I don't really understand the appeal of LP's but holy shit, why is Conan entertaining to watch as opposed to Game Grumps, Two Bestfriends, Rooster Teeth or whoever the fuck else is an e celeb?
I don't really understand the appeal of LP's but holy shit...
Other urls found in this thread:
Because he's a comedian first
Because he's a comedian who's worked his entire career to the entertainment industry, not a fucking autist.
Mostly because it's shorter than your average LP video and he's an old man.
The only bad bit is whomever guest star he has in the recent ones.
The FF one was good, the Gears of War was crap.
Because you like Conan more than the other guys.
As a form of entertainment, Let's Plays rely 100% on the personality of the LPer.
He's a professional comedian, doing this for over 20 years.
The others are shitheads who think they're funny because they made their class occasionally laugh in high school, and now think thats reason enough to pursue a career in entertainment.
Youtubers load up vid after vid for obvious reasons, but because of this, all comedy is forced "loOoOok how much fUN we have!" bull that they get away with due to the autistic nature of videogame enthusiasts & continue with due to the complete lack of effort or difficulty. It's free money and all you have to do is abandon your dignity.
Conan on the other hand, is a professional entertainer. And no, you can't be a professional comedian on youtube alone.
He's a comedian
The appeal of LP's is like having a friend playing with you, it's supposed to feel intimate and friendly.
Conan on the other hand is just a comedian, honestly he's fucking awful.
I liked Clueless Gamer more when they had the bearded chubby guy as his player.
The ones where he's bringing in celeb of the week are so damn weak. You either have some actors shitting on the game they have zero enthusiasm to be playing, or you have guys like Frodo who are suppressing their power level.
The black football players and rappers seem to be the only ones who seem to even get engaged with the damn games.
The developer who was with them got emasculated by conan holy shit, I have never seen a man made more submissive in my life
>well this is the part where we do [insert gay shit here]
>conan absolutely fucking wrecks him
>[stuttering retort attempting to justify the pathetic game]
He knows nothing about vidya and essentially just verbally shitposts every game he 'plays', which is why Sup Forums can relate.
Because you can pick up anywhere and watch an episode and it's decently entertaining for what it is.
You don't have to know anything going in to it, you don't even have to know who the guy with the tiny eyes is, you know everything about him from his demeanour, and it's just constant laughs.
There are no injokes that pander to the exclusively autistic fanbase, no 15 minute long videos with nothing but silent gameplay and a few coughs that gets 400k views soley from above mentioned autists.
If you're referring to the gray-haired guy, he works for Conan and is featured in every episode as a guide for whatever they're playing at the time. Not a SE employee
He plays the awkward nerd that overexplains everything, that's his character. He wasn't a developer.
Because Conan is acting like Conan, that's why.
Watch any video where he visits an area and it's the same thing. Conan goes unhinged and he's a lot funnier than his scripted show, though I still enjoy that.
He's smart and knows what he's doing long story short. He's also very charming and funny so he's likeable.
Because he has the backing of major network editors
Because it's not an lp. Think of it as a TGWTG series with the gimmick of "I don't know what I'm doing" (as opposed to their gimmicks of overly sexual, overly political, girl, or black).
If I were to ever lp unless I was live streaming I would definitely edit to the best parts, there's no reason to waste time watching two autists awkwardly fill time with bad impressions and random singing.
Because his job is literally to be funny, not to be good at games or good at talking about games.
It doesn't take a genious to figure that one out.
>He thinks Conan needs help with that
He used to be a lead writer for the Simpsons when they were good, as soon as he and everyone else left the show sinked hard.
>inb4 the Simpsons were never good
Your a normie faggame grumps is infinitely more funny than conan
>game grumps
Reddit is that fucking way > you goddamn autist
Do you watch good morning america as well grandma?I bet you need coffee to wake up wage cuck.
>I watch e-celebs because I'm a toddler
I'm sorry you consider anyone over the age of 18 an elderly person, son
Because he has talent and charisma
Because he's a pro, just like Arino.
You're a fucking degenerate
Conan O'Brian Parody by Jim Carrey:
because he is a comedian, and actually knows how to be funny and entertaining.
also why GameCenter CX is good too, but the difference is Arino actually likes games as well
Because he's an experienced comedian and knows how humor works, and unlike these other useless imbeciles, he does not forcibly inject HURR SO FAHNNY WATCH ME AND MY ASSBUDDY LAFF AT THINGS THAT ARENT FUNNY TOT RY AND FORCE IT.
Also the fact that he legit does not give a single flying shit about video games and takes the piss out of every single one helps.
Conan is actually funny.
Frodo really should have unleashed his power level on Conan.
I'd have paid to see that.
Bro, watch Game centre CX already, it has the perfect lets play format (like an hour long Conan segment that covers the funny and/or exiting gameplay highlights instead of fucking 10+ hours of drivel with each excruciating continue or banal thought from the letsplayer experienced.
I don't know.
Maybe because entertaining is his actual job as opposed to some nobody on the internet improvising on the role.
breddy gud
Conan is a Harvard educated professional comedian. Those Youtubers are largely uneducated, fat, autistic losers.
Conan is for low IQs.Thats why hes on american TV.British comedy is superior in every way, and early gamegrumps will never be surpassed.
the man was part of the golden era simpsons team, and also worked with the writing staff of arrested development. literally two of the top 5 funniest shows of all time.
are you that surprised that he's more entertaining than a couple of 25-30 year old potheads?
I guess it is because e celebs seem desperate for views/donations/subscribers. Sure Conan is playing games for his job, but it is completely different than the youtuber who depends on youtube for income.
Watch the Conan series where he goes to Korea, it's hilarious
I also have to agree with everyone here, the episodes with Aaren Blayert where much better than flavor of the week celebrity guests
He's a legitimate comedian.
Because those guys are pandering fucks, especially rooster teeth
>British comedy
And you had a good start
Name a good British comedy since Yes Minister.
He ain't chubby any more.
Oh wow how could I forget Blackadder.
he's not LP
I don't watch TV, i read books.
Brittas Empire
Robbaz structures his videos similarly, as in compiling only the best moments, and he's every bit as funny I think. Although I'm not sure how much his sub-par English plays into that.
Please be baiting.
Because Conan doesn't have to appeal to ADD 12 year olds who only watch people if they're screaming and acting like retards.
Because laugh track/audience laughing. Watch this
You probably enjoy grown men shouting loudly into your ears and acting like toddlers
How old are you?
What sort of comedy? Like acting in tv/film or standup? British standup is dire, all we have is fucking Stewart Lee and he's not as good as the NY Comedy Cellar crowd.
Because Conan is a comedian and funny
>Not appealing to the 12 and under age bar.
>No obnoxious memeing.
>He's not trying to be a friend simulator.
>Doesn't shill a video game even if he's payed to play it.
Need I say more?
Thats because he doesn't let's play for 57 hours until the game is finished but the first 1... if at that...
I really like Conan but come on. His game reviews are complete dogshit. Ive seen as many as I can stomach and im thankful Gronk and Marshawn carried his Mortal Kombat one
Because Conan is a professional entertainer whereas YT celebs are just some fat idiots trying to make some pity cash.
Reviews are opinions, not facts
This pretty much also he doesn't scream like a child like most popular streamers I.e. pewdiepie and jackseptice(?)
It's even more funny without the audience laughing. This meme only works if you have actually bad jokes and zero charisma which is not the case for Conan.
The show.
Game Grumps:
>"Shits, farts, dicks, woah, dicks, hooba dooba, *insert 10 minutes talking about their boring live*, dicks!
Truly comedy at it's highest form.
The realist nigga in the game
I've been thinking a lot about this recently. Essentially I came to the conclusion that showmanship is a skill to be practiced and honed like any other. That's why some youtubers are better than others, and also why proper celebs still dominate popular culture.
You figured that out now?
I liked his driving bits better
>tfw that guy is getting pretty fit now
I was a little disappointed with the new GTA.
Really I am. I mean it's like you get to play as three people.
One, a middle aged white guy whose kids are basically caricatures of Lindsey Lohan and Honey Boo Boo.
Two, a wackjob redneck who is half a fag.
Three, a well mannered very logical black gentleman doing his best to face adversity and achieve success despite his circumstances
WHAT THE FUCK? Are white people this guilty that they have to make the black guy the voice of reason in a game about killing and raping bitches? Here I am expecting to play the role of a real street nigga, and here I am playing a character who's a cross between Barack Obama and Will Smith.
Anything on this side of the millinnium, grandpa?
I can tell, because you aren't one.
Now you're just trying too hard, buddy.
Franklin is just a watered down CJ, dont overthink it senpai
people like conan because of the laugh track
>I don't like Conan because he doesn't pretend he's my friend.
There's some shit in amongst this gold.
I checked out an episode of their CDI Zelda playthrough to see if they were better than I remembered. They were not.
>minute long partnership advertisement at the very start of the video
>Danny singing "Looks like you've got a baby penis" to the map screen music, both of them howl with laughter as if this is the very peak of wit, music doesn't even fit with the fucking words
>they belch directly into the microphone just like DSP
You'd have to be a goddamn 10 year old to find this shit funny.
Their target audience is teens with ipads and too much free time, you just grew up
and yet, the rest of the negro cast were shown as thugs, users and criminals. I guess having a single person of color being reasonable and not over the top with stereotypes must've triggered you. sure was some white guilt on display when they made his black childhood friend a dopehead that turns tricks for rocks, and even offers to blow him for practically nothing.
if it makes you feel better, you can make your own darkie ghetto blaster for online play, and live out the fantasy thug life you were hoping for.
>15 storeys high
fuck yeah sean lock is underrated as fuck
>He's a professional comedian
what does that even mean? Did he go to clown college or some shit?
>15 Storeys High
>"A sitcom set in a tower block about pessimistic Vince and his flatmate Errol"
So Peep Show with Sean Lock? I may have to check this out
never got into peep show, but it reminded me of Spaced a bit
most of his videos are not entertaining, unless you laugh easily
it means being experienced in writing jokes, performing in front of a live audience, being able to handling hecklers, etc. he was also a writer for a few tv series, so there's also that.
if you don't like the tag 'professional comedian', just call him a professional entertainer.
He's an actual entertaining person and not some autistic white beta.
>Gears of War was crap
What, don't you like weed?
Because he doesn't take video games super SERIOUSLY OOOOH MAN VIDEO GAMES ARE SERIOUS BUSINESS.
I don't normally watch brit shit if it has nothing to do with Karl Pilkington, but I thought Detectorists was pretty good.
He is you guys.