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Because they didn't make the game? PS4 PRO dev kits were also most likely not given to Square Enix in time. Are you fucking retarded, Xbot!?

Even Ubisoft fucked up a port of a PS3, you going to blame Sony for Ubisoft's usual fuck up? God, KYS, bitch!

>japanese gigantic corp would not support another japanese gigantic corp with hardware while they work on biggest release for their struggling console.
newsflash: sony, microsoft and MAYBE nintendo loose money on making consoles, they make it back through developers paying them royalties to release on consoles, if ps4pro doesnt pick up, sony might be in trouble.

>Not 4k
>TV have trouble recognising the signal ..even sony TVS
>Need a patch for every single game to actually get any benefit at all.
>Classics like Witcher3 and Bloodborne getting no patch.
>Has similar noise level but a higher pitch which makes it much more noticable and annoying.
>Some games actually run worse and some even LOOK WORSE (world of FF)

I dont buy a new console so that games run worse or the same framerate or dont give me literally ANY benefit for my new hardware if devs decide they dont care.
This thing is no "pro" this thing is a rushed middle finger.



>Japanese corp
Sony is American!

It's only the tutorial that stutters like this supposedly.

I'm content with my OG PS4 so I'm glad to hear I don't need to rush in towards this upgrade.

>whitto piggu berieved us!
>quick! offer him a tv!


What does that have to do with what I just said? First of all, all the consoles are struggling in Japan, you idiot. Mobile and handheld are kings over there.

Second, Sony actually made money in the first month, and continues to do so. PS4Pro merely adds to that tally.


Yes its only this extreme in the tutorial BUT
its still worse then on og ps4 EVEN IF YOU USE LIGHT MODE which is og ps4 FF15.
So the best running FF15 version is always normal ps4 even if you use the light mode on pro which is the same damn thing!
Its fucking wild really.

>the Pro version will fix everything

Whats wrong with ps4 pro light mode outside of tutorial?

Oh god its like they sold the N64 expansion pak as a standalone console, only Sony explicitly stated that nothing will even make proper use of it since its purely a visual upgrade.

I wanted a ps4 pro for this game but this pissed me off for good until its fixed.

>h-how dare you insult sony-kun Xcunt b-baka!~
yes they made money, ps4 sold like hot buns, ps4pro not so much
>What does that have to do with what I just said?
consoles cost MONEY to make, hardware in them is often of high quality, so you must sell at loss so you dont have a console that costs 800$, I am saying that ps4pro not selling well is a bad sign, as it must have been more expensive than og ps4 to produce, its not going to be good if it doesnt pick up in sales. final fantasy was insanely hyped and marketed even to people who dont have interest in the series, its pretty much THE title to sell ps4pro with. if game flops, both companies might be in trouble, now keep in mind that when I say trouble I dont mean they will bankrupt, I mean investors may not be too happy.
ps4pro doesnt sell that great
ffxv is being challenged
if neither sell, bot sony and square enix may be in tough spot

>sony loose money on making consoles.

This hasnt been the case since ps3...

Light mode looks the best?


more like it hasnt been the case WITH ps3, 600 usd is heavy and they clearly did this to cover production, shipping and so on, ps4 was a change from that. both microsoft and sony used similar architecture, this time their standoff was at user end, microsoft lost primarily because of their "hostility" to user with shitty limitations that were later removed, like kinect and always online. now both consoles stand at somewhat equal footing with main difference being ps4 having more sales. I doubt ps4pro and xbone scorpio will sell great as people dont have a memory of a gold fish and remember that they got the same god damn console a while back and being able to see a few more hairs on beard of main character isnt exactly a reason to shell out more dollars

Dude, the current gen consoles are literally cheaply produces ibm compatible laptops.
The mark up on those things must be fucking ridiculous.

Fucks sake, the average geek can build a pc that outperforms a current gen system for not even 1/5 the cost and that has at no point in the history of modern consoles been possible.

Litterally, the only thing keeping modern consoles alive is local co-op and the average console maker is phasing that out in the mistaken belief that they can talk dumb fuckers into going online to play with other assholes.

Look at how badly 343 dropped the fucking ball with halo.
That thing practically printed money and they only had to do MINOR shit to it to make it into a CoD tier money maker zombie franchise.

consoles aint that cheap buddy, keep in mind that they were released 3 years ago, now we have gtx1080s and so on and pcs shit on consoles easily, but it wasnt the case during release, consolefags really had an excuse to post "build me a pc that costs 400 dollars and can keep up with ps4/xbone"
you dont just go to your favorite foxconn factory and say "oi mate, drop some more tflops into that chip and change cpu into newer model, we package and ship it next month" this stuff is custom made with r&d being done before most changes, then you have to document that, write soft and so on. remember why ps3 was a nogaems station? its because they opted for some discounted cell processors which were amazing on paper, but were a bitch to write for. clearly they learned from their mistakes as now both sony and microsoft are on good old x86

Anyone buying FF15 is straight up fucking retarded


>the Japanese text says "Thanks retard"