Does there exist an objectively good game?

Does there exist an objectively good game?

Other urls found in this thread:


Fallout 4



what a disgusting human being

Fallout 4 is subjectively awful.

Mrs. Pacman


Super Mario Bros

Sonic 2

Street Fighter 2



Age of Empires

>objectively good

You can stop any time

He's so gross looking

who's this maxfresh guy?

Doom II
Resident Evil 4 (Wii)
Fallout 2


I fucking hate this game

God of War

Pokémon Silver/Gold
The Witcher 2
Halo: Combat Evolved

John lennon?

>Resident Evil 4 (Wii)

only if you're playing with the GCN controller

motion controls were and always will be an awful way to play any game

I saw a video yesterday of digi bitching about some guy saying K-On! is just for MLP fans and people who live in their mother's basement, even though that's exactly what he is.

Any game you enjoy and playtrough more then twice

Link to download?

Yes the game is called ZoE 2 second runner. It managed to improve upon the original and still be able to be enjoyable even with a somewhat streamlined story. The best part about it is that combat can be made more enjoyable depending on the skill of the player.

>Log Horizon
What the fuck is wrong with him?

didnt he give log horizon a 10/10 pre season 2? he was also watching SAO aroung the time it aired.

he also has shit video game opinions

There is nothing wrong with giving K-On 10/10. It is one of the best anime.

Haven't seen Log Horizon.

>one of the best anime
>haven't seen Log Horizon tho
You are fooling no one, Digi.

get back to your MLP reviews, you have no taste

Have you even seen it or do you just assume it's shallow moeshit because that's what Sup Forums said?

K-On is a masterpiece, and by far the best anime in the CGDCT genre, and one of the essential anime overall.

Digi may be awful but at least he's not Sage

Is that digibro? Ugh i hate it when that faggot doesn't shave his disgusting beard



digi we know damn well that you lurk fuck off

he looks like a jihadist

I saw K-On, there was a few good points but overall it was ok at best

>tfw season two is never ever

The K-On movie is legitimately good

>that gif

Look no further

Digi if you're in this thread please make a video on Utena

>nichijou s2
>Dark Messiah 2
never ever EVER EVER

Thank god

Nichijou can't be compared to K-On at all. They are completely different.
If you only want to laugh, and Nichijou fits your style of humour (to me it was just boring), then Nichijou may be better, K-On, despite some funny moments, was never a comedy anime first and foremost. K-On is about friendship. That's what makes K-On great. And if you can't appreciate that, K-On may go over your head and you will prefer other anime instead. But just because you fail to understand K-On doesn't mean it isn't great.

Digi is cringeworthy af


cute boys doing cute things was better

Go away to your subreddit, Digi.


funnier, maybe. but not better. Nichijou was a masterpiece of sound design, for one thing, while nichibros had an entirely forgettable soundtrack

some people will never be able to 'get' k-on

and that's fine, great in fact because all the more moe for me

Too bad Kyoani went to shit, in an alternate universe they're doing a third season for FMP and it's fucking beautiful.

He's talking to himself now.

FMP getting another season in this universe tho?

Classic Paul Dano


I'm not baiting, KyoAni only made 1 (ONE) (maybe 2, I haven't seen Koe no Katachi) good show. I appreciate their animation, but this has nothing to do with being able to produce quality content. Nichi is randumb garbage with focus on DUMB. I understand the absurd humor, Cromartie is one of my favorites of all time, but nichi is so flat and simple, it's not funny at all

McFucking kill urself

There are objectively well designed games.

Super Mario 64 is an excellent example.

LITERALLY Forced Animation : the anime

What fps does anime run at?

is "forced animation" like "artificial fun?"

solitaire, other card games
video games?
it's best to go back to pong/tennis for two. it's really good.

What's wrong with Sage aside from the fact that he has a low opinion of Evangelion?

And then look at it again
And once more.
I want you to look at it as hard and long as you can. And then do it again.

You first,Digi

>kill la kill has good animation

This faggot is delusional as fuck.


He looks even worse without it.

>forced animation

I'm not into Sup Forums, what does this mean?

I've seen more than enough of different anime to know what is good and what is not. Nichijou is high production quality garbage, like everything KyoAni makes.

Not that much huh

It's a sweet Sup Forums maymay. It means nothing.

It was better when it was boys
i just wanted one entire show about boys doing boy things, and instead batshit crazy women had to come in

8 or 12, usually.

There's a whole spectrum between clean shaven and OP's pic related though.

either you think it's funny or you don't
I don't say knock knock jokes or sexist jokes are bad. They're just not my humor
it's not a story anime, it's a comedy show

Does this guy ever have anything worth listening to or watching
Every video I watch of him he's just rehashing Sup Forums tier opinions or giving moe shit high ranking scores
I really can't stand him honestly, I'd rather watch animeeveryday then digi

women always gotta be forcing their way in

How about that Half Life series hey gang??

Kyoani has made K-On and Hyouka, that's at least two. Actually, you only said "good", not masterpieces, so we can add more to that, for example Lucky Star, Haruhi, and Tamako Market is really good any time the bird isn't present.

People overuse it a lot. It's when things move in an exaggerated and unnatural way just for the sake of moving. Nichijou doesn't have forced animation, it just has good animation. The movement feels natural, and fluid motion isn't bad either.

Here's an example of ACTUAL forced animation:
And this was done as a joke. But it exists as non-joke too.

You're dumb and your butt smells like fart.

>The Witcher 2
it's the worst in the series boyo.

probably GTA V

It's like playing the last of us. the only thing redeemed that shit is the animation

Kimi to boku is slow going, but it is mostly boys. In two seasons, there's maybe 3 girl characters, and only 1 of them is sometimes around.

Please end your life

>K-On is about friendship
that's literally the same justification that 25 year old men like yourself give as to why MLP isn't a show for 6 year old girls

I've already said that I do not and explained why: because all the jokes are so flat and simple, they are borderline dumb in premise and execution.

I've seen everything KyoAni after Fumoffu, guess what title is different in that period. Neither K-On, nor Hyouka are great, but at least Hyouka is watchable.

>worst in the series
It's better then witcher 1 in every way but story and even then witcher 2 has a good story
Nice Sup Forumsdrone opinion

but it does though

No, he really doesn't have anything worth watching. I prefer animesnob and the sage.


Todd pls go

It doesn't matter how flat, simple, or dumb a joke is. It's like a girl. Either you like it or you don't. They might not be your type but that doesn't make them bad.
Japs have very simple humor, I agree, and when it gets translated I'm sure we lose some meanings, but it's still not BAD. The funniest jap thing I've seen is still nowhere near regular western things in how funny they are.

>Shittier level design, with extremely small areas, and place that get reused for different quests.
>Awful combat that ends up being worst than the time-based one from w1
>Garbage atmosphere.

The friendship is one of the greatest parts of MLP, and my favourite moments of the show are when we see them being great friends to eachother, but it's not the only good part.
It's the lore that makes it so deep and fascinating, something to talk about at length and brings imagination to the world. The lore is about as important as the friendship to why MLP is so good. It also has good comedy, but to me, what makes the show is the friendship and the lore.

Nice job summoning mlpfags

>Either you like it or you don't. They might not be your type but that doesn't make them bad
I beg to differ

fuck off already

digi has been here this entire thread