far off.
Thats why jrpg might be the better route. There's too many games that does wrpg better and requires a ton of manpower and money.
Just use rpgmaker since its obvi no actual programmer has the patience to put up with the constant bickering that this shit brings up
Please don't. BroQuest is cancer.
I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't like the concept of BroQuest even a little bit, honestly. If you're even half as experienced as you're making yourself out to be, that's still leagues more experience than most of the other attempts that've been made to make this shit before which is something to note. Still, I'm sure you know that if you're trying to one-man this shit it's going to take forever and a day to make anything approaching a decent length, unless you're aiming for 2 hour RPG Maker tier shit.
Just try not to burn out user.
no user you are cancer
At least I can punctuate my posts, you fucking Reddit-tier pleb.
Get the fuck off of my board.
>RPG Maker
The newest one is looking good and it works as a browser game for those without RPG Maker.
>my board
I actually plan to use Unity to do things faster. I have worked with RPG Maker in my high school years, but it has some limits that I rather avoid. I heard the modern ones are pretty much just as good as a normal engine nowadays, but I dont feel like programming in Ruby.
keep trying user, may b one day your punctuation will make you feel better about yourself
Do you have any prior work with Unity to showcase?
I do, but I don't want to show it yet. Right now, doing research and pre production things to see if the project would be worth the time. Then I can open a Patreon with my actual credentials to try to bring in some funds.
If you truly want to revive BroQuest, you need to understand what made it great and what (not who) killed it.
>Then I can open a Patreon
Oh, you're one of those guys. I won't expect anything from you, kike.
>Then I can open a Patreon with my actual credentials to try to bring in some funds.
Honestly, I wouldn't bank on any sort of sizable income for this project, simply because of how many fucking times people have been burned before. I'd say it should be a passion project instead of trying to have it be self supporting, but you're the dev here m8.
Their reputations fucking suck among the core audience. They're good choices for exhibit A and B for why rep matters.
The thing I believe the other people failed to realize is that they didn't have the discipline or the sense to make a project happen. You are free to believe I am someone who wants to rip you off, but it's on the contrary. You have to balance expectations with reasonable goals. I could, in theory, do this project entirely out of self interest. But I know I'll need art, music, some playtesting, and a little ramen from the store to keep powering my programming fingers to be able to make it work.
Yes this is what I have been told. I'm not sure if support even exists anymore for it. But it's quite nice to see people who know the term come out on /tg/ and Sup Forums now and again.
Well, good luck. You're 100% going to have to advertise outside the chans to get anything in the way of income for this project though. I sincerely doubt there are enough people here who both care about the project at all any more and are willing to trust you.
Also if you're using the design ideas for the cast you might want to reconsider. Isn't the guy who drew them also the one who jewed so hard that one big name porn game died?
I honestly think that there will be support for BroQuest as long as the concept is around, since even with the numerous public failures surrounding it, the idea is still talked about relatively fondly here. The thing is though, if you want any sort of monetary support you'll probably need to release a working prototype before trying the Patreon route. Otherwise way too many people are going to be rightly hesitant to fork over their shekels to some random user with the dubious promise of making BroQuest a reality for the millionth time. If you don't think you can make a skeleton version of the game before getting any money, you're probably not going to succeed I think.
Nah get fucked. I think even kickstarter is more acceptable than patreon. There is literally no incentive to ever finish anything if your funding is based on something being in-development.
Actually, we are going to do something original. To avoid any legal ramifications, we're going to based designs off the original, which is a free domain collaboration from a bunch of people. No name attached to any of it.
>Mfw I've been working on a text adventure based on Broquest
>Mfw this nigga shows up
Nothing's stopping two vaporware projects of the same concept from being in the works, user.
Yeah a demo is going to have to be done first and foremost. I think thats how undertale did it, too.
Someone had a more recent rendition of this with color and a few more characters.
I wonder if any anons held onto the image.
I did. It's exactly the art designs I've been warned not to touch in case the artist who made it comes back and makes a fuss.
Remind me again, Sup Forums, who was the best Bro, and why is it the Orcish Troublemaker?
The NFRS is a favorite
Good luck, some game """"dev""""
if this actually picks up, i'll eat a bag of dicks
and i dont eat any dicks
why would you eat dick when you could suck on it
what a waste of dick
a bag of severed dicks
Yeah. for now, back to studying
Spurple is making dat' porn money now and very likely won't depreciate his schedule's monetary ability by pursuing a fanmade game on this or other boards. Unless he was feeling mad petty, which I don't take to be his MO.
The real question is: are these designs his are free public reign?
>Not petty
Pick one. Fuck that cunt.
I'm not his lawyer, nor am I his guardian. I get the impression the dude's got better shit on his plate. Just my opinion.
As for the designs, I'm fairly certain he could pull some litigious shenanigans out of his hat if he was pressed, I don't have reason to believe he would.
>I don't have reason to believe he would.
He is a Jew in the ethnic sense
Honestly if BroQuest were an actual thing, my four squaddies would be Orcish Troublemaker, Elven Time Mage, Experienced Warrior Girl, and Dick-Ass Thief.
Hopefully the MC would have some healing.
It's not a matter if he would. Only if he could. There's a bunch of things about free public rights and all. For instance, these designs were made to contribute to the project of BroQuest. That meant when he designed them, they were for the sake of this project. Now whether they were for "that" project he was on or not is up to question. There's also the fact that these designs were made in numerous threads ad-lib in archives.
It's a matter of if someone makes art for something, does that art belong to them still or is it considered free domain. My business anxiety is telling me to not use those designs, but there's also another side of me that is saying that he might not have a case if he pursued it.
He is. Lives in Israel and everything. Certified card-carrying Jew. Never bought into the meme that, that alone means anything. But you don't need me to tell you what to believe.
>no chin fluff
That's the only thing that makes me mad about this whole situation. As it stands now Cloudy Meadow has actual animations and has a chance of actually coming out, so it's already better than Dedgaem Season.
Breeding Season RIP. Hallowed be thy name. Thicc be thy thighs.
Fat be thy tits.
Post as much as you can before you get banned brother.
Story with FF like battles.
You are also going to get a lot of conflicting answers here. Just bring your vision of the game to life.
Since it started as a quest thread based on overused JRPG tropes, it should play like a SNES JRPG
Question. I always wondered what people's opinions on the different turn based formats was to them. Is the age old DQ model good where everyone takes turns hitting one another? Do people enjoy the more visible turn order of FFX? What about the Grandia system of delaying turns or taking advantage of turn order through interruptions with a gauge graphic?
Maybe keeping it simple is for the best.
Also, wouldn't a more interactive combat system, like Paper Mario's, be more engaging? Or would it just get in the way of being a chore eventually?
Considering people seem to love interactive combat systems like those of Paper Mario, M&L and Mother 3, I don't see why it's a bad idea
True enough. Save for some repetitive random battles, I always had to stay on my toes in most fights in Paper Mario, since it'll be stupid for me not to want to kill enemies faster and take less damage.
>Trusted (((Schwig)))
>had to stop using Shwig's designs when he left
Oh shit, you made me remember all the drama about the redesign I liked it
Original a best
This gave me a chuckle. I remember reading the archives and saw how some people were somewhat having some emotions about the design of her. The sheer irony of it has me in fits right now.
Didn't shwig give the OK to use his broquest art for anything you want? Not that his word means anything.
What would some of the romance options be like, in your mind?
Will there be a romance option with NRFS where you find out they're a girl?
Don't know yet.
It's not impossible, Katana Shoujo started off from here.
And also partially, so did AoS and Minecraft.
Both of which in the beginning asked Sup Forums for opinions to work on.
>BroQuest is plebbit
Would you kindly stab your own balls, if you even have any, repeatedly with a pencil?
This doesn't surprise me at fucking all.
Please get your grubby hands away from that concept and let it die in peace.
I can easily do this as a kickstarter. Problem is that I don't like kickstarter after all the clout and mistrust it has over it. Patreon isn't something I'm fond of, either. In truth, I rather people donated through paypal or so. I just felt patreon was a reasonable source for most people. But we'll come to that bridge when I actually get some working concepts going.
Linear CRPG
It should be a massive scam filled with 20 idea guys and no devs
Details please
BroQuest should die and remain forgotten
Oh God please no, we can't even handle choosing a Switch-tan
Let's not ruin it already
>Then I can open a Patreon
K best
It isn't about that, you fucking retard.
If things go through Pattern it's bad news, there's not one but several cases in which people got either ripped off or was left stranded and the game died.
At least give it a peaceful death.
>Not petty
>Left Breeding Season half way through production to start his own literal clone version of the game
>Didn't tell anyone until the project manager asked why the fuck he'd been missing for the last few months
>Not only did he bail, he refused to sell the artwork he had done already to the Breeding Season team, ensuring that the project would fail and everyone would move to fund his own porn game's patreon
keep the number crunching, combat focus and character progression of CRPGs but trying to do an open world will just weaken the core appeal of BroQuest, the characters and the interplay in your party.
Personally I see it as a sort of cross between Pokemon (choosing who makes it into your 'team'/party and developing them) and Diablo/Baldurs Gate for combat and story focus.
Just eyeballing it I would say a world design where every act is like a hub world/arena which involves a few branching paths but only one main story path would be functional, then have transitions between areas unlock once the player finishes the main quest of that hub
mah nigga
>Just eyeballing it I would say a world design where every act is like a hub world/arena which involves a few branching paths but only one main story path would be functional, then have transitions between areas unlock once the player finishes the main quest of that hub
Having trouble visualizing this, mostly cause I dont know what transitions you mean or what would be considered the hub. Do you mean like how in Dragon Quest Builders, each act is a different island/ gameplay space sort of concept?
whatever his role in Breeding Season's demise may have been, if BroQuest were to be made (again) there is no doubt everything would have to be made new
you're probably gonna have to update the memes tho
this list screams 2011/2012 memes
The list is more jrpg tropes than memes, though yes there is a few.
It's a shame, really.
I really enjoy his art but the way he turned out to be just greatly disgusts me.
Shwig, if you're reading this your designs are godawful compared to Breeding Season, I have no idea how even these autists are paying you when it looks that much like generic crap.
please stop putting retard in the crossfire
she's a joke