What excuse will you tell yourself to buy Mass Effect: Andromeda?

What excuse will you tell yourself to buy Mass Effect: Andromeda?

Cause we all know you're a fucking sucker that can't deny himself the newest shiny progressive Western shit from EA, Ubisoft, Square Enix or some other crappy publisher like that. What else is there to play on your PS4 after all?

idgaf, didnt play modern EA game in a long time

I will buy it for the turian fuckboy. Stay mad

I didn't even pirate ME3 after how awful 2 was.
Last EA/Bioware game I bought was Dargon Age Origins.

I don't support Canada.

Doubt I'll get it, unless the multiplayer is fucking fantastic. But it'd better be solid gold.

Congratulations for not falling for the "ME2 is good" meme.

>Supporting Bioware after Dragon Age 2

But, but, Inquisition was good!

No it wasn't you deluded faggots. A mediocre off-line MMO is not something we should be aiming for. Go play World of Warcraft if you are that desperate for content.

Joke's on you - i will resist the temptation

What else is there to play on your PS4 then?

I'll pirate it. Just like I did with the original triology

Multiplayer was the best part of the series, so I'll be doing that again after the game has been out for a month so that they can fix any launch issues and so that I don't perpetuate Day 1 culture.

The only way i could ever see me buying this is when a used copy is in the bargain bin but i wont because mass effect 3 was the biggest fuck you ever

I will never financially support bioware or EA ever again

My excuse is that the new skill system looks great for single player, the star trek exploration premise is good, guild wars boss mechanic is also good, and say what you like but amongst the cringe cw drama and the LGBT propaganda they always had some decent writing and charismatic companions.

Ima wait till I see some multiplayer. If it's the same or better than ME3 I'll most likely get it.
Shits some real fun solo or with friends.

Finally someone who is not angry here. What is this guild wars boss mechanics tho ?

You don't give a competent answer to a shitposter you fucking faggot

After the shitshow that was Cisquisition, no more buying Bioshit games for me, only piracy.

They haven't even shown footage, because we all know that it'll be a pile of shit. It's also been delayed how many times, 2 or 3? Another failure.

You explore a planet above your skill level and if the boss reks you you have to escape the area to save yourself and come back later. Basically you can be defeated and have your own personal story with the boss

Stop being angry.

Guess I'll just pirate it. If it has ME3 tier multiplayer I'll buy it though, because that was fun as fuck

I want more exploration games with non-iPod sci-fi designs, but I sure as fuck will wait till half a year after release before even considering buying it.

>Stop being angry

Stop being a cuck to shit companies

Hey that sounds fucking great, do you have an article about this ? I followed news with attention but didn't hear about that

Multiplayer will be fun for a little while.

Hopefully it doesn't crash my friends PC like ME3 does, I don't get to play it anymore even though it's one of my favourite co-op wave shooters.

Also have to figure out if the guy who shares my name is going to be tumblr bait or not.

They didn't want to show the new bad guys. Which is really cool because you will get to actually discover a new species while playing it instead of thinking "oh it's the ayys from the gameplay trailer "

I told myself I need to rinse out the taste of Starchild from my mouth.

Last EA published game I bought was Emperor - Battle for Dune.

Pirated everything else that I could.

Not giving them a cent.

Because despite the disaster that is the ending of mass effect 3 I still want to continue playing the games, because I like the series

I do but I'm on cellphone

I pirate it 3 years after release like I did with original ME trilogy.

Your anger is pointless. Buy yourself some fun game like Dragon Age: Inquisition and have some fun.

Don't be a salty fuck like this guy

Yes, I'm sure that concept won't be sold short at all

Stop this. You're fucking deluding yourselves, and you are the reason this industry and these companies keep making these excuses for games because they know people will suck it up and take it.

Try a bit harder, Pajeet

>Your anger is pointless

Except it isnt

Xbox one*

Stop being angry. Your age is over, white male.

I have all of them in a collector's edition (used from gamestop without a scratch for me2, Bday present from my gf for me1 and insurance extra money after car crash for me3 on launch ) so why wouldn't I keep collecting them?

When it's cheap and preowned. I'm not buying shit for full price with Australia's markup, let alone a garbage modern Bioware piece of trash.

I don't even know if I'm going to bother pirating it

Mass Effect 3 was good, aside from the ending.

I thought it was shit too the first time I played through it, I went back a few years ago and I thought everything was pretty fucking good when I wasn't foaming at the mouth and grasping at straws for reasons I disliked the game.

Hehehehe. PEE-Bee. Hehehe.

Jesus, what were you thinking? That way you don'T even have the safety net of Bloodbrone.

OK you're the voice of truth in the universe all hail the great horacle and stick your slimy fingers up their butter ass

>buying preowned games
Why not just pirate it then?

I keep trying to go back, I can't because at the back of my mind I know that the ending is coming, and it renders everything you did through the entire trilogy meaningless.

But I won't

>it renders everything you did through the entire trilogy meaningless
Like posting on Sup Forums.

It's about the journey user

It's the journey, not the destination. Enjoy the ride brah.

And if any fucking nigger disagree you can come say it to my face yeah and why don't you cream my faggot face and milk my prostate with your bird of prey you fucking cunts

Because I have, as I mentioned, AUSTRALIAN internet. Bonus points for a rural setting!

>Mass Effect 3 was good, aside from the ending.

Spoke like someone whose brain went to shit.

Laugh every time.

I'd just end it if I were you

Because he wants to help stimulate the local economy

>be Italian ruralfag
>best friend has fiber
>download while at lan party
>be fiber master race without actually paying a dime

Stop this meme, the whole game is a festival of awful cheesy writing and the shittiest characters in the history of RPGs. Yeah sure, gameplay's more polished than it was earlier, but it is expected from a higher budget modern game and it doesn't make the game good by itself. It's like saying "lol fallout 4 is a great game because shooting is just like in call of duty xD".

Your best friend must poop a lot.


>Mass Effect 3 was good, aside from the ending.


All this anger. How can you live like this?

>the shittiest characters in the history of RPGs.
You don't play a lot of RPGs do you

Sorry, dawg. My boss would be upset if I couldn't come into work because I was dead.

My best friend is a cereal. Don't assume his gender

>get proven he's wrong
>lol why u angry xD
What's the point of your existence my man

>set between mass effect 2 and 3
Oh boy...

you are legit mental if you can't process the reasons why mass effect turned into a shit fest and keep on reverting to your little mantra

Nothing impressed me about it besides ME1 is the only one worth playing, it's less of a rpg then CoD at this point.

Trying to calm your hwabyung.

No it isn't, it's set hundreds of years after ME3.

I will maybe consider buying if it somehow ends up having overwhelmingly positive reviews on steam. Which I doubt.

Fuck Bioware.

It's 100 years in the future after me3 as far as I know

It's not like the series had a great start, first game is very lackluster

Multiplayer and graffix, though I'm not exactly hyped

>shittiest characters in the history of RPGs
M8, Buff McRoidrage was ME3's only saving grace

Bioware isn't even Bioware, it's a bunch of pajeets and women under the whip of EA, not a single original member of Bioware

>overwhelmingly positive reviews on steam

I know right? Like all the games with funny memes that can get posted in reviews.

It's a couple of hundred years after mass effect actually. You know, kinda takes long to travel between galaxies

If they let me fly solo with no squadmates I'd consider buying it.

yeah, no

A bunch of kahjiits trying to immigrate in whiterun

>Mass Effect 3 was good, aside from the ending.

No it wasn't.

The ending shitstorm took the spotlight from some of the game's worst problems, especially the lack of meaningful conversation options, your choices being completely worthless(Oh, you killed the rachni queen? No problem, here's another one :^), and everything boiling down to -10 or +10 war assets points.

And let's not even talk about the shitty villains like Kai Leng or Shepard having PTSD for watching a kid die even though for some Shepards he already went through fucking Akuze without a scratch in his mental health or survived Torfan without having a single nightmare.

He's just some angry cracker, pay no heed to him.

>all these buyfags

Behold the man who lives such a dull and passionless, gray life that he never gets even slightly frustrated, not even when something he likes is completely ruined. Surely it must be bliss.

Seek help with your anger.

>being a corporate cockwipe

I'm sorry what


>launch steam
>buy mass effect andromeda oh my fucking god a sci-fi game with "andromeda" in the title fucking kill me
>download it
>please install vcredist and directx
>please install Origin™
>please install the EA™ certified anal probe
>a hunded hours of registering, activating, copy and pasting codes
>launch the game on steam
>after that launch it on origin
>all that while watching ads for the newest installments of FIFA, UTC and Battlefield

Seek help with your arguments.

Calm down dude, why are you so frustrated?

You're ready for those meme reviews on steam user. Mind if I screencap it for reddit ?

What's wrong with the Andromeda name? Did scientists stop using it or what

I'll buy it because I loved ME1-3


Oh jesus fucking christ I had already forgot about that pile of shit spyware.

They are not even going to sell it on steam are they?

> I loved ME1-3

Then why you'll buy Andromeda? 90% of the people who worked on the original trilogy have been fired or left for greener pastures.

not a chance