What would you do if you had 2 billion dollars?
What would you do if you had 2 billion dollars?
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take a small loan of 1 million dollars
shitpost on twitter
Snort a km long line of coke and die
Buy all the video games, forever.
I'd spend it on a time machine to go back in the past and ruin my success story to create a paradox and destroy everything.
Get fucked earth shits.
Shove them up my ass very slowly.
1) buy me a secret underground rape dungeon full of children
2) buy me a metric tone of cocaine
3) never be seen again
Spend my time trying to better the lives of others. Own a decent house here in the northeast USA and make some videogames.
Employ a bunch of my favorite hentai artists to draw whatever I wanted. The big names who are otherwise way above commissions.
Buy a overpriced Mansion and pay people to come to my parties.
Give a guy like me the small sum of $1 million, hope you're reading this Notch :^)
Tell the jobcentre to go fuck themselves in song
What are you going to feed on?
The cocaine or the children?
Honestly I'm way too lazy for that
Moving would be such a fucking hassle
Buy a small island and spend a lot of money routing good internet there
Children stuffed with cocaine
Two chicks at the same time
Buy a house, a car, and spend the rest of my life living a simple but comfortable life with the remaining 1.99 billion.
>Moving would be such a fucking hassle
But you don't have to do a thing if you have money.
Pay people to move for you. Companies like that exist, especially for companies, but obviously for private clients too.
Buy furniture online. Have them delivered to your home AND carried into your apartment AND assembled for some extra fees.
okay a few things.
if you're never seen from again, that means you won't be getting supplies underground.
This means you will either need to buy a whole bunch of supplies to last the rest of your life and all those children, or you will need to consider some form of subterranean agriculture.
If you get the rape kids to farm for you, you will need to give them farm tools which could be used in a revolt against you.
Alright then, just spend money on long term supplies and don't farm right?
Well you're going to need to prepare the food for all those kids anyway, that's a lot of work.
And if you let any of them in a kitchen they could use the items available to attack you as well.
So you think alright I'll just use some of the money on security guards.
Problem is that these guards would need to be paid way more than normal to keep their mouths shut about the child rape.
And they'll probably want to retire in a decade or less regardless of what you want.
And what if the children trick the guards into falling in love with them and they plot an escape?
>not hiring people to decorate a house for you
ywn be rich with that poorfag mind
Spend it on booze and get angry about video games and politics
Neet it up hardcore.
pay to get way more /ss/ in the world.
tons of drugs.
thats the first things that come to my mind
>Video Game God
Kill myself and leave it all to someone who deserves it.
make anime real
I'd honestly just get a family, use the money to get a decent living, and just overall have a prosperous life.
Get a nice house in a quiet town, spend some money on writing classes and start to write books.
Yeah I know, it's not exciting but it would be a rather comfortable life and writing books gives you something to do.
Resurrect Suikoden.
I still can't believe the fucker did this. I don't know if he did it cause he could or cause he really fucking loves candy.
>pay grown women to rape and violate prepubescent boys
how repulsive
Would probably hire a buch of people to run a charity with the money, then keep 1-2 million for myself and keep making indie videogames.
This is quite possibly the worst thing to do. If you get a prenup done up, chances are your partner will be very sceptical of why you're doing it. When they find out you have loads of dosh, they're going to lose their shit.
>leave it all to someone who deserves it.
I'm pretty sure no one person truly deserves 2 billion dollars.
Depends on how many nuclear warheads 2 billion buy...aim them at some shitstain countries and hold the world ransom at the mercy of my fingertips...or hookers
I would get Taimanin Asagi and Kangoku Senkan the animations released uncensored in HD.
i dont see anything wrong with the candy but the house looks so fucking sterile like some companies house and not a place you supposed to live in
get out
Live in a missile silo bunker.
Form political party take over my country
What about destroying the world with nukes and then getting some nuclear prostitutes?
Travel. Buy more hookers.
Shitpost on Sup Forums, play videogames and watch anime. Maybe get a hooker once in a while if I really feel like it.
Get some hair
holy fuck does this reek of underage
This but with large names. Imagine a Madhouse hentai, now get upset that they will only do a single fucking season.
Buy out this website, get moderators that know how the website works and are willing to delete Sup Forumsshit on sight, remove all ads, fuck with Sup Forumstards and /n/iggers all day long, and shitpost loudly on Sup Forums while ##adminfagging.
i sold my dead grandparent's house for 1 million about 3 years ago. I still literally have that million in tact. i've done next to nothing with it
Hire 100 australians to shitpost for me on Sup Forums while I play video games
Make video games with a budget greater then top ramen and bread
Do you realize how much the mortgage on that fucking house would be?! even if you bought it off the yearly property taxes would be insane too. not to mention upkeep and maintenance would be costly as well.
No thanks, rather just have a moderate home that wouldn't rape my bank account every year in costs.
By myself a nice appartment and keep livin my current life with a little more luxury
Lose all purpose in life and kill myself is a real possibility.
>spend 70 million on a mansion
>it's modern designer shit that is not comfy at all
At least I don't have Notches shit taste
i would do everything
You know having a house like and seeing so many empty chairs that must make you feel far more lonely when nobody else is in.
>people posting mansions
>tfw when would be happy with a box room
1) pay some oem to make me a super-high-refresh rate (1000hz+) monitor, ideally on one of the abandoned blur-free CRT-derivative techs like SED
2) pay some gaze tracking company to make me a gaze tracking machine which converts my gaze to mouse tracking
3) have direct fiber optic lines laid down between my house and every major game server datacenter
4) play a bunch of FPS on glorious near-0 lag and aimbot people to death with my eyes
>Buy Sup Forums
>Shut down Sup Forums
It really is for the best
Jesus Americans can't into architecture holy shit
>Minecraft creator has a cubed house
Same thing Im doing now as an unemployed loser;
Masturbate, play video games, and go on Sup Forums.
Only difference is that I would be rich.
>buy the rights to things people like
>ruin them for my own enjoyment
And buy a bunch of super cars and shit.
>those license plates
sorry, user
Honestly I'd much rather just get a comfy hut somewhere in the country and then pay whomever to get top internet and weekly food deliveries.
I'd probably get people to build a 1:1 replica of Luigi's Mansion.
And then host haunted mansion bullshit in it during Halloween while living in a box appartment.
I'd probably try to find a way to help people. Also I'd buy a computer that doesn't suck.
Invest in the bitcoin market
>get an expensive apartment
>remembers that he got no friends
>try to invite the other bidders on the apartment
>they say no
What are you going on about?
Buy Sup Forums in secret
Shitpost on Sup Forums
Also I'd fund a bunch of games that I want to be made.
2 big houses
1 in mountains
1 in sea coast
1 Rolls Royce Phantom
1 Lamborghini
1 Tesla
2 Mercedes
1 Ferrari
Dodge/Ford/Chevy musclecar
And do nothing just travel, drive the cars and eat in expensive restaurants
run for president
Don't mind me, just posting a type of dwelling far superior to any $100,000,000 mansion.
fund the completion of satoshi kon's dreaming machine
Love or hate him but Notch is basically what happens when someone from Sup Forums gets a billion dollars.
You will never know
just buy it outright. if you had 2billion in the bank,mortgages cease to be relevant
>pay top dollar escorts to come play video games with me
>they're all terrible
>finally find an escort who can play
>she actually has good taste in video games and has a great sense of humor
>ask her to marry me after a few weeks
>she laughs "not for 5 billion sweety"
make EEnE online or a sequel to one of my favourite games
Go into a university and see how little i can pay student's to cut off their limbs
This. I don't need a lot to be happy. Maybe host a party or something every once in a while for a bro.
If I lived in the house in these pictures I'd slowly go insane.