Does Nintendo actually believe this will happen? Do they think their fanbase is stupid enough to believe it will happen?
Does Nintendo actually believe this will happen? Do they think their fanbase is stupid enough to believe it will happen?
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I want to marry Karen and play coop Super Mario with her.
Protip: She's just an actor who probably doesn't even play video games
Let's all stand around and watch these fucking nerds
All of the scenarios in the Switch trailer were absurd, except maybe the guys in the back of the van and the guy on the plane
>Does Nintendo actually believe this will happen?
>Do they think their fanbase is stupid enough to believe it will happen?
He's probably in love with the fictional character she represents
It's sad but I have waifus from my animus so I guess I shouldn't judge since I'm a bit more pathetic there
Lies and slander! I'll find a qt gf that I can play Mario games with, just you wait. It'll happen. Goddamn ;_;
>commercials are accurate portrayals of reality
what is autism
Then if the commerical advertising the product wasn't designed to convince Nintendo's fanbase to buy said product, what was the point of it?
>He's never been to a party where people were gathered around the video game console playing party games.
Except now you can do it outside.
You mean hot girls won't come up to me and ask to play? There goes my hopes and dreams.
Nintendo is still stuck in the 1990's.
Nintendo's fanbase desperately wish they could go back to it.
in the west definitely no - insecurities galore
>adults don't show intense interest in BING BING WAHOOO because they're insecure
Console videos are always like that. Remember the PS4 one with people buying games on their mobile while out at parties so they could play them when they got home.
This is pretty dumb because most people wouldn't be able to see anything that happening from the glare caused by the sun even if the brightness is turned all the way up on the tablet along with it being small
This happens in my life pretty regularly, now instead of it being on either a wiiu or 3ds, it will be a combined system that can either be enjoyed on the big screen or in the park with a bbq
I'm pretty sure if you hand someone a controller and ask them if they want to play streets of rage they will likely say yes.
>Do they think their fanbase is stupid enough to believe it will happen?
No, they just pretend it already does..
What's the matter OP? Do you NOT have roof parties at 12 o'clock noon with your other unemployed friends enjoying booze and wallflowers bringing their video game console with them?
This LITERALLY happens every other day for me. Nintendo truly understands its market. I'll buy a Switchâ„¢ the second it comes out with my welfare bonds
Streets of rage is not owned by Nintendo. It won't be on a Nintendo console.
The point of an ad is to get people interested enough in a product so that they go buy it.
It may not have convinced you, but it may have convinced others.
Is this concept complicated to you?
What is virtual console?
having more than one waifu will ruin your laifu
>Nintendo never made a beat'em up of their own
>and the genre has been ded for decades
Well, fuck.
What is Streets of Rage is owned by Sega and they won't allow it on a competitors console.
You don't think a crowd will gather to watch you play Mario games on a tiny screen?
Sega dosen't have their own console you fucking 1980s time traveler!
ya that definitely looks like noon in the OP you stupid shit
The commercial doesn't say that you will bring your Switch to a party and everyone will think you're super cool.
It says that you CAN bring your Switch to a party, and be social while also playing your vidya.
everyone in that pic looks severely brain-damaged. The thing probably isn't even on.
I'm pretty sure an arcade beat-em-up by Nintendo would sell insanely well.
They should just port old Sega Saturn beat-em-ups, anyway. It's not like 99% of everyone has ever played those.
>le american red party cups
GEt out of my video gamesss
But it literally is there.
Is it time for an arcade beat'em up revival yet?
>Do they think their fanbase is stupid enough to believe it will happen?
um... let's not forget that this is nintendo fans we're talking about
>not even putting the product in the foreground
Are they trying to sell me Nintendo branded dixie cups?
>Do they think their fanbase is stupid enough
Of course. They know perfectly they customers are braindead retards.
Arcades and beat em ups were THE social aspect of the 80s.
Something the current gamers haven't tasted.
The switch can bring back that feel of hop in and play.
I know a nintenboy(27yo) and yes, they are that stupid
now that you mention it, i did spend a lot more time playing x-men and turtles in time with others than most arcade games
Shit man, now I'm getting really excited. The Switch bringing back couch multiplayer and doing it anywhere really has potential.
>Nintenyearolds LARPing as people who've just "discovered the awesome power of the switch"
Will you stop doing this soon? It's cringeworthy
The beat em up genre is forgoton not because it isn't fun, but because consoles have become the major player keeping people in their private homes. Having couch co-op requires people to go to other people's houses creating a inconvinience, therefore the beat em genre disapeared because gamers spent less and less time with each other.
The beat em up genre is simple because there's two button jump and puch and it gives instant gratifaction while working with your teamate.
The switch will bring back the beat em genre mark my words.
Sorry to burst your bubble but gaming is not socially accepted. Maybe if you live in an echo chamber where you only hear the opinions you want to hear, you'd think so. But in normal, everyday life video games are still stigmatized with losers, idiots and adult children.
You will NEVER, EVER bring a Switch to a regular party and have OP's reaction. You will get smirked at, they will talk behind your back and you sure as hell won't be invited to the next party, as you're the weird guy bringing his video games to a party.
the wiiU had the same stupid ads with people playing the "cool" wiiU
it failed, horribly
Is this supposed to be a bad thing?
If arcades made a fucking comeback then maybe games wouldn't be regarded as kids toys but just another way to hang out and make new friends.
Why can't people realize games aren't just for wasting time?
But twitch has over 500k people viewing league of legends finales. gaming is mainstream af
I hope it comes back. Punching random punks in the face on the streets is the best thing ever.
The game fealt really good in general.
The controlls were solid as fuck.
Things that you wouldn't expect just happen.
Such as if you accidentaly grab your parnter they will do a special co-op attack if they press the attack button.
Really wish more people could exprience it.
Actually video games have gotten extremely mainstream and gotten a lot more socially acceptable nowadays.
And about 500k of those people are autistic losers from all over the planet. There are 7 billion people on earth, 500k is nothing. It's not socially acceptable, you fucking manchild loser.
I'm going to monkey's paw your wish, user.
>Arcades make a comeback
>But every machine is a match 3 phone game
I hate Dave and Busters nowadays.
>go to Subway
>order a new sandwich
>guy literally throws his own feces on it
>everyone around you eats it happily
>"dude, what are you complaining about? 500 thousand people love the fecal five footer. They can't be wrong!"
Maybe you should leave your echo chamber more, to know it's definitely not as bad as it used to be, manchild loser. Consoles are far more socially acceptable than PC gaming though.
>Does Nintendo actually believe this will happen?
Nintendo just hopes, their shareholders believe this. The ads are targeted at them.
>Do they think their fanbase is stupid enough to believe it will happen?
Shareholders are stupid, but maybe not so stupid.
Re - read.
how do I get a girlfriend that's also hardcore into games? I cannot succeed in social situations because I have literally nothing else to talk about but video games. Also it's my only hobby, if I don't play them I read about them.
Lower your physical standards.
Women who are as into gaming as you are guaranteed to be at least one of the following:
Also girls who are as into gaming as you hang out in the same places you do.
So if you stay home all the time, so do they.
Godspeed, user.
>there are people so autistic in this thread that they don't understand what a conceptual pitch is
Same thing you would do trying to find a partner who shares the same interest for a different kind of hobby.
People were doing this with the Wii U, the difference is it was the biggest fucking nerds on the planet that didn't see the issue with lugging a full Wii U system around, and finding some outlet or powersupply just to play Wind Waker. No way does this shit catch on with normalfags.
>Lower your physical standards.
That just means he is matching it to his own appearance.
>in this thread
You must have missed the "this is so unrealistic, I'm smarter than anybody else so I should point it out to everybody" race that took place on the entirety of the internet when the video came out.
Guys ads are real.
user... Come on now.
Nintendo (and everyone else for that matter) have been trying to sell you what you OUGHT to be doing with your lifestyle, not suggesting you already are doing these activities.
Worked with the wii. All those middle parents standing up from their couches to play wii sports irl.
Everyone ignores that most stupid of concepts here, the guys who stop playing basketball irl to play it on a tablet screen together.
This is a psyop. I know it.