The game is on sale and I am thinking of buying it. Fill me in is the game worth getting? What are the issues with it...

The game is on sale and I am thinking of buying it. Fill me in is the game worth getting? What are the issues with it, just how bad is the grind now, since I heard they nerfed the income of every single thing should I fear the devs increasing the grind even further to "expand the content"

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As a long time backer, I had to quit. The word I would pick is monotonous. Its great for the first few hours, but it quickly becomes a game of watching numbers decrease.

Supercruise (Faster then light travel) quickly becomes a chore once you figure out how to not overshoot your target. Once you get bored of trading you realise just how little there is to do.

Overall, If I could get my money back, I would,

It's a Kickstarter scam. Wants to be a MMO, but is literally dead (less than 0.2 % of the playerbase is active).
They promised a ten year plan, but development already stalled, because Planet Coaster sells better.

>As a long time backer, I had to quit. The word I would pick is monotonous. Its great for the first few hours, but it quickly becomes a game of watching numbers decrease
That is somewhat my concern. I have a great itch for a game like that because I want to enjoy some supercruise and comfy warping. But I am afraid that all I really want form the game is an experience that will wear thin in a day or two and that isn't quite worth the dosh when the game after that becomes just a grind with no goal.
How much stuff aside from "grind to get a better ship" can you do? Is there any story, fun missions, stuff to do with other people online?


The travel between systems is the most boring-annoying fucking thing I have ever played in a video game in my life, and I've played a lot of fucking video games.

With as few as 3000 players online in a Milky Way sized galaxy, the whole MMO concept makes no sense.
It's a VR tech demo, not a proper video game.

What if we nerf every single income source in the game again? Would that made it better?

And empty space procgen doesn't need online or money at all.

>Fun Missions
Maybe now? I'm not sure. I ran a mile when I saw they were charging the base games price for the expansion.
>Stuff to do with other people online
There has been a slew of updates to this, including "Wings" and PvP.

> I am afraid that all I really want form the game is an experience that will wear thin in a day or two

It will.

-Top notch immersion, especially when it comes to space stations.

-It's one of the most boring games I've ever played.

>Is there any story, fun missions, stuff to do with other people online?

Nope. Nothing. The "missions" are all basically just Space Euro Truck Simulator, figuring out where to buy the resources someone requests that you bring them, traveling there and coming back. There's a combat aspect to E:D, but the stakes are so fucking high that I never bothered to learn how that works. Who wants to die, and lose probably days' worth of grinding for a ship/cargo? Even then, it's just mind numbing space travel to combat missions.

Just figuring out how to even get somewhere is a huge fucking process, too.

Wait for the GOTY edition at least.
Last-minute-before-release-backer here, I got a small, maybe 10% discount? Now I gotta pay for the P2W content that actually gives you something to do (for a few more hours)

nothing to do
very few boring (or downright broken) missions

i wanted to like this game but it's just boring

>Wait for the GOTY edition at least.
Will never come. Once that shit stops selling, they will shut down the servers, a few hundred autists will sperg out about and that's it.

Do not buy this game. There is literally nothing at the end of the tunnel, its 100% grind and you will end up regretting it all.

I'm geniunely happy Sup Forums doesnt shill this shit anymore
such potential to be first person EVE squandered
that's all we want, a comfy first person space ship game with EVE's player driven universe

What are some good games to satisfy my itch for supercruise/warp from system to system?

no mans sky

y-ye best be joking

Try Rebel Galaxy. Indie game thats similarish to Elite but its not hot garbage.

Gameplay design disaster

>I payed $60 for this and then pushed myself to keep playing because of my buyers remorse
>I have 239 hours
>In this boring ass game
>The best ship I ever got was a Vulture
>In 239 hours

Part of it is because I just didn't give a fuck, but the other part is that the game is a grind, and I didn't grind very hard. Even still, I should've had at least a Python after 239 hours after how much grinding I did.

I put in 30 hours playing blind and didn't make it past a Cobra.
30 hours is when I finish a proper game's campaign at the end of the tech tree.
Without googling through wiki forums how to get basic shit done.
This is not a video game, it's David Braben's skinner box.

wasn't that what you guys said Q1 2015, "ithey gonna shut servers at summer", "there's never going to be planetary landings" and that i should wait SC as star marine was just weeks away?

Frontier is publicly traded company and Elite is a subscription game in disguise. Paid by DLCs and cosmetics.
When nobody buys Elite shit anymore, they have to shut down their servers to cut losses. They are legally obligated to put their shareholders first.

To be fair Star Marine is just use flicking our taped up arms begging for a hit.
It's going to be pretty sweet for a couple of weeks but that's still not a long term solution.

The game suffers from MMO style economic systems and balance without any of the fun shit you can do in MMOs

If you want to grind credits for hours on end to upgrade your ship so you can do it faster, it your kind of game, but the combat is shallow and boring on the PVE side of things and the game lacks any PVP systems what so ever, on top of being easy to cheese PVP

>Planetary landings

$60 DLC that gives you litterally 0 content was fucking mind boggling

>Looks fantastic
>Sounds fantastic
>Solid PVE combat

and literally everything else is a gigantic clusterfuck of terrible ideas and an autistic playerbase

>more grind than a korean MMO with no real sense of progression past the early game
>playerbase is evenly split into minmaxing turboautists who kill starting players and call it "roleplaying" and minmaxing turboautists who exclusively grind trade routes in solo
>solo players can affect the online gameworld and there's nothing anyone can do about it
>devs keep pushing out meaningless, terribly balanced content that no one bothers with anyway instead of fixing any of the issues with the game
>devs refuse to listen to the few parts of the community that aren't retarded
>devs do listen to the whining autists on the forums
>the whining autists on the forums complain about anything that reduces grind or makes the game less boring
Don't spend a cent on it. Maybe in like 3 years they might have enough content that they don't have to stretch it out behind hundreds of hours of grind but I kinda doubt it

>Solid PVE combat
>Lasers and circle strafing

>but the stakes are so fucking high that I never bothered to learn how that works. Who wants to die, and lose probably days' worth of grinding for a ship/cargo?

Now, I'm probably wrong too, but isn't the insurance premium to replace your ship if it gets blown up almost nothing?

Depends on your ship

If you're in a large ship the insurence cost is about 2-3 hours of cred grinding

Not to mention that they fuck up the powerplay mechanics/situation in a brand new way every other week

>he doesn't fly FA off
flying small ships with fixed projectile weapons and FA off on with a headtracking setup is one of the few actual fun things to do in the game, and it's the only reason why I even have it installed anymore

It's just EVE style credits payout, which is pretty bad to be honest considering you got no gurantee a replacement hull is available near you, let alone the gear.

Star Citizen's method is better to be honest, you get free replacement that is physically shipped to your hanger, with a delay based on scarcity, distance from insurer to client and number of claims on a single policy. Extend that to gear and you can have all your shit back within 10 minutes or so.

It's like 5% of your ship's value. Now for a ship like mine, that's about 40 mil, but you can fairly easily get that by grinding powerplay till you get 10,000 merits and every week you get 50 mil for maintaining 10k

Do not buy this game. You will just regret it later.

This post is literally what Frontier Dev's strategy seems to be as far as """"improving"""" the game goes:

I have own the game for a year and have over 150 hours in it, and I want to stress that I REALLY, REALLY wish I could play this game more as it is THE MOST atmospheric and immersive space flight sim game ever made (although I haven't tried Star Citizen yet).

And that is what makes the massive negatives and the retardation of Frontier Dev so much more infuriating rather than just a thought of "oh the game was complete shit anyways!" is it could be GREAT.

But besides what the artists did with the game, the other devs, probably mostly the upper management keeps making the game useless, not fun to play, and boring as fuck where nothing you do matters.

As far as content, yeah, you always hear there is nothing to do, and it definitely has LESS content than Star Citizen (even though not yet released) despite Elite Dangerous been through a long early access and officially released for over 2 years now.

HOWEVER, that is not to say there isn't a ton of stuff to do in Elite Dangerous, because there is a lot of variety and stuff to do in Elite Dangerous. THE PROBLEM is that NONE of all that variety of things to do is WORTH doing in as far as a time spent vs reward you get out of it.

And whenever they do put in something different to do that is actually worth doing (like they just did with passenger missions) where it was worth doing for the money you get, they said "OH HEY YEAH NAH WE LOOKED AT OUR BALANCING AND THESE REWARDS ARE TOO MUCH SO WE GONNA NERF THIS SHIT SO YOU DON'T WANT TO DO THIS NEW CONTENT WE JUST MADE FOR YOU"

Literally the most retarded fucking devs I have ever seen in any dev group ever (except maybe No Man's Sky).

It's an "MMO" that uses a Peer2Peer connection limited to 32 people per instance.
Civilized space doesn't even operate on a functioning economy. Shit just magically happens.

This "game" is the biggest blunder I ever bought in 23 years of PC gaming.

>PVE combat
>Anything but a credit grind
>using small ships

I guess if you enjoy playing their stupid arena mode sure, but the combat of the core game is pretty awful.

Seconding this. It's a small game made by two ex-blizzard guys, but it has a lot of character and the combat is fun as hell.

>8 years later
>no one has made anything better
>no one has made anything even remotely as good

Starsector is kinda getting close.
New update soon(tm), featuring an economy based playstyle.

I mean it's only 2D management part but X's space flight wasn't a very good part of it

Don't buy it.

Buy a starter package for star citizen, the alpha has more content then elite dangerous has gotten since 2 major updates and one $60 DLC

David Braben has the most boring 'vision' of any game designer i've ever seen, its an MMO without any reason to interact with other players, that claims to be a single player game yet has zero single player merits (Story, player progression, ect.)

Its a giant sight seeing simulator designed entirely for hotas, the combat sucks, the quests suck, the economy sucks, the PVP sucks, the game has nothing going for it

You're better of getting space simulator or any other space game that has come out in the past 15 years then this hot garbage.




Not that user but if you do seriously think about buying SC, wait till tommorow/tonight. They have a "grand finale" sale and while I'm 80% sure it's just going to be ALL the sales rolled into one, last anniversary you could get the Star Citizen + Squadron 42 combo for just $20, so just wait a bit and see.

>$60 dollar DLC

just play EVE

>$60 DLC that lets you drive around on a planet and little else

I like it in a comfy af space euro truck sim kind of way. It's good to play if you just want to zone out and do something brainless for a few hours and listen to a podcast

Correction: Saturday (pacific time) is the finale.

For singleplayer, get evochron legacy. For MMO purposes, maybe play EVE since it's now f2p.

What's this I'm hearing about "vision"?

David Braben is the Chris Roberts of Elite Dangerous

Except Braben's mindset is set in the 80s when it comes to game design.

I'm going to be honest. It gets boring as fuck pretty quickly. But I love it anyway.
I feel like the boredom is in a way appealing to me, because it's more or less realistic. Space is fucking huge, so it makes sense that other people are very scarce in there. (Combat is really fun tho imo)

All in all, I'd say this game is a grind, and nothing but a grind, but because I fucking love space, I love this game.

I'm quite close myself. Aw yisss..

It's a bit disheartening how much the forumdads suck up to Braben and resist all change. There was a huge fight over the ship shuttling service that allowed you to spend a credit fee and wait for your ship to arrive from another station.
Holy shit

I'm just glad more people are interested in reviving the space sim genre. There's always room for more games, and I wish them all the best.

I guy who never played Elite here, and one who regards Freelancer as one of his most favorites. Can anyone please tell what Elite Dangerous has in common with Freelancer?

This is yet another retarded thing about Elite Dangerous though:

>Can go to find blackholes, even the supermassive one at the center of the galaxy
>blackholes can't pull you in and you literally can't kill yourself with one even if you wanted to
>impact warning for planets and stars
>can't actually run into them
>find white dwarf stars
>can't actually kill yourself with the massive energy jets

you fly around in space
that's it

Commander Lambda Sixteen, follow docking protocols and head to the designated landing pad.

>Keep making space simgames
>Only ever fly fighter

bitch I want to command a capital ship

>and little else
like engineers and crafting, passenger missions, ship launched fighters and still 2 updates remaining.

So there is going to be a big sale on Saturday for Star Citizen?

Why is it called a grand finale sale? Are they releasing the game soon...?

I've been really close to buying Star Citizen recently, especially after I ragequit Elite Dangerous YET AGAIN when they nerfed the money you get from passenger missions.

But a sale would seal the deal for me and I'll finally break down and get it.

>they nerfed the money you get from passenger missions.
it was a bug and it's already fixed.

Pretty much this. I really want a space game where I can pilot a huge fuck capital ship instead of MAYBE large fighters.

Shit, I got this game for free and I still want my money back

Same here.

The crazy thing is, they did something no one else dared: they continuously gave the game more features. Yes, not just pointless recolored content, actually brand new features. But each new feature requires associated content, like say, you add a feature so that players can land on planets and drive around in rovers. That's totally awesome. Sure, but there's only one rover, it uses the same weapons as ships, and there's like 2 things you can run into.

Each new feature is like you press a button that has you literally go "WOW SO FUCKING AWESOME", but no matter how awesome, it doesn't do anything more than that. If they gave it mod tools, the game would be content complete in a week. But no, they won't do that, because they never made such a big title before, and they have no idea how to handle it.

Also they have no fucking idea how to handle an online community, and it's been killing it from the start. They failed to realize there are always retards praising your only move, and that it's not because some people are happy that what you do is good. They failed to listen to the ones actually complaining for valid reasons, and there's shit that has yet to be fixed since the beginning.

Basically, absolutely huge potential and unforgettable moments. But only a single moment per feature.

Does SC actually have a plan for how the whole system is going to work. I don't know much aside from what they said initially and I don't know how much the playerbase has changed that.

Black holes aren't dangerous until you get close to them

Yes they are supermassive, but if you're outside of their hazardous gravity well then its not a problem

Except for engineers the rest of those don't require the DLC.

The DLC was hot trash, and engineers means the game is pay 2 win, especially since all engineers is is a giant RNG time sink to min-max your laser damage output.

Your post is basically why I uninstalled and threw it into the unclassified pool of my library.

The future update where you will walk around in space stations and have FPS combat sounds fucking awesome. I totally want to be a Han Solo, chilling in space bars and shit...
But it's probably going to be a bunch of empty mechanics without any substance, just like planet landings...

It'll probably be super immersive, but after two hours I'll just go "wait... there's still nothing to do, though..."

This is what Star citizen is trying to do.

this could have been freelancer 2 if they are not braindead

What system?

There is actually a fucking ton of games that allow you to control cap ships.

Now, if you are talking about space games that are cap ship but FIRST PERSON, there is none, but that is the game I MOST want.

There is a game in dev although probably vaporware after the failed kickstarter (meanwhile literal trash gets funded via it):

This was my dream game and it might never get finished...

Supposedly in the final game you wouldn't even be allowed an external view. You can only view stuff from where ever you go in the ship, which I would actually love that because that is what would really make a cap ship game feel real.

It's a week-long anniversary sale, the anniversary being the completion of the original Kickstarter crowdfunding goal after one month.
It doesn't really mean as such except for the legal "no backsies" closure from Kickstarter that they now secured enough money to get started.

The game is going to release the story campaign first possible 6-12 months earlier than the MMO.
The MMO portion however is going to get a lot more interesting every couple of months once 3.0 hits (assuming their current rate of development, where even if they miss their deadline to a few bug fixes it isn't affecting the overall progress), like a major career every 3 months or so for each quarter of 2017.

Rooty tooty point and shooty is "any day now", 3.0 means space + planetside questing with a metric fuckton more places to visit (in just one star system to boot) and for end of the year (originally, no update on timeline since). 3.0 also means Piracy & Hauling careers will be implemented to a basic standard.

Every major update, while I can't say in what order they were from memory, will be focused around Mining / Salvage & Repair / Scanning and Exploration etc.

4.0, possibly end of 2017, is going to include jump points, which signals the completion of the first star system, and the ability to visit another. This means Star Citizen will hit late alpha and just needs to focus on adding content to build the rest of the universe pretty much.

Avoid at all costs

Pretty much how the entire game is going to work especially since they added planets.

>not the new vid

Im seconding this as a kikestarter backer

The whole game is boring as shit.

This is a game which will never have player run clans because the developer doesnt think people like them

Or the ability to transfer money, or even make groups larger than 4. No player owned spaces, no updates to make PvP and piracy more common. Basically np human interaction at all.

Basically its a failed MMO designed by people stuck in the past who have no idea what people actually want.

>it was a bug and it's already fixed.

As in the actual time vs reward good money you got from doing passenger missions being worthwhile "was" a """bug""" that has been fixed.

Nice try fdev, but there was literally a forum post saying they were gonna nerf the passenger missions and guess what after the maintenance when I logged in again sure enough the money was not longer worth the time doing the missions take.

So I logged back out and haven't logged back in since (over a week ago).

Funny thing is in their announcement they said in addition to nerfing the passenger money they were going to FINALLY FINALLY up the regular board missions, which, yes, they did, and while a comparatively HUGE increase (from 4k too 400k for a data run mission), it still not worth doing, since you will make that money faster in 1 spot by just doing bounty hunting.


The sale is already going on, however BIG NOTE TO MAKE: It's all standalone ship sales. NONE of these include game packages yet.
The last day of the sale is ambiguous "Grand Finale" and that's all we got.
The game isn't finished yet, end of 2017 is when they'll probably lockdown everything to just content production.

When they set a goal to produce content, instead of getting bogged down with writing portions of the engine and adding new technology, they're super damn fast at it just so you know. The first CHAPTER (read: about a dozen or more missions from the campaign) wasn't demoed at a recent con just because they couldn't fix bugs fast enough, but otherwise takes over an hour to demo it all.
When they said "Let's try and get this for Citizencon" they effectively completed it in just a few months.

Universe sized sandbox

No sand

i just took 70ly mission fot 5M

link that post, i don't read official forums

Are you fucking retarded? Have you ever PLAYED Elite Dangerous before?

Can you read? Did you look at the screenshot I posted? Did you read what I posted? CAN you read?

The screenshot shows I am 35 KILOMETERS from a motherfucking blackhole.
On top of this, I specifically said in my post that even if you WANT to kill yourself with a blackhole you CANNOT.

The game will literal NOT let you get closer. I tried. If you hit full afterburners you don't get closer it is like an invisible wall. And trying to ram it in supercruise just makes you drop out into the invisible wall again.

Let me ask you something:

How many credits do you have right now or what is the most you have had?
How many ships do you own and price on each?
How long have you been playing?

Literally this.

And this is why you don't tie your entire game progression to a linear credit grind

>always online
>$60 DLC

reading stuff at other communities makes me feel like I am in an alternate reality

they go all out praising the dev for this digital treadmill

what the fuck happened


assets around 2billion
8 or so. i don't remember how much all of them are
close to 1000h

This 95% of the game

Around 220m

>How many ships do you own and price
Sidewinder Mk I: 32,000 Cr
Eagle Mk II: 1,409,760 Cr
Cobra Mk III: 6,909,280 Cr
Asp Explorer: 20,401,740 Cr
Anaconda: 143,049,980 Cr
Fer-de-Lance: 149,300,740 Cr
Federal Corvette: 464,374,460 Cr

>How long have you been playing
I've got nearly 900 hours on the game but I haven't played in a long time

Exactly as I expected. (You) are exactly the kind of insufferable faggot that are going to totally kill off Elite Dangerous.

Of course it doesn't matter to you that they are no decent ways to make money since you already have a ton and a load of top-tier ships.

But to anyone trying to start making money or wanting try out the game and see what it is like is going to leave, leaving your dead game even more dead, or at least certainly, never growing.

And why is this, what kind of fucking moron would want to discourage new or upcoming players from making the game they spent so much time in from growing in popularity and population pool?

An insufferable faggot that lets his """"""video game """""""achievements"""""" and "HARD WORK" """"pride""""" get in the way of letting others play the game.

u high?

>several millions for 10 minute jobs
>no decent ways to make money
what exactly do you want? virtual wellfare checks?

But I like This part, traveling seems as fun an immersive as it can get. It's the things you do outside of traveling that bother me.
I am not saying I want to only travel, I am saying the method to get from point A to point B is great for me. What bothers me is that there is little fun to be had when you actually get somewhere