Focus Home Interactive has announced that Farming Simulator 17 has already sold one million copies...

>Focus Home Interactive has announced that Farming Simulator 17 has already sold one million copies. According to the press release, this is almost twice the sales of the previous instalment at launch, which has since sold over 3 million copies in two years.
>PC remains the premier platform with half the sales – the majority of PC players bought their copy in-store, placing Farming Simulator 17 at the top of the store PC charts in many territories including France and Germany.
>Farming Simulator is also a record-breaker on Steam, with over 220,000 digital copies sold on this platform. The game is one of the top-played on Steam, with a highly positive user rating (over 90% positive reviews).

Why are PC gamers so weird?

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There's nothing weird about playing a sim.

Its sold amazingly well on console for a game of its type, so I don't think its a PC gamer issue, the appeal of these games is very wide.

[spolier]I love them[/spoiler]

What's the appeal? Not trying to stir shit, I'm genuinely curious.

I played it with the cracked release. Its insanely fun to troll other people there.
Reminds me of early eurotruck simulator multiplayer, where the collision box was fucked up and ramming someon there made them do multiple backflips

pretending to do something while doing nothing
same as MMO but even more boring

I don't regularly play these types of games, but they're pretty comfy and relaxing. There's an innate human desire to produce, and farming is a pretty quintessential way to fulfill that.

PC is inherently solitary thus it appeals to autists and weirdos. Consoles are inherently social in nature so normal well adjusted people prefer them over the PC.

normal well adjusted people do not need video games at all

>There's an innate human desire to produce

What fucking bullshit are you spouting, mate?

>This used to be a joke

90% of those sales are germans.

>implying a console is not a Personal Computer

Only ameritards think that.Every irl I have plays on pc.
Even the one who bought a ps4 got bored and got a pc.

Germans love these simulators for some odd reason.

The only one I found enjoyable was Euro Truck Sim.

>Germans and Frenchies

So the sky is sky blue again, I see.

>quality farming and truck simulators released all the time
>still don't have a decent hunting or fishing sim on PC

I will never be able to be a full PC redneck.

They're work simulators except you can actually learn things you can actually do in real life and possibly make a living off of.

Men like making things.

I live in a rural part of Germany and EVERY redneck farmer who is under 30 bought almost all editions of this game (no joke, it's incredibly popular).
Usually they really hate computer stuff and say games are trash but they love the simulator.

>Why are PC gamers so weird?
>he doesn't know

>half of the sales coming from PC
>Why are PC gamers so weird?
Nigga the real surprise is that console got so many sales

I remember the golden age of hunting games in the late 90's/early 00's. It seemed that they were either too realistic and thus tedious and not fun to play or they were too arcadey and game across as goofy and unsatisfying. But I was young and probably couldn't appreciate the more realistic hunting sims.

I buy every iteration of the Farming Simulator. It really is comfy but I also know people who don't appreciate it. I mean, not everyone likes harvest moon games or euro truck simulator or similar games. It's the same with me and yearly releases of soccer games, nothing really changes apart from minor team player deviations but there are people who'll wait hours in queue for the next yearly installment.
The same holds true to a lot of different games out there, you just pick what you enjoy and others will do the same.
Arguying about "what is comfy to you is boring to me" is really the wrong mindset about this debate.

So that comic about a German forklift driver going home and relaxing by playing Forklift Simulator 2016 is accurate?


I'd totally buy it as a gag gift for my real life friends especially the black ones

Wouldn't a better gag gift for black people be Prison Architect?

>Why are PC gamers so weird?
You mean
>Why are Germans so retarded?
Krauts are mentally ill and should be killed out of pity.
I wish it was possible to visualize the country of the cunts that bought this """game"""

Pretty sure the creators of The Simpsons are multidimensional beings.

my guess is parent buy this to their children

non violent, educational etc.

>a decent hunting sim on PC
You always can play with arma redactor yknow.

>this used to be a joke

it was all SsethTzeentach that faggot put out a video of an older farm sim
now im addicted to crops and yields and shit
i plow like theres no tomorrow you dig
cause i do

fuck trees

>tfw he's gone forever

lot of people like them as non-thinking game. Perfect for just listening to audiobooks/podcasts. Same reason why euro truck simulator 2 and train simulator are also really popular.

No. "Dad Simulator" would sell out in seconds.

I thought briefly about making a Traffic Jam simulator, nice graphics, very detailed car interiors
you can even get out and start some shit with the other motorists
radio is the same as GTA, custom tracks etc
then i realized i could never sleep at night if i made people play this
even for free
'build it and they will come' still works for marbled prisons ya know

No, that's crossing the line from banter to being a rascist dick

I'm genuinely curious as to why there aren't more simulator games for minority groups.

>airport security check simulator allows Muslims to move through an airport with no spot checks

>poo simulator would allow Indians to poo in a toilet

>swim simulator would allow niggers to experience swimming

>job simulator would be for the Mexicans but they wouldn't use it anyway I guess

>America Simulator would allow Canadians to experience real life

I could go on.

These games have a lot of the same hooks that stuff like Stardew Valley or Harvest Moon has, which keep people playing. Like someone else said, they are alsno nice games to turn your brain off to. You can listen to music or watch something while you play.

Real life farm work is also incredibly rewarding, so I guess there's that.

There is nothing weird about it, its pretty much an rpg. Remember that ROLE part you don't have to be a soldier/assassin every game.

stardew valley for non weebs

Post that meme

>america simulator
That would be Mexican simulator though

CTRL+S you dumb fuck

I like Train Simulator.

>decent hunting sim
I would honestly kill for that.

>stardew valley
did concernedApe once look at an anime? fucking filthy weeb faggot

Germans are so autistic even Minecraft is too social for them

The Cabella games were good

>placing Farming Simulator 17 at the top of the store PC charts in many territories including France and Germany
No surprise there.

Just like Donald Trump being president was a joke and the creators said it was trying to show what would happen if America would go crazy.

Pc gaming was a mistake.Western gaming was a even bigger mistake.

Further evidence that PCMRshits don't even play actual games

A console is a toy to play games, PC has other software.

>tfw listening to Bill Burr's podcast while playing Euro Truck Sim 2
>afterwards, switching the french new wave radio as rain starts to fall
I have never in my life played a more relaxing video game.

That is until I have to reverse park that fucking trailer.

wtf i love 30fps now

Thank you!

don't you have a movie to watch on your PS4, kid

latest cabella's has sniper elite-tier projectile porn

Just stick with the arcade goodness for those. Sega Bass Fishing and Cabela's Dangerous Hunts (specifically the first one, the sequels are nonsensical story fps wannabe trash) are hella fine games.

>tfw dangerous hunts physics let you send deer flying or doing flips with just the right shot

To play it while listening to your favorite Let's Play'er playing the same game and meeting up.

this, is more easy learn with a simulator without fuck up a real tractor

This is really more of a parody of movie tie in games.

It's the fucking Krauts.

This is obviously where Bioware ripped off their dialogue wheel from.

Comfiness? I mean, I play Euro Truck Simulator to relax myself.

Working simulators
Dota2, CSGO, grand strategy games
Every single f2p mmo

Call of Duty and Battlefield.

What does that mean? Like really?

> farming sim sells better than Titanfall 2 and Battleborne combined



Actual farmers buy this game.

I know people that work at gamestop and they tell me stories of Farmers coming in smelling like fucking manure buying this game and if the version they want is sold out they shell out on a brand new console just to play it.

What's funny about that episode is that Milhouse blames America's budget problems on the previous administration investing in children. So as long as Trump doesn't invest in children America should be good.

games with highest amount of product placement and marketing budgets

To relax I suppose?
I mean, even I felt stress and hatred drifting away while listening to the radio and driving in Euro Truck Sim 2 so I assume the same applies for Farm Simulator and other Sim-like games.

based master race

>gone forever
I have found no proof that he is actually dead.

Is he wrong you fucking brainlet?


Please someone tell me that it sold more copies than Watch Dogs 2.

I would laugh my ass off.

>Inherently social
>Splitscreen is dead

Fuck off

Friendly reminder: this game was a black friday sale item at all big retailers. One kids find out what the fuck thier black friday mothers bought them they will be returned.


>sold one million copies
>half of them coming from the PC

Why are PC gamers so weird? Half of the sales came from consoles you fucking loon.

The game is on PC, Mac, Xbone and PS4, half of those sales are exclusive to PC alone and the other half are split up among three different platforms.

half of the sales came from consoles and mobile

It's the best game in its field, barn none


Kids don't deserve free rides, so they should not get shit

It takes fucking forever to plow the field. Boring game for dads

Is this game worth it for somebody from a farming family with a lot of farming experience? My girlfriends dad has recently gotten into video games and I'm unsure whether to buy him this along with the xbone we're getting him for Christmas

Seems kind of stupid desu, would be like buying a mathematician a calculator for Christmas

Why would anyone want to do this in a videogame when its all you have to do every day when driving or taking transit every day to and from work/school?

Well he moved on to mechanical engineering over the last 20 years since it offered better pay as opposed to sticking with the farming. He's very reminiscent of the farm work though

This sounds like a Nicolas Cage movie plot where he becomes a farmer because his friends accidentally gave him an existential crisis with a Christmas gift.

>being racist as shit
>Lol its just a gag gift. xDd
You either have no friends or you're just a shit person with no real friends.