>Only a few more days until shitposters get blown the fuck out by based Tabby and the masterpiece that is Final Fantasy XV
Only a few more days until shitposters get blown the fuck out by based Tabby and the masterpiece that is Final Fantasy...
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My body is ready.
He looks like Pepe
Is there any news about new game+?
Like true ending or some other content besides keeping your level and item.
Fuck I wanted to shitpost but I have to say this: the music is absolutely fantastic
Listen here from 3:20
>those graphics during the cutscene with the stupid sword cape shit flying around
shit was fucking hilariously bad
No one has touched NG+ yet I think. Though the official guide does say it has one.
Why did you ruined my game?
There is one, but no details on what carries over yet.
>needs to sell 10 million copies to be successful.
>FF7, the companies biggest release ever, which came out at the height of JRPG popularity, took 20 years to sell 10 million copies.
It could literally be the greatest game of all time and it's still fucked.
maybe it'll crack that when it releases on pc
>tfw got this, The Last Guardian and Gravity Rush 2 for free on PSN
>tfw I love Shadow of the Colossus and Gravity Rush but have never played FF before
>tfw indifferent if it bombs or not
I guess I kinda want it to tide me over until The Last Guardian comes out.
Some people who finished the game said they have no idea how NG+ works. I guess we'll find out once the guide is out.
Oh, you mean the platform where most people won't even touch a game if they can't pirate it? I'm sure that's gonna make up for 20 years of sales.
Pic related
we've already seen the whole game tho, that spanish guy posted it all and Sup Forums went batshit for a whole day before they took the video down.
> the guide isnt shipped out to you until december 6th-9th
Didn't see that. Was it any good in your opinion?
look i get where youre coming from as a consolefag mad about losing exclusives, it sucks, believe me but you gotta look at the cold hard sales figures
game like gta5 sold 5.5 million copies, in just a year of being available on pc
well that's yoko shimomura for ya, music is never disappointing with her
Sup Forums will still hate it, regardless of how well it does...
That was on sales for like 1$ fuck off.
Have you not learnt from the past 8 FF games?
I shit you not, this is the game running in my PS4 Pro...
Blaming tabata.... user.
i have it already, it's actually the most generic RPG i played in years
madman tofu is streaming in his youtube channel
Wasn't there a thread similar to this for No Man's Sky? Do people still really preorder shit?
I don't get this shit, even if the game is open world, you can still do tricks that make the backgrounds look more detailed than they are, its not like you can go everywhere in this game anyway, so why make it seem like its a true open world instead of pseudo open world?
Yea, me too, it's actually the best RPG I have ever played.