He knows more about his favourite game lore than he knows about real world history

>he knows more about his favourite game lore than he knows about real world history

better than wasting your life on 4chin

I have learnt many things on Sup Forums.

what should I know about history outside of what is in the curriculum? How will it help me?

Joke's on you, my favourite games are Grand Strategy


At least a vidya lore is one's vision not influenced by previous autodafes.

Find whatever interests you.

eg, Machiavellis work helped my git gud at meta/mind games in competitive vidya and poker

reading about irl people doing cool shit will never lessen you as a person

the history databases in Asscreed, despite the rest of the game being good to meh was my gateway

don't steal my reaction images you dumb memer

>''''my'''' reaction images

99% of people know more about random movies than they do about history.

history is just lies and propaganda.

>eg, Machiavellis work helped my git gud at meta/mind games in competitive vidya and poker

what a faggot

i just changed the filename to that so i could post it in /scv/ without people being mean to me

i literally cropped these things

do you even know who the guy is


History is boring

That's not surprising. People remember things better when they're presented as a story, and most teachers focus on teaching history as memorising dates and places rather than delving into the interesting narratives that happened during those times.

lol I bet these niggas don't even read the inscriptions "wahwah there's no lore waa" -you

t. cuck

remember the last time you won anything?

me neither

I'm an expert in real and videogame history,ask me anything.

was the first video game on a console or a PC

How hung are you?

who's that guy?

On neither of those

Hung enough to not be obsessed with benis measurements

Cut or uncut?

Lying on Sup Forums. Good job buddy.

I'm not a dumb goy so uncut


>real world history isn't the games lore in the vidya he plays

Pooland was a mistake, Prussia stronk

Nice defence against muslims, germanboo
Pic related, real men



>prussians needed THREE greatpowers to halt the might of the Poles in the span of THREE wars

I believe his implication is that he is not, in fact, a bitch-boy of the Jewish culture and thus his penis is not mutilated.


where is your prussia now?
poland is still there, better than ever.

>better than ever.

sure is

>better than ever

You don't necessarily have to care. It just shows you more about the patterns of sociology and world affairs, plus background knowledge always helps in random situations, or it adds an extra layer of appreciation to things.

>non gamers know as much random facts about the world as gamers know about video games

makes me think Tbh