Cool your fucking shit, Sup Forums. I'm not a SJW, I'm just curious is all

What are some games with a political and social subtext that subverts the traditional roles of gender, class and race? Are there any games that challenge mainstream attitudes, beliefs and customs? It doesn't have to be too edgy. Basically, gimme some games are character-driven instead of plot-driven and the characters need to be morally ambiguous instead of boring white knights vs. unabashedly overlord fags.

Hard mode: no Playstation cinematic bullshit

go play your gone homo, faget

You're not going to get an answer here. Anything that questions the cultural status quo is met with shit flinging.

I've already been told to fuck off by Sup Forums, /lgbt/ and Sup Forums


fire watch?
last of us remastered dlc?
fuck if I know they're not real games

the game isn't meant to be driven by the characters, the characters are meant to drive the plot

Speaking of faggy bullshit, anyone here know of any H-games where you get to fug some traps?

Metroid would probably be the first as the girl twist was pretty big at the time. Not much else to the story unless you want to overread allegories

Lots of games with political stories but they make them so boring it's hard to care, FFXII comes to mind and the only reason I say it has a political story is because that's the only good thing people say about the story i wouldn't know.

Metal gear games might qualify, nearly all the characters are outsiders of some sort with plenty of mental issues and there are at least attempts at deconstruction if not handled the best way. The metal gear part of the story is obviously very political driven down to the "nukes are bad" that I'm pretty sure every game said at some point like geez we get it Japan maybe don't try to take over the world next time

Bayonetta is a game where the hero is a foul-mouthed hypersexualized murder-witch and the enemies are noble, graceful, puritanical angels

And I don't mean in the "tell it from the villain's point of view" kind of way where Bayonetta is actually the bad guy even though you play as her.

dark souls

Anything with a trap, then? Dangan Ronpa? Katherine? I'm not sure what you're looking for.
Metroid being a girl underneath her armor was a plot twist back in the day, but a sudden jab at the ass end :^) of a story-light game probably isn't what you want.
Anything where the poor villager ends up getting power for basically no reason at all. Elder Scrolls?
What roles of race are we talking here user? I'd love to hear it. I'm sure they're not your words at all user. I don't think you're racist, I'd just like to hear about these roles that each race has and doesn't stray from. Go ahead user :^)

A plotline doesn't really have to be deep to take shots at things we consider normal. If it's tacked on at the surface, it still technically fits your bill, which is honestly a bigger problem than whatever you want to, uh, "challenge."

If you really wanna know what some random writer thinks about what behavior's "mainstream" now I really wanna know what you think about racial roles user :) :) :) maybe you should just read some poetry instead?

Fuck off degenerate.


Fuck off, faggot. Kys.

I know just the game for you
not an argument

Not that guy but I'll respond with my opinion because why not

Race as a biological concept doesn't really exist, the environmental adaptations commonly associated with racial divides have nothing to do intellectually and behavioral disparities between "races" (more aptly called ethnicities) are attributed to external, cultural and societal factors rather than internalized, inhernet biological differences.

rather than internalized, inhernet biological differences

>What are some games with a political and social subtext that subverts the traditional roles of gender, class and race?
>Are there any games that challenge mainstream attitudes, beliefs and customs?

Sure, keep posting 1800s "science"
Not like anything I say will change your opinion anyways

abbos are literally apes

>political and social subtext that subverts gender
>challenge mainstream attitudes, beliefs and customs
>games that are character-driven instead of plot-driven, morally ambiguous
Tales of the Abyss.

I don't really think S;G is a good example for the first one, and it's not a game anyway.

You're asking for a bunch of different things but first thing that comes to mind is Witcher 2 in terms of a morally ambiguous villain as well as MC and bringing up some race, class, gender and minority issues with all the outsiders trying to build their own city.

Persona 4 tackles ideas of gender identity, the blue wall in police forces, sexism in the police force, homophobia, confused sexual development in teenage years, the cost of modern big-business in smaller towns, and the tendency for individuals to lie to themselves to protect their own world-views and esteem.

Persona 3 covers the effects of divorce on children, accepting one's death and the sense of value one has before passing, bullying in school systems, accepting that talent doesn't make for the correct life style, and a general desire that many individual's have for everything to simply end or just to give up.

Silent Hill 2 dives into repressed sexuality, the suffering an individual goes through when staying with an ill partner, and the effects of childhood abuse.

Bioshock has a world based around concepts like the impact of true scientific freedom, creating a society focused entirely on making your own success, and the hypocritical nature of advising freedom in art and science but then censoring what offends you.

Those are just a couple off the top of my head. Nothing that focuses on giant contemporary political or social themes necessarily, but they all tackle issues common in society.

There's one with art by Cannabis, but it's not translated.

Hey that's what I think too.

It's pretty hard to challenge the fact that even the ones trying to protect groups are still stuffing them into cultural roles. You could just remove them from their ethnicity's culture, like Redguards, but nobody thinks that's actually a message rather than lazy writing.

>sexism in the police force
Its called reality


Thats an odd request user. You left no parameters.

I mean, i could just say Tekken as a series.

The main protagonists are powerful, morally ambigious gangsters. The cast is diverse it has women and men from many nations. Homegrown japanese, korean, caucasians, blacks.

I mean unlike Tekken that put the JUSTICE warriors at the forefront, tekken elected to have its main band of canon protags be people who are not neccesarily very good people.

At least you aknowldge it exists.

>boring white knight

Yeah, degenerate urban good for nothings are more fun

Path of Radiance treats furries as worthy of respect instead of degenerate trash like they should be.

>I want a character-heavy game focusing on identity politics and challenging the mainstream view rather than one that focuses on being a good fucking game
>But don't suggest cinematic bullshit

>no Playstation cinematic bullshit

That's likely %100 of games where cinematics are introduced.

Otherwise, the complaint is "but there's next to no story."

>which is not a problem if gameplay is really what you want anyway

Otherwise: "this story is problematic, it encourages [insert bullshit complaint here]"

With the underlying thought process of both being "without a reason, why am I [insert gameplay element here]?"


Cinematics: Fable
Non-cinematic: Micro Machines

>inb4 but that doesn't include what I was asking for

And this is someone saying to you that those elements of games should be completely irrelevant if you actually want to play games.

Otherwise, you are, indeed, spouting the exact same spaghetti-logic SJW's use to negate everything good about games (the gameplay itself).

I want Sup Forums to leave