What went so wrong?


Ubisoft, EA, and ActiBlizz are all cancer and anyone on Sup Forums who gives them money should feel fucking awful about themselves.

Honorable mention to Bethesda.

Siege and division are good though. Unity is like a 7. Other two aren't good though.

>Unity the broken piece of shit is a 7

>Siege and division are good though


AC Unity is what 2 should have been, shame that the bugs ruined everyone's perception of it


i'll never forgive EA for all of the perfect studios and series they slaughtered

huh, something changed?

>shame that the bugs ruined everyone's perception of it
yes, we should disregard the game being a broken piece of shit because it might've been good, instead of the broken piece of shit it is

You never played it.

Siege is, Division isn't
At least, it wasn't when I stopped playing like 6 months ago
is it good now or what, i heard 1.4 made it good but i dont wanna redownload it and be dissapointed.

>yes, we should disregard the game being a broken piece of shit because it might've been good, instead of the broken piece of shit it is

They fixed the bugs, you know.

These are all fucking shit, what are you talking about?

Ubisoft was never good.

Far cry 2 was a pretty bad game. But i guess standing next to primal its somewhat 'better'

FC2, AC2 and WiC sucked.

No, retard, I think what this user is trying to say is that the game was well designed but got shat on because of engine bugs.

>what went so wrong?
Their shitty fucking developing method.

Instead of having a team in one building working on a game, Ubisoft has people all over the world working on it, it's not that they outsource stuff to different companies, that's literally how they make their games.

This is why so many Ubisoft games feel similar, because they literally have a blueprint for how they make these games.

Siege is better than all those games in the top row, mate.



ass creed was always shit.

>far cry 2

Jesus Christmas

>Unity is what 2 should have been

A broken, shitty mess with awful multiplayer, forgettable story, forgettable main character, slightly improved combat, French Revolution setting and un-inspired soundtrack?

Only Rogue and AC3 are worse than Unity.

Far cry 1 is still the GOAT of the series but that game wasn't Ubisoft, it was Crytech

> - Josh
My flanks

>learn up

>A broken, shitty mess with awful multiplayer, forgettable story, forgettable main character, slightly improved combat, French Revolution setting and un-inspired soundtrack?

The extremely scripted mission design of 2(and most of the games afterwards) is enough to put Unity far ahead of it. And you actually think 2 had a good story? Sure, it had one or two good characters, but you really defend the structure of that story?

Unity, Siege and The Division are fucking good tho you moron. Vegas 2 is Gears of War tier shit, Farcry 2 is completely unfinished and nobody even remembers or wants more WiC.

Siege is great.
I bet you haven't even played it and are just jumping on the hate bandwagon.

I feel like even Valve has turned down this path now. They don't give a shit about their games unless they're making them money.

The only company I see not being a money hungry whore is Blizzard. At least they update Overwatch with shit to hopefully fix heros and they still update WoW every now and then, and that game is 12 years old.

>the best decisions are always made with a diverse group of minds, not necessarily a talented or passionate one
yes, diverse opinions help decision making be less biased, but it's not supposed to REPLACE talent and passion, that's how you fucking get two watch dogs

their teams are now mostly made up of diverstiy highers and all the talented white men got replaced by feminists and black people

Ubisoft and Activision are jews, but they're not on the same level as EA.

You should have put Raven Shield or something instead of Vegas. Vegas 2 is complete trash and Siege is a thousand times better than it.

>nobody even remembers or wants more WiC.
Yeah, they only made 3 quasi-sequels and an expansion, retard.

They're all mediocre though.


>not jews

Sure, user.

Consoleized trash and other assorted garbage
Complete garbage nobody remembers two weeks after release

From bad to worse.

Was Far Cry 2 good? I only ever played 3.

My understanding of the series is that each game is a very slight iterative improvement over the previous one, except Primal which is shit and Blood Dragon which is pretty well liked.

Call of Juarez and World in Conflict are not by Ubisoft

The fucking top picture is more diverse than the bottom. I can see two white women, a black guy, an asian chick in the top one. The second one is just a sea of white cunts.

>division is good though
You can't be that deluded. This is coming from someone that really wanted the game to succeed, have a nice shoot and loot on the PC but m8.

the game is fucking garbage

I've bought every assassins creed game, every far cry game, the division, both watch dogs games and every splinter cell game

and I don't feel awful, I feel great

also I bought and played all the rainbow six games and they were good too, as well as the rayman games

I bet ubishit memers are the same people who go on about skyrim all the time