What exactly is Tiberium?

What exactly is Tiberium?

I understood it's some alien ore that attract Scrins and self-replicate, but why is it precious?

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>Actual vidya related thread
>Interesting topic
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This is the state of Sup Forums right now, sorry for your loss OP, but nowadays you just get a decent discussion going if you

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I think it was something like "gray matter", some self replicating crystal that turned other material into itself.

I think they call it organic mineral in the games at one point.


It's actually loaded with precious minerals that are just lying on the surface so you don't have to mine them. The only problem is its toxicity and mutagenic properties.

But I never played the Witcher 3?
And who's Matt Matei?

Ha, okay. So it's an alternative way to Dead Space's planet buster thing. That's kinda neat.

Its an organic semi-sentient mineral that Scrin use to harvest mineral resourses from planets. It's also highly toxic and mutagenic, it mutates EVERYTHING, even scrin themselves.

>Tfw never played Witcher 3
>Who's Mike Matei

God damn it user

not video game

Sorry, I'm not big into RPG or e-celeb. I'm mostly into RTS/FPS.


> Command&Conquer.
Like, 90% of neo-Sup Forums never played CnC.

It's explained in the first game how it works bruh

So what's the deal with Kane?

I blindly follow him and would die in his name, but who or what is he? I'm told he's not even actually human or some shit.

What are some cool things you could do with Tiberium?

Basically what other folks have said, it's a living mineral. The reason it's valuable is because it basically vacuums other precious minerals out of the earth around it.

Why did it have to end like this... ;_;

Who the fuck actually played the first games?
I personally started with Red Alert on Playstation, and it was a pain in the ass.

Apparently, he's Cain, and a taxi driver. He's pretty much immortal, and doomed to walk the earth forever for killing Abel. If I got things right anyway.

Shit I forgot my pic

I miss that game too.
the apartment in Santa Monica was cozy as fuck

We'll never know who the fuck he actually is.
You can build World Altering Missile.
But who was that Abel?

Originally I recall it brought into itself all the minerals of the earth, so you had a tight package of everything; iron, gold, rare earth minerals. On the capitalist market, with a near-monopoly of only two players, it sells for a huge amount. Using the money, and the actual tiberium, you fuel your war machine. Other than being valuable as a weapon it's also a super energy source.

>But who was that Abel?
I'm pretty sure every relevant religion has that part about Cain and Abel. Even the kebabs and the merchands.

It's not about religion, Kane was exiled(?) for something.

Dude play the first game
It runs on modern systems through the magic of dedicated fans.
Or just watch the videos on YouTube.

The 3 Abrahamic faiths are literally all the same fucking continuity so of course. Christianity builds on Judaism and Islam builds on Christianity and Judaism.

Kane is Cain, the biblical first murderer. God placed his mark on him so he's cursed to forever walk the earth. That's why he's immortal. He can't die of old age, and heals up every wound. Kane somehow envisioned every major event, and used it for his own aims. He lamented his past, and regreted killing his brother. You can find Abel's tomb in one of the games, under Temple Prime, with biblical text in Hebrew.

He also appears in Red Alert 1 if you win as the Soviets. He set everything in motion so the USSR would be the host for Nod 50 years later. That was later retconned because Red Alert became a huge success, but it was meant to be the prequel to the cnc series so you get a window to the developers' vision.

Also as far as Judaism is concerned, Kane does meet all the criteria for being the awaited Messiah.

>He never got to experience the ant campaign

Sorry, user.

I remember accidentally discovering this as a kid

I already saw the movie. The noises they made gave me nightmares.

Fuck i want to replay Tib Sun over the weekend now.

neo-Sup Forums has played "cnc" their first and last game was red alert 3

I'm personally more of a Red Alert fan. I don't know much about the Tiberium saga.

Alien crystal that drained minerals and other valuable ressources from the ground. Theyy ould then be extracted easilly from a fully formed tiberium crystal.

Over the different games it changed from plant-like fast growing to slow sreading smaller and bigger crystal shards. Leading to the idea of an intelligent evolution or otherwise controlled change.

What were the cactus things spitting out tiberium and the giant plants that raped your unitsand farted death tough?

Oh and the slimes of doom that fucked you up.

>Oh and the slimes of doom that fucked you up.
Visceroids. Basically BADLY mutated biomass.
>cactus things spitting out tiberium
The very first way tiberium invented to spread out. These were nearly extinct by the times of CnC3.


Some impossible matter that converts other matter into Tiberium. Named after the impact point of the first meteor seed; the Tiber river. Used as fuel by Scrin. Good, I want another CnC game

Blossom Trees

Tiberium Veins/Veinholes


Tiberium mutated trees turning them into tiberium seeders.
Organic beings could inhale and be mutated into a visceroid, a lump of unstable tiberium and meat fusion that survived off Tiberium radiation.

In CnC 3 tiberium mutated and began growing under the earth, transforming into a fully crystallized growth that no longer needed organic transmission to spread.
This was a result of tiberium maturing. Blue tiberium is older and less stable, but also much more valuable. Eventually enough blue tiberium would form that it would rupture and release a massive explosion, letting the Scrin know the Tiberium had reached critical mass for harvesting.
Kane lured them in early by tricking GDI into detonating a liquid tiberium bomb, simulating a mature tiberium detonation.

Fucking love the lore of CnC

I guess ill be playing them all again this weekend.

Even after they split the red alert and tiberium universes Westwood still wanted them to be liked as kinda alternate timelines but still linked together.
Originally Yuri was going to end up being one of Kanes followers accidentally sent to the alternate timeline Via Nod fucking with an old Chronospere from Red alert 1

And ea killed it all off for some quick moba bucks.

Wait what? Moba and CnC in the same sentence? Am i missing something?

I tought the whole thing died off for good with 4.

>Implying C&C3 was canon

It was an unexplained alien entity that landed on Earth. That's all it ever should have been. Fucking disgrace they had to add aliens to appease the Starcraft crowd who can only divide by 3.

CnC 4 was originally some kind of moba-rts hybrid seperatly developed for the korean market until ea decided to put a low budget campaign to it and call it a day.

It single handly killed the CnC franchise because it was as terrible as it sounds like.


It will never stop hurting.

Well aliens were kinda hinted at since CnC 2 where you have to defend the alien ship.

But then again i would much prefer inteligent aliens or something less in your face than scrin.


You know, I don't actually like the Command and Conquer games, because the units are way too fragile for my tastes and you always have limited ressources.
But fuck, I like the story, the character, and the setting. If it wasn't for the gameplay itself, I would love it.

Scrin were in Tiberium Sun though. You find their crashed ships.

Didn't Tiberium "suck out" all the valauble materials from the soil or something? I could swear I remember in one of the cutscenes this was explained.

I think it drags them to the surface for an easy harvest. How it determines what's valuable or not is a mystery.

I liked playing as scrin in CNC3 and kane's wrath.

Was fun to play as them while listening to the war of the world's album.

There are also theories that Kane was the roman emperor Tiberius, which is one of the reasons that its called Tiberium.

In Tiberian Sun it is also hinted that he is actually a robot, which is why he doesn't age or die, because he can reproduce himself

I tried to find the White Paper about Tiberium that was commissioned from MIT but I can only find references to it, not the actual text.
Anybody got it.

To be fair, that ship looks little like what we ended up with with the scrin bug like faction.

Tiberium is a living radioactive rock that digs into the earths crust and absorbs all of it's materials or somthing.

In why it's used as a resource is because it effectively does the mining for us. All we have to do is collect it and break it down yo

Here is the actual cutscene explaining tiberium. It starts at 6m52s

I believe that ship was retconned into being a Nod experiment or some shit using 'technology' taken from some mystery cube or some shit

These exposition cutscnes have a really strange atmosphere. The one at 26:05 is eerie as fuck.

Kane is some kind of alium that looks like crashed on the Earth a long fucking time ago: he mentions that he saw humanity living in caves. He most likely was a god-figure in many cultures and controlled the governments since the very beginning, pushing the humanity forward. He's not the representation of Cain, he is the Cain. Scrins know about him, but the game doesn't elaborate on it. When he could finally leave the Earth in CnC4 he does this without second thought.

It was, originally. It was later retconned to be a Scrin ship. Tacitus is definitely alien though, so there's a huge chance that even during Tiberian Sun Westwood thought of the ship as being an alien tech, but made by Nod

>Scrins know about him
Mmmm? That raises a lot of question about the Scrin's role in Cain's life.

youtube.com/watch?v=GUqr9iBs_50 around 8 mins in.

basically a leach like plant that crystallizes minerals in easy to access collection ground scab things, same things as a plant with with fruit. cept more cancerous

the opening of command and conquer 1 says that it has alot of valuable minerals in it.

>Who the fuck actually played the first games?

Fuck off and die cunt, first game is best

That's an odd way to spell Tiberium Sun

It seems that only the Overlord, the Scrin leader, knows who he really is. It's not exactly clear whether he orders a full scale invasion because of the mining operation failure or because he's interested in Kane, but, as we know, EA was not interested in continuing the Scrin storyline in CnC4. Maybe it's for the best.

It's Tiberian Sun

That shit would have blown my mind and got me super hyped for a crossover game if I had heard it as a kid

And since the NOD fucked off, the GDI will find itself alone against the Scrin.

>Originally Yuri was going to end up being one of Kanes followers accidentally sent to the alternate timeline Via Nod fucking with an old Chronospere from Red alert 1
I'm using that as my headcanon from this point on. Soviet ending leads to Tib universe, Allied ending leads to RA2.

I don't remember the Tiberium games having psychic humans.

Tiberian Dawn isn't it?

>Kane was the roman emperor Tiberius
I thought it was because the first meteorite containing the alien substance fell in the Tiber river

I tought you were talking about Tiberium dawn tough.

I will expand on it by saying that Yuri wasn't just a follower, but Kain's creation due to loss in the war. So he heads back in time, using chronospehere and somehow incapacitates Kain that is still in the hiding. Then he becomes the Romanov's right hand

>because he's interested in Kane
It's this, see the last cutscene in Scrin campaighn.

>I thought it was because the first meteorite containing the alien substance fell in the Tiber river

Yeah this is mentioned in the Tiberian Dawn manual

>I thought it was because the first meteorite containing the alien substance fell in the Tiber river
Which was named after Tiberinus Silvius that nearly drowned in it. The original name is Albula

What with Westwood and their boner for bald men?
And for raping their own franchise?

Why do people hate CnC 4 again? The artstyle is awsome!

>raping their own franchise?


>red alert 3
The worst game in the series with 4.


If I remember correctly it works as an energy source, like petroleum on steroids.

It definitely was but it had some cool ideas.
>place a few fully upgraded chrono bombs in base
>freeze them with cryocopters
>chronosphere them directly into the enemy base
>as soon as they get shot by autofire they all detonate
From memory there was a lot of outside the box tactics you could use

I miss Command and Conquer General.
They had giant trucks carrying FUKHUEG missiles. Everyone is about the Kirovs, but the missiles launchers are better.


RA2 had V3s. Trucks that launched missles bigger than they were

Tiberium is a dense "dynamic proton lattice" held together by exotic heavy particles. When Tiberium comes into contact with other matter, the heavy particles randomly collide with the nuclei of the target matter, smashing it to pieces (in the case of smaller nuclei) or incrementally knocking off protons or neutrons (in the case of heavier nuclei). Tiberium captures a fraction of the protons that are ejected during this collision process and incorporates them into its own structure, thus transmuting matter into more Tiberium. Whenever one of the heavy particles—a muon or tauon—collides with an atomic nucleus, fission occurs, which results in the production of alpha, beta, and gamma radiation as well as other forms of electromagnetic radiation (like infra-red). During the transmutation process, nuclei that Tiberium has come into contact with may be changed into nuclei with different (usually fewer) numbers of protons or neutrons.

I loved these.
But if I remember right, each faction in Gnerals had missiles launchers.
And reliable way to get money even after all the ressources depots were exhausted.



>tfw can't find my CnC games
Found the original and RA1 but I can't find the First Decade, really want to play TibSun now

It was cancelled.

We need a sequel. One that is even more politically incorrect.

Wasn't that the one where they released a few trailers and gameplay and it was received negatively so they said they would put it on the backburner and try something else later? Or did they just say that it was never happening?

This game always had great atmosphere but it was never as fun as SC or RA2 or is that just me?

I liked RA2 but the game had many flaws when it came to AI or distance calculation. Or balance.

You should have seen the Westwood's concepts for C&C 3.

The thing is... Tiberian Sun was even worse.

Never played Tiberian Sun, but I remember very well playing RA2 Yuri's Revenge and having a soviet conscript shooting my gatling turret but not getting shoot at because he was at the exact vertical.

I'm still mad about it.

The one that got canceled and replaced by a facebook-tier cashsink browsergame.

It's dead, senpai.

>tfw nothing will match RA1 in ambience
RA2 is a great game and all but I never liked the cartoony story. RA1's dark, hopeless atmosphere is still much more compelling.