why is this game so comfy?
Why is this game so comfy?
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Fixing those goddamn checkpoints would make it a whole lot comfier tbqh
That gun wiki article on this game is even comfier
>walk around aimlessly in the game, picking up diamonds along the way
>put on Disintegration
Very comfy indeed. The latter half of the game is comfier because it has more open ground and you're not railroaded into checkpoints as much as the first half.
The world, Africa was a pretty comfy place.
I always like african settings. Whether it's the sand representation of africa or safari jungle type.
Is the story any good?
Gotcha senpai
The only things that could have done with fixing were the weapon degradation time and those god damn checkpoints, they should only have re-spawned after 24 in-game hours, also it was infuriating getting chased by a jeep that could catch up to you when you were going full speed, but I still loved the game.
The feels I get from FC2 are the feels I get from assassin's creed 1, where I see the potential framework for an amazing comfy game where a few tweaks and a bit more meat would make it perfect. AC1 -> AC2 and FC2 -> FC3
I agree that the Africa setting is comfy.
but then
Game is shit like all far cry's except blood dragon.
Can I mod the checkpoints to respawn slower and reduce the speed of weapon degradation?
Was malaria really that big of a problem for people? I've played far cry 2 but when the malaria kicks in I always had an instant means to cure myself and didn't think much of it. Gameplay wise that is.
Do you mean the IMFDB page? I still read that sometimes for a laugh.
My dream game is basically this but way more realistic and with more sort-of RPG elements.
More games set in Africa with merch would be great partially because you could have a huge and incredibly varied selection of firearms and it'd be appropriate to the setting. Modern tech, Cold War leftovers from all over the western and eastern blocs, dirty old relics from WWII, etc.
It's more a case of WHY
Just another thing that could be tweaked to improve overall gameplay, which it was.
Meh. Nothing you really care about, the game just makes you do it.
Ah. Yeah, I can see the why part. It wasn't all to important and just created unnecessary anxiety for explorers.
here go nuts
Not really because there's honestly not much of a story.
You're a merc and you do merc things for people that need merc things done. Doesn't go too much further than that.
>crouching on a dusty outcrop waiting for a weapons convoy to roll by
>Launching an RPG into the heart of them and watching the fire spread
Far Cry 2 has a lot of flaws, but god damn if it doesn't also have a ton of great little moments. Will have to replay it at some point
I can't find any that just reduce weapon degredation or respawn rates, they're nearly all graphics tweaks and realism mods.
it's funny because one of the authors of a popular mod got all uppity and said he straight up wouldn't make a mod that reduced respawn/malaria rates
The degradation is seriously puzzling. I mean it's both funny and stupid, but you can get an unlimited supply of free replacements nearby wherever you are. So it never really matters
I mean was it just not feasible for him to do, or was he actually adamant about not touching two of the worst goddamn things in the game?
Boring story, really good ending
Well that's disappointing to hear.
I hate when people are autistic like this
iirc he said something to the effect of "well why don't you learn to mod instead of asking me all the fucking time" and went on to say he wanted his realism mod or whatever to keep them in.
But now that I've checked the moddb page again it looks like that Jackal mod is what you're looking for famalam
This and STALKER SHOC are objectively the best FPS games ever made. Fact.
To be fair, I always feel sympathetic to mod authors when seemingly all the feedback they get is retards going "HEY COULD YOU MAKE AN ACR" or "HEY COULD YOU DO *X thing that is basically impossible to change*"
I mean yeah that's fair, but he'd be a god among men because apparently zero people have made a mod that just reduces respawn rates and takes out malaria.
Because you seemingly like to get fucked in the ass.
Dont assume this is just as comfy to anyone else.
I never felt so close to other user.
I've never attempted to play it without Dylan's mod.
I wonder how many people have even played the second half? It doesn't strike me as a game people play to complete. Even I just fucked around in it for a few dozen hours and sort of stopped.
I mainly just played through it all because I wanted to get to the second area and unlock the rest of the weapons
In the second area, I mainly just operated off of one of the bigger boats. Felt comfy cruising through the jungle rivers to each mission
>Not setting an IED on the road
>Not shouting ALLAH ACKBAR as you mortar the survivors.
FC2 is baby's first STALKER - this is not a bad thing. Honestly the game could've done with 6 months more devlopment to flesh out the world around you (like fix the predator a.i they ripped out because lions just killed everything). A few more collectibles (but not a collectathon) here and there and a few more weapon upgrades would've gone a long, long way to improving the game.
I still play FC2 occasionally and for all its flaws it is a polished game.
Anyone else play the multiplayer a lot? Escape Wigs Mind was fun.
>decent setting
>nice weapon mechanics
>explore the wild, search for blood diamonds
>driving around on tight, bumpy as fuck side roads in Africa feels like it should
>best wound healing animations
>make friends, call them in by radio to save you if you're dying
>no whiny faggot voiced protag with the most annoying voice ever like in 3
>when you wander off into the wild, you feel alone. When you're sneaking around in enemy territory, feels legitimately dangerous
My only grips is that the malaria missions become so repetitive and they happen pretty much like clockwork, thus ruining any realism they were supposed to add to the game. The experience feels pretty real overall, though. There aren't many games I can say that about.
>Far Cry 3
>antagonist tries embarrassingly hard to be edgy and unhinged
>ANOTHER guard tower
>no sense of danger at any point in the game
>do not care about protagonist or his friends - voiced protag means it doesn't feel as though you're playing as yourself, but some whiny little faggot, and have no emotional investment in his friends
Decent enough gameplay, but what the fuck were they thinking with that game? How did they go from Far Cry 2 to that? 4 was more of the same.
first one was goty
Predator had its moments. I must've spent 100 hours just fucking around in the map editor.
I dunno, I kinda liked 3, mostly because I was with Jason on the "This is cool as shit" phase, only to be brought back by the friend who acts disapporvingly, which really made sense. I knows its kinda meta, but when you start to have fun killing entire guard outposts with nothing but a knife, its kinda fucked up when you consider the character you're playing as.
I love setting, audio, story even but the gameplay is so goddamn tedious and boring everything feels like busywork
If they remade it with some of the gameplay improvements from 3 and 4 I would buy it again
I still can't believe there are hardly any animals at all in the african setting
Cause it's one of the few games where guns can actually jam at random and weapon condition deteriorates after use.
>FC series
>Open world
How do we fix them
Make all gameplay semi-realistic: food, water, sleep, cold.
>"hardcore" mode
The kind of shit that early access titles are made of. That just adds another of inane onto an already boring premise.
>Ditch the standard Ubisoft openworld template. Less online interactivity, less towers, less meaningless collectibles. You fill out the map by exploring and locations only gets marked down if you find directions to it, see it yourself, or an NPC tells you of it.
>Bring back gun maintenance and include deeper weapon modding by letting you juryrig together absolute fucking abominations out of spare parts. Keep it semi realistic though - a normal gun should only NEED repairs after a few hours of regular use, and juryrigged abortions/shit with high wear and tear like miniguns is what needs more frequent care.
>Make fewer guard posts, include more settlements. Offer different rewards for varying styles of approach. Sneak into a enemy held village and risk your life to secure the civilians? You get a nice rep bonus but risk being found. Wipe out the village entirely by raining rockets/mortar on it from a safe distance, starting with the communications array? You don't get the rep bonus, but you don't risk being spotted and the enemy calling in the attack and having other local outposts up their patrols.
>More dynamic and involved AI for both predators and the enemy. Mechanics that let you turn them on eachother, perhaps even being able to capture big game like lions and being able to transport them via a truck to a enemy encampment before setting it loose nearby - just for kicks.
>Include survival shit like disease/thirst/sleep but make it entirely optional.
>More homemade explosives/basic weaponry - the spear/club/etc. combat from Primal NEEDS to be retained, for one, even if it's only circumstantially useful.
>Can place ziplines around and use a grappling hook, allowing you to make your own shortcuts in mountainous areas.
Or at least that's what I want Far Cry 5 to be.
>>Bring back gun maintenance and include deeper weapon modding
Minigame "clear your gun" with field strip.
> villain catches you in the first 5 minutes and just starts quoting Nietzsche and then vanishes
What did he mean by this?
So in other words you want this?
Not again.
Yes, but with good gunplay, a tropical map, and an entirely different tone/atmosphere to Stalker since I'm burnt out on it so hard it's not even funny.
I can see it now
>QTE to clean your FAL
>Press square when it says circle, you get the boresnake stuck in the barrel and can't get it out, or the recoil spring flies out and gets lost or something
Misery, never again
I enjoyed the first iteration, though it had its share of dumb bullshit like nigh-invincible zombies, but after 2.0 I just uninstalled it. Shit was terrible
>arrive in africa, instantly get malariaaids, villain arms dealer catches you and has evul monologue
>recover, go work for two paramilitary factions, but you're covert so both factions will continue shooting at you
>do a dozen missions
>get betrayed by friends
>arms dealer has typical 'I'm a necessary evil, we're not so much apart user!' speech
>blow him up
What happened?
I only used CoC
Good concept but executed poorly.Has some nice technology tb h .
The reason I never really got into STALKER was because the gunplay just feels really unsatisfying. If there was ever a STALKER game with the gunplay of FC2 I'd cream myself
Play CoC with weapon mods.
Not to defend vanilla STALKER gunplay, which is kind of abhorrent, but at least it tries to do something with simulating projectiles, ricochets etc. Far Cry 2 guns are your average no-recoil CoD guns. Functional, but hardly exceptional.
Now here's a better question: how did masterpiece that was original far cry became garbage known as far cry 2?
I'm glad the checkpoints respawned
When I played 3, whole areas of the map would become permanently devoid of enemies after I captured the local pirate bases, and after I'd taken them all there were simply no enemies at all to use all my awesome guns on
Some other things I liked
-The maps all being things you actually whipped out in real time to look at
-The bus stops as fast travel
-Weapon slots being limited by type (I think it was '1 small, 1 primary, 1 heavy and 1 special)
-Fucken IEDs, loved sending the convoys sky-high in big plumes of smoke
-Enemies could be heard saying different things as you progressed and built a reputation
>Oh my god...it's HIM!
>It's not true what they say, he's only a man...It's not true what they say, he's only a man!
That's easy to answer, completely different developers. Plus, FC1 is kind of an accidental masterpiece. It's CryTek's first game, and it shows.
FC3 is a guilty pleasure of mine, but I do absolutely loathe Jason. My biggest gripe with the story is that, after you save Liza (the car chase where you go all "YEAH THAT AWESOME" afterwards), I really thought the game was doing some meta-commentary on FPS games where you're the good guy yet slaughter literally hundreds / thousands of people. From that point on, I fully expected them to just embrace that fact and to take it to its extreme; I wanted Jason to start slowly turning into Duke Nukem, spouting one liners and smoking cigars while you were mowing down a whole village or something. Just increasing violent absurdity.
But no, in the end you're just a douchey white frat boy with totally radical tribal tattoos. Such a missed opportunity
It's true, but just because you're trying to adopt a more physically realistic shooting mechanic doesn't mean it has to feel so bland
I was legit shocked by the final "boss" battle. Even more so when I actually did a euthanize animation on a first-half buddy at the end of that battle.
I'd like to see FC5 take place in some Yugoslavia-like conflict in the 90's, and a return to playing a dickass merc instead of the wannabe hero thing.
aw hell yeah
Sadly it would need some moral message at the end of the plot, or else it'd be a game about being a dick for fun and profit, and we can't have that. No siree bob.
yeah the gunplay is probably the worst part about vanilla stalker games, but that's kind of a non-issue today considering how many superb and stable weapons mods are out for them
I bet (when its released) Gunslinger mod for CoP will be the best far cry game yet.
I found the slots system to be hit and miss. it sucks being deprived of your sidearm just because you want the M79 or IEDs. handguns should be untouchable in shooters like FC. considering a sidearm and ammunition weighs less than 2kg, it should just be a thing you're always able to have, regardless of other equipment
No comrade, don't be crushing hopes like that.
user, every STALKER player knows the gunplay a shit
Most would still recommend playing the games in order of release start to finish without mods first so you can more appreciate the mods you add afterwards, but in my opinion, it's not worth locking your self out of this game play series to listen to that advice.
Honestly, do what you have to to get into this game, because holy fuck STALKER is amazing.
Try starting with Call of Pripyat with Arsenal Overhaul 3, the mod is super easy to install and really all you need for ultimate comfort.
It's the easiest STALKER game by far, but also the most polished, so it's probably a good starting point
After you get your beak wet though, try Shadow of Chernobyl with AMK (But do note: This is a complete and utter bitch to get going, and tough as balls to boot, but when you do get this working, oh dear god is it good)
>Ray of Hope
I didn't ask for these feels
meant for
I'm a little drunk
>The degradation is seriously puzzling.
the game places an emphasis on taking care of your own shit while picking up the half-broken equipment from enemies as a last resort
too bad it didn't allow you to repair your own weapons, which could've been implemented even with a relatively simple 'weapon maintenance pack'-mechanic, but perhaps the reason they didn't do that was due to the fairly extensive animations the game had