How is it that Link Between Worlds is the best Zelda game in years? Its basically a retread of Link to the Past

How is it that Link Between Worlds is the best Zelda game in years? Its basically a retread of Link to the Past.

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>Its basically a retread of Link to the Past.
Theres your answer.

Nintendoes what nintendon't

The best one was spirit tracks.

Because it's fun

Hilda > Zelda

2D Zeldas have no bloat. New Capcom Zeldas fucking when?

It's not. Getting all the items right away only serves to make exploring dungeons a lot less satisfying.

Imagine A Link to the Past with Ocarina of Time levels of tutorial coddling falderal.

>Its basically a retread of Link to the Past.

Think of it as a remake except better.

>New Capcom Zeldas fucking when?
>get some of the best Zeldas during the GBC-GBA era.
>Capcom stops making them
>DS comes and we get shit like PH and ST

>He didn't like the duology of the great captain
You must have a sad lifr

A Link Between Worlds was shit.
>achieves non-linearity in the laziest way possible (by making ALL TOOLS/ITEMS purchasable from the start)
>dungeons are piss easy and aren't exciting to go through since they don't bear any new tools/items
>so easy, you can buy all the tools/items and not die like an idiot would to such a casual-tier game
>no noteworthy or likable characters
>rehashing of ALttP's overworld, sound effects, music, etc. (pretty much feels like a nostalgia cash-grab, in general)
Don't bother giving me that "BUT IT'S THE FIRST GOOD ZELDA IN A LONG TIME" shit.
Every thread until you like it.

I gotta agree with this, and I did like the game for what it was. Ravio, Hilda and Yuga were the only characters worth a damn, and even then, Hilda is easily expendable.

>Half are opinion
>The other half are lies
Ok then

Where are the lies, friendo?

Of course, life is brighter when you are 6

People share the same opinions. Shocking.

I wish all you 2d Zelda cucksucker would play alundra.

They won't because brand loyalty.

>retread of a link to the past

thats why. LttP is that damn good. Im actually still pissed this wasnt just and hd remake of LttP.

>No new items in the dungeons

Life is even brighter when you awaken sexually and fap to him

old nintendo > nu-nintendo

You didn't even get items in dungeons IIRC. They just appear in Ravioli's shop.

whats alundra?

>item renting
Literally dropped the game after the first dungeon

i broke that game at one of the last dungeons. I somehow made it impossible to escape or go where i needed to. never finished the game and it pisses me off.

enjoy having your hand fucking clawified and cramping all day with the shitty control scheme.

>best entry in years
Oh nintendo fans

It's too simple, only time I died in the whole game wasn't due to combat, but from the lava jump puzzle part, due to shitty camera.

Where the fuck is Sabrina?

>Link to the Past is the best Zelda

>Between Worlds is the sequel to LttP, the best zelda game


>contrarian faggots on Sup Forums now like The Minish Cap and the DS Zeldas in order to trash ALBW
And here I thought the Zelda cycle was limited to the 3D games.

The Minish Cap completely fell apart the instant you got the Roc's Feather. What the fuck.

It's also ridiculously short and easy, has stuff that's random and can be lost forever and doesn't actually have many new characters and locations. But of course that doesn't matter now that it's nostalgic to the underaged population of this board.

Yeah, but it happens late in the game and is just all-around fun item to use.

I disagree. I enjoy dungeoneering for dungeoneering's sake, and besides, there were still things inside the dungeons that weren't just rupees and heart pieces.

It's great but it was too short.
And we'll never see Hilda ever again. ;_;

Because LTTP was a 10/10 title and ALBW is very similar.

Personally, I felt ALBW was much shorter and more linear.

No way man. The game's logic of what you can and can't jump over sucked all the fun the item promised. I wanted TO JUMP. I got some busted weird jump a quarter of the time I wanted it to work.

a dark zelda that is actually bretty gud

You really need an answer to that question?
Albw was a solid 8/10. Compared to the absymal DS games and the insulting skywrad sword, an 8/10 seems like a 10.
That's all there is to it.

Some dungeons like the thiefs hideout and that one where you get the hammer were literally 5-10 mins long.
Yes it was a VERY short zelda game. Especially for veterans.

>Getting all the items right away only serves to make exploring dungeons a lot less satisfying.

This triggers me. Dungeons in these games indeed have special items in them. They're optional and require you solving harder puzzles, but they're even more satisfying because they aren't keys disguised as items.

The tunics, the proper hylian shield and the ores for upgrading the sword were all in the dungeons and felt gratificating as fuck.

>The tunics, the proper hylian shield and the ores for upgrading the sword

The games were shit and Linebeck has nothing to do with it.

You only got upgrades to your equipment, no new items.

Those are permanent, significant, immediate upgrades. Have you even played through the game or you're just memeing?

They're boring as fuck, that's what they are. They don't change the way you play the game, they just make it even easier. Nor do they change the way you solve puzzles, which is crashing into the nearest wall during the whole game.

>reused map
>i-i-it's just an homage
It's shit.

This thread has grown too venomous. It is now a BoTW thread

Opinions on it?

I didn't like the short dungeons and the bland in-game artstyle but everything else was pretty good.

The Desert Palace is one of the best Zelda dungeons in a long while and its music was dope:

I enjoyed this game but I didn't enjoy LttP.

Looks really fun, I am pretty hyped

looks promising, i never got into zelda games but this one got me hyped gonna get the Wii U version

It was kinda neat how the dungeon was in Hyrule, but you fight the boss in Lorule.

I have zero interest in 3d Zeldas.
Especially if Aonuma is in charge.

This so much. Capcom Zeldas are the best Zeldas.
Nothing compares, Ages/Seasons are the apex of the series.

I loved Linebeck, but phantom hourglass was shit. Spirit tracks is way better but still not at the same level of Minish Cap.

Not him but why's that? And you don't think Breath of the Wild is enough of a departure from whatever is that?

I literally just stopped playing oracle of seasons and came on Sup Forums only to find this thread.

I am enjoying the fuck out of the game so far, even though I just started it. I've never played it before, when I was young I had oracle of ages and my neighbor had oracle of seasons.

I got super lucky and got the octorock ring from my first gasha nut. I remember spending forever trying to get it, the moblin ring, and the 8 bit link ring as a kid.

Don't get me wrong these games are great, but the apex? My favorite 2d zelda is link's awakening followed closely by a link to the past.

I'm glad it's trying to be it's own thing and not just ocarina of time electric boogaloo.

Pretty excited to try it out

The "buy your items before entering the dungeon" mechanic is a fresh take on the typical Zelda formula.

I pre-bought it like 2 years ago, so same here
Couldn't agree more.
There's a very small chance something makes it suck (like being No Man's Sky, though it looks promising so far), but at the very least it's NEW

>gasha nut
Haven't played seasons/ages but I didn't know nintendo included gachashit in their games.

Funny you say that, cause there's a possibility that BotW's Link may be the very same Link that got defeated by Ganon during OoT.

I hope there's enemy variety in the game though, maybe it was because it was just a demo but i hope there's not just one or two type of enemies in the whole game. Varied enemies will make combat even more fun, plus i have a soft spot for survival elements such as cooking and crafting, i've seen that you can gather minerals too, if you can smith your own armor and/or weapons it will be amazing.

I enjoyed the freedom. Made going back for hard mode\minimal runs all the better.