Man, Sup Forums has such shit taste it's unbelievable

Man, Sup Forums has such shit taste it's unbelievable.
Were you guys really that butthurt about enjoying it for free you had to go out of your way to make the game look bad, just to enjoy it by yourselves?
I'm having a ton of fun and the game is cuter than cute.

The games might be "cute" but they're not that good. These games just get progressively easier with every fucking installment. Like, to the point where its actually impossible to lose a battle before the post game.

Also, the power creep just keeps getting worse. I know its a kids game, so you can't expect too much, but as an adult these games really are kind of bland and mindless.

Pokemon was never hard.
Although I wish trainers would have more than 1 pokemon.

That's the best part about them, I grew up with the first 3 gens so I really don't mind the mindlessness. It brings me back and is so fun to explore all the stuff they added.
Of course if you didn't play pokemon when you were a kid you probably wouldn't like it as an adult.


This little bastard is crushing the opposition while getting belly rubs, and basically, you're gonna pet him till tells you to stop.

Literally the most petted mon right now according to the global link website.

The totem Pokemon are some of the best challenges in any Pokemon main story imo
SM's problem is that it doesn't distribute the difficulty evenly

Man I really can't learn nintendos online interface but I really can't stop petting him. He is so cute!

>B2W2 and BW with challenge mode
>SM with totems
>easier than hoenn and gen 1 where you could cheese everything with a starter

Yeah, nah

>Pokemon was never hard.
No, but it certainly doesn't need to get any easier. I really wish they'd expand upon the idea of a hard mode. The games would really appeal to older players a bit more if they had an optional mode with a bit of actual challenge.

I played pokemon as a kid. I've played every gen up to this point. That's precisely WHY I don't like it. For you it might be a fun little nostalgia trip but for me its a bland rehash that has steered further away from its potential with the last few releases. You've gotta admit - if you only like a game for nostalgia it isn't really a "good game".

I liked DBZ as a kid, but on rewatch its actually kind of boring.

>decide to use Mimikyu
>it proceeds to slaughter everything it comes across and solos Lusamine without a single fuck given

Honestly, SM is the hardest game I've played except for Platinum. This time around, I actually have to use items to get through some fights.

Challenge mode really didn't make a difference for me. The game was slightly difficult for the first gym and then just became a cake walk afterwards. I'd really like a hard mode that forced you to utilize shit like buffs, debuffs, stage hazards, weather, switching, predictions etc. As is, the games have a fantastic combat system that is put entirely to waste.

shh some of us haven't played through all of it yet

Mimikyu is seriously dangerous, because it gets one guaranteed free turn to Sword Dance.

>pokemon was never hard
Which is exactly why the mentality at Game Freak shouldn't be, "how do we make this more casual?"

>get surprised by how difficult the game despite looking cutesy
>no exp share, set only
>mfw 4th island, E4, and champ
8 levels under holy fuck


Turn based games are easy by nature.. same goes to Final Fantasy Games

Not true. Pokemon doesn't have to be easy - the devs just dont design actual challenges.

Try playing a Pokemon simulator against real people. I guarantee you'll lose now and then, which is something that would NEVER happen in the campaign if you have a single brain cell.

>No, but it certainly doesn't need to get any easier.
What experience did you have? Because I'm playing SM right now, and it's definitely harder than XY from my experience. Heck, I'd say it's one of the hardest Pokemon game if you don't use the EXP Share and don't utilize the EXP bonuses you get with Pokemon Refresh. One of the Totem Pokemon actually made me wipe for the first time, something I didn't really experience since I first started playing Pokemon.

>It's one of the hardest games if you limit yourself!
Okay so the games are getting easier but you're just imposing your own challenges.

>Okay so the games are getting easier
Not really since XY was still easy even with those self-imposed challenges.

>mfw first time hearing the team skull theme and watching those goofy cunts pose, drop spaghetti and ham it up

It was then that I knew we had gotten the best villain team in the series to date.

>Why is this game so easy on easy mode?

too bad it's character design plummets way hard after it evolves. What a fucking failure. Get out of my face Rowlet you piece of shit

Is there a way to upgrade my rotom dex?

I've been seeing shit like Ekans and Weedle and they don't show up in my Alola dex at all...

XY was still easy even without EXP share

This is my first pokemon game since DPPT, and I'm considering restarting and not using EXP share because the first island was easy as piss and even my latest pokemon were easily a few levels above everything by the end.

Is ORAS and XY worth going back to? Last pokemon game I played before sumo was ruby and saphhire.

best pokemon games since bw2 for sure.
(xy and oras left such a bad taste in my mouth holy shit)

>Mindlessly slamming through trainers
>Always forget Mimikyu's ability and unload Z moves and shit into it

Though it is funny to nuke the damn ground or tear the place apart with a black hole only to see the final result is a floppy hat

>Pokemon was never hard.
apart from that one miltank in gen2 (?) when you encountered it the first time

Why haven't they brought back hard mode? Not that that was that hard either, but at least it gave some trainers some more pokemon.

I find it ridiculous that I've yet to see an opponent with more than 3 pokemon, and the vast majority so far have had 1-2. Nothing new of course for these games, but I grow more annoyed about this with each game.

ORAS is pretty great. Better than SM in many ways

In any competiteve 1vs1 game, one player wins and the other loses. Your argument is merely trivial, though you have a point in that Pokémon PvP is quite engaging and fun.

X/Y are alright, definitely more fast paced than sun/moon also with a great variety of Pokemon available. ORAS is trash.

Only if you chose Quilava.

ORAS is, X &Y isn't.

>Download Pokemon Emerald
>Play it for 2 days
>Get bored
>Download Pokemon Diamond
>Play it for 5 days
>Get bored
>Download Pokemon White 2
>Play it for one week
>Get bored

Honestly, after the 3 first games I can't stand another one.
It's just the same over and over again.
Im not saying that they change the formula and becomes a different game but in all honestly pokemon spinn-offs such as Snap, Mistery Dungeon and Ranger are a lot more engaging to play than "catch pokemon, follow a story about some bad guys and a legendary pokemon no one gives a shit, get 2 pokemon at lvl 50 and beat the game."

kill yourself.


EXP Share is literally the toggle for baby mode. If you're playing with it on then don't complain about it being too easy you faggot.

Kill yourself

Yeah, it sure is more engaging to battle with each pokemon and make the game even more grindy and boring that it already is.

Why did the game get so fucking dark and depressing halfway through?

>Mfw all those fucking rhyme games
>Mfw the Pokémon Center duo
Skull is literally the best evil team.

Because it seems that pokemon has to be a philosophical journey about enslaving animals and having harsh moral choices instead of just being a fucking game where you battle with monsters you just captured.

It's always darkest before dawn.

Rowlett is the lesser of 3 evils when it comes to the starters

>fire animal that becomes fire animal on roids part fucking 4: at least this time it's not fighting type edition

>you know that one kid who came to school in a dress one time, and it made him look like a nerrdy poof? Then he became a teenager that cross-dressed as a lifestyle choice? then he started taking enough estrogen to emasculate a bull elephant and became a full on tranny? that's what you get with popplio's evolution line

the only problem with rowlett is that it goes from a dorky, vain bird with a leafy bowtie to a crawling in my skin edgelord sniper, and even then it's the best choice by far. And of course, Satoshi caught one in the annie may so expect Decidueye to be the marketing team's new greninja shortly.

Are you just bitching about everything?
It's still literally an adventure where you capture mons and fight and grow with them, there's just also more on top
It's incredibly obvious that things aren't clicking with you, and that isn't the fault of the game, despite its faults

If you unironically think that SM are worse than ORAS, you should consider suicide

>tfw the weeb in me will never let me enjoy any other setting as much as I did G/S/C and HGSS

No, the games became dull and boring due to more and more story being pushed down our throats.

It's the same thing; the cutscene bulk lasts for the first hour and a half of the first island, and drops off hard
You've been drinking too much of pokebarneyfag's kool-aid

>leave exp share on
>can keep team up to shape easily and satisfy my autism but game becomes way too much of a breeze and somewhat unsatisfying

>leave it off
>have to grind grind grind just to keep some of my team from becoming irrelevant and get irritated

>can no longer stand losing in any fashion, severely damages my drive to keep going and get anxiety about wasting time

Am I finally too old for this shit? I hope not, I love pokemon to death but I just don't seem to have the patience anymore. What do I do?

That's already the whole fucking game pal. This clearly isnt the series for you.

>These games just get progressively easier with every fucking installment.
Were it not for gen 6, I would laugh in your virtual face and say that it's only ever just been you who's getting better at playing the games (or alternatively, grinding more and more with every game even though you clearly don't need it if you never lose). But gen 6 exists,so I have to concede on that one single point in the series.

>No DexNav
>Half the routes can basically fit on one screen
>Ride pokemon actually less impressive than the Eon Flute
>Entire game based around islands, somehow has less interesting islands than ORAS

If its too easy, turn it off,
If its too hard, turn it on.

The cutscenes never stop.

After Lillie does the usual Japanese "change of clothes and hair to represent my new beginnings" you have to pause and talk to her literally every area. And the areas are incredibly small.

I don't even mind that much, but holy shit is Lillie annoying. I'd rather go on an actual adventure with Hau. At least he wouldn't complain all the time and actually brings a fucking pokemon

>I had fun
>It's cute
You have no counter-argument. Just a general emotional response. Grow up, learn how to think critically and communicate effectively and then try again.

Cutscenes ruin all replayability and the game in general runs terrible on the 3ds

The title was nothing but a cash grab on the install base now that the 3ds/wiiu are on its way out

Play BW and then skip to SUMO. Gen 6 was crap.

>Department Store in Hau'oli opened up
>Have to clean up pokemon shit
>Game keeps telling me how much shit there is
Oh god my sides what the fuck is this even
Great fucking game, can't wait to go to the second island.

Well fug

I hope my autism lets me do this

I left it on but I don't see how it made the game that much easier. I used the same 2 pokemon for basically everything. I kept two as backups who never got used until around about the time I was heading to Elite Four (and they were taking hits like babies, maybe because no EVs or just caught me surprise if EXP share transfers EVs) and the other 2, sometimes 3, slots I would just throw in something that can evolve through levelling to slowly fill out the dex.

>everyone complaining the game is too easy

You're aware it's a child's game right?

And the pokemon franchise is just a series of 1v1 battles. It doesn't inherently need to be easy. You only win 100% of the time because it is designed for children.

Just leave the exp share on and rotate between 12 pokémon.

I do that without the exp share

ORAS is fine, people are only up in arms about it because of no Frontier, which was shitty I'll admit, and the ridiculous expectations HGSS instilled into folks, which I think is unfair. XY is super boring but ORAS is definitely worth a shot.

>Didn't realize the department store had opened before leaving for the second island
>Only realize it's open after beating the League
>Wipe the floor with the buffet trainer and then wipe the floor with pokémon shit

I'm shocked they looked at double battles and battle royale with sub 10 fps and thought that that is fine.

It seemed about par for the course in terms of the fights. Ever since the rework in Gen 3 any actual difficulty from fights has always really been from challenge modes like Battle Towers and PvP anyway.

The biggest disappointment for me in this one is the areas. Not so much from a difficulty standpoint, but because you never really get the feeling you're exploring. It almost came close in the areas past Poni Meadow. The areas are just so tiny and hardly fork off. I didn't play BW or XY though, so I dunno if its been this way for awhile.

On earlier games you could uncover new areas on a second pass with some new HMs. I remember finding a cave in the water in SM and thinking "oh shit whats in here" and it was literally one room with a TM in it.

Lack of DexNav is pretty disheartening too. Otherwise it was solid overall.

I've been using at least 18 since Sapphire.

>Ever since the rework in Gen 3
the what now?
Also please tell me what fight in Gold/Silver you had trouble with for you to say something like that in good faith

>Haven't played it yet
>My cousin who hasn't played Pokemon since maybe gen 4 got it as a gift
>Watching my 22 year old cousin play it a little yesterday
>She had just picked her starter
>Notice that she's just skipping through all the dialogue
>Ask her why
>She says that she just can't stand all of the cutscenes and how they talk forever

>You only win 100% of the time because it is designed for children.
No, you win 100% of the time because it's a singleplayer campaign that only exists to make the player feel good about herself. Opposing trainers are obstacles like Goombas, they're not meant to be equal to the player.

I meant the big overhaul to the games combat. I didn't mean Gen 1/2 were any easier, but that Gen 3 clearly had more of a mind to the actual competitive aspect of the fights. Gen 1 was a broken mess, Gen 2 cleaned it up, Gen 3 actually started playing around with it and opening up some of the behind the scenes mechanics to proper manipulation so autists could fight each other.

>She says that she just can't stand all of the cutscenes and how they talk forever

shes right. i started doing the same thing eventually because shit drags on forever

worst part was when you win the league i fucking timed it you get 40 fucking minutes of cutscenes/outro/forcedbattle/morecutscenes until you can finally fucking save your fucking game

Ah, so that's what you meant. Fair enough. I would say that trend began with gen 2 already though, with the introduction of held items and breeding for egg moves and the like.

How much of that was just people laughing and dancing?

Also what's with the constant slow camera pans throughout the game. This isn't a movie, we don't need an establishing shot of the fucking closet before it zooms over to me standing next to someone.

>set only

Who the fuck doesn't use set exclusively at all times? Or rather, who at Gamefreaks game design department thought having an option to switch in your counter at a KO was a good idea, and then made that the standard battle mode?

Bullshit. The game is objectively harder than XY. You'd know this if you had actually played it.

You could definitely see it's roots, yeah, especially since Crystal already had the Battle Tower.

Yeah, because the game is designed for children. If the gym leaders and elite 4 were actually designed to put up a fight it would be a much more rewarding experience.

or a zoom in on that fucking nigger smiling and waving all the fucking time

Reminder to not use pokemon refresh because the bonuses you get are broken OP

free status removal chance
free crits
free hang on with 1 life

if you use it you're a casual

>The game is objectively harder than XY.

not him but thats bullshit. literally the only "challenge" are the totem pokemon the rest if fucking easy mode. doesnt help 90% of all trainers in the world only carry one pokemon now and you have no legit rival.

Also they fucking heal your pokemon in nearly every cutscene. I think ive never been as little in a pokemon center as with this game

>hey kid here's a pokemon and some pokeballs
>also that fag is your rival
>go become champion
>if you even remotely know what you're doing you're challenging the first gym within the first 30 minutes easily

>user here's a 15 minute introduction you didn't want before you even get to battle
>also you have to go to fucking pokemon school before you can do anything fun
>here's your "rival", he's a spastic abbo who never really challenges you and clearly wants to give you the succ even more than that blonde girl you're forced into helping and talking to all the time
>at least an hour before you're even looking at the first "Gym", more if you're stopping to do anything on the side

man I don't want to sound like a genwunner because I'm actually really enjoying SuMo (and I haven't played any main series games since I dropped diamond, which to the best of my knowledge did not have this problem) but I miss the older games and how you didn't have to stop and get talked at every 5 minutes. not only that, but the barriers are so unsubtle it's kind of insulting. instead of finding HMs and earning the badges you need to use them, you're constantly coming across shit that the game explicitly won't let you explore until you've done enough of the story (like the walls). And while the effect is practically the same (exploration gated behind receiving tools to clear obstacles as you progress), one feels like you're exploring, the other feels like you're getting led by the hand.

this isn't the only game with this problem either, the newest pokemon mystery dungeon game literally won't let you explore or do anything until you're completely finished with the main story.

That's just the amie bonuses, but with status removal out of battle as a bonus (amie could also cure status in battle, but refresh also removes it out of battle). I guess it also gives the 20% exp boost from gen VI. They really fucked over the exp system last gen, and that's not even in regards to the exp share.

>decide to use Makuhita since I've never given the thing much time
>mfw Fake Out + Brick Break wrecks everything
>mfw he just evolved into Hariyama and is now 10x the size of the rest of my team who are all tiny little things

>you're constantly coming across shit that the game explicitly won't let you explore until you've done enough of the story (like the walls).
This is the same for every game in the franchise. They're all completely linear. You just never noticed because you were 8 years old.

This shit suckerpunched me in the end

>Rock on up to Battle Tower
>Areas beforehand have actually worn out my main pokemon
>Red and Blue come over
>"Lets fight"
>Only option is to choose which one to fight, can't come back later like with the others
>No heal beforehand

Fortunately Hau and Lillie drown you in Max Potions, Full Restores and Revives etc over the course of the game and they finally all got used in that fight.

There's not even a pokemon center at the tower.

Yep, and amie was broken too.

I had 13 (THIRTEEN) Max Revives by the time I beat the League.

>thats bullshit
You didn't fucking play X/Y then
Pokemon has always been a linear series but S/M is more narrow and railroaded than most games in the series and fuck you if you're going to deny it just like Kaloshits denied X/Y being the easiest game in the series

>They're all completely linear

yet they let you push forward if you pokemon had the right level/hm access while the new ones dont.

how many times was the road closed in this game over some stupid bullshit or you could go to part X before watching a mandatory 2 minute cut scene