Tfw you will spend the last month of your life discussing shitty indie games and anime

>tfw you will spend the last month of your life discussing shitty indie games and anime

about damn time

Who is that? I don't follow ecelebs due to having a life.

>tfw you spend your entire life making the same fucking thread

I wonder what his wife and his wife's boyfriend will do after he passes.

>mfw people accuse me of "making the same thread" every day
>mfw I don't make the same thread every day, I just see threads others have made and repost them to get my jollies off


>making fun of a sick man
any insult of mine would just wash off you. you probably know what you should be feeling though

I'm not a fan of ecelebs, but let that guy be. I see this shitty thread everyday

If you check out TB's twitter and twitch feed, you'll find that he's as insufferable as the cancer that's killing him. He's the current heavyweight champion of irony. First he tells someone to get cancer and die, and then he goes and gets terminal cancer, AND THEN he becomes a giant tumor on PC gaming itself.

Good riddance. The only downside is the glorification that comes with the death.

>tells other people to get cancer and die
>gets cancer and starts dying himself instead

the absolute madman

Holy shit you massive colossal faggot, why do you care.

He's a fucking person, do you honestly have nothing better to do than pretend you care so deeply about PC gaming that you're willing to shit-talk someone with cancer because you don't fucking like them?

Yes, I understand the irony of what I'm doing right now. That doesn't make you any less of a fucking shitbag, follow through with those suicidal thoughts.

What are you talking about? He did nothing wrong concerning PC or any other type of gaming.

he's a gentleman
>I'll die for you m'boy

>I told John to get cancer and die and he actually did it. The absolute madman!

So you're going to be dead in a month, OP?

I'm living my life how I want to every minute of every day. I have 0 regret about how i've lived my life. If someone killed me tomorrow, meh, i'd be okay with it. It'd suck, but I don't have anything I still want to do.

Not him, but I hope that both TB and PC gaming dies.

you have to go back.

What's that red shit? Knew someone else who went through cancer and died that had that too.

If PC gaming dies then gaming dies.

>I'm a drooling retard.
That's not really something to be proud of.

>hasnt uploaded a game video since trump won

is he allright bros?


Acne from chemo.

how the fuck is that edgy

I guess you could say he's alt-right. Because PC master race.

Sure shilldog, sure.
Would not have it any other way

>le im not edgy meme

I'm way more edgy than he is

revelling in the fact that someone developed cancer after wishing cancer on another is dangerously close to wishing cancer on someone.

you might get cancer, is what i'm saying. i hope you dont though. get cancer, that is.

thanks man i hope you dont get cancer either


>an awful person wishes something awful on someone
>something bad happens to that awful person
>people are glad there are less awful people in the world now


My only regret is not killing myself sooner


You seem like an awful person to me.

Doesn't mean I think you should die, leave your house occasionally.

I hope you don't get cancer user.

how long has it been since he confirmed he got butt-cancer?
i mean with the chemo and shit he always gonna look sickly but is it possible to tell by looking if they're gonna die within the week.
realistically the moment he stops doing content for long periods of time and somehow shuts his mouth is probably when hes on his deathbed.