Any noob tips?

any noob tips?

I'm starting and improving every new game but I still don't know what some items do like the bucket of shit

the first trick I learned was build a house near beefalos. the manure is great but the main reason is for when dogs come you can just run to the beefalos and eventually have the dogs drop aggro on to beefalos where they then royally fuck up the dogs.

The shit is used as fertilizer for farms you've built and put seeds in.

Read a starter guide. Too much shit to post here.

Looking at a wiki/guide is not a sin when it comes to this game. There's a lot of things that you are not really expected to find out about on your own.

If you want, you can make a game with custom settings to remove the night phase/hostile monsters/more resources etc that can help you get to grip with the mechanics of the game before you launch into a normal survival playthrough. You can also use that time to unlock characters since it's based on XP.

But yeah, might wanna check the wiki just to learn what you should be crafting and what they can do. You'll want a science machine which needs gold, eventually you'll wanna get stuff like a crockpot to make better food items from various meat sources, fridges, stuff to make a farm, that sort of thing.

Don't forget the beefalo hat or else mating season will be rough

Spend the first few days running around collecting shit
At around day 5-10 you should have a base with iceboxes/crockpots etc
Then just dig up grass, saplings and berry bushes
Not really that difficult once you know how to make a basic base

thanks anons I'll do better now

Also, you should make torches and continue to explore during the night. No reason to just sit around and wait it out

manure is more useful than anything else, savannas are the best home biome, farms pay off very nicely, find gears before you settle down so you can have an icebox.

Why would savannas be the best biome? They serve no other purpose other than beefalo wool/horns

I tried so hard to get into this game, but it just doesn't click


Beefalo wool with like 10+ beefalo is permanent fuel for fire, even in winter.

You don't even need the horns, the manure is far more valuable. Anything else you "need" can be planted near your base, pig houses, spider eggs. The only thing off the top of my head that you have to travel for would be reeds.

I played for 4 games and haven't found gears
where can I find them?

You can get manure from pigs though and fuel isnt that hard to come by.
Wouldn't it just be better to make a base near a pond for easy hp?

You get gears from killing clockworks, there is also a small chance to get them from tumbleweeds if you have RoG

robots and graves

watch gameplay videos and read the wiki

>found a mandrake and a "ring thing"
wiki here I go again

I'm reading all the replies they're very helpful

Does this game make anyone else uncomfortable? I can't play it for more than one hour but I can't put my finger on what causes this

You can collect stuff or interact with the nearest object by holding space, so you don't have to click everything individually.

Make sure to get RoG and Shipwrecked too. Desert biome is the best for free shit from tumblweeds and cacti that grow all year long, even in winter and restore sanity and in summer can be made into great items and foods.