That vidya opinion that legitimately makes you angry

>that vidya opinion that legitimately makes you angry

What's her name, Sup Forums?


"Furries have no place in video games"


>people who think half life 2 is better than the first game or those that say half life 2 is one of the best games of all time but have never played half life 1

That a product created by a group of businessmen which is inexorably tied to market interests and functions as a profit machine can be considered art

'I think videogames are fun'

>Turn based JRPGs are still relevant and not outdated at all

So you believe films can't be considered art?

I don't like X, therefore, it's shit

>"I think exclusive titles are a good thing"

>who cares if the game ships with a bunch of bugs? Mods will fix it and no one plays the vanilla version anyway

No one would stand for having to spend time and money to get a new car to work as it was originally advertised but gamers keep bending over and asking to get fucked

>it's okay to play on the easiest setting and then complain about the games length

> Skyrim is a good RPG

Go kill yourself furfag

>old games are better than new ones because I played them when I was 6 so I would know


>the witcher 3 is good
Most normie and misinformed opinion on this board

>They still make good AAA games
>Videogames are fun

>mash X to win ARPGs are better

>if you turn off the Exp Share, all of X/Y's problems are solved and it's """hard"""!

>JRPG is a bad genre

>Duude, you only like that because of nostalgia xDD
People like you are the fucking worst.

>"Quake 2 is better than Quake 1 because it has a more consistent setting"

>overwatch is not a moba

> People who exclusively play competitive online games are real gamers

>esports are just as legit as real sports

>diversity in games is a good thing

>Zelda games are RPGs

Yes you reading this.
I hate you.

>I hate GAME because x reason that have nothing to do with the fucking game itself.
Examples include because the dumbasses who shout the loudest on Sup Forums hate it, because of the fanbase that you can easily ignore if you get the fuck off of tumblr and because it got ported from/to elsewhere (and the ports are actually on equal terms with the original).

Hate going into a tall building in fucking Japan because 9/11 happened in the US would make more fucking sense than hating a game for a reason that isn't the game fault and beyond it own control. Like the game can't help if you are a shitty person that lack a brain to think for yourself but regardless I'll enjoy the game just as much now as I would if tumblr/Sup Forums/reddit/stupid people in general didn't existed.

If you like Terraria/Starbound then it is fine to like the other as well.
You can play Undertale without wanting to go on tumblr. I completed all routes and still lack a tumblr account personally.
As a kid I owned both a Genesis and a NES/SNES. To this day if I want to cherry pick from both sides of the pretend war then I will. If you have the money to burn on a console before it even have any good games then you likely rich enough to buy the other console as well anyway. PC included, bragging about all of the money you saved but it must not been much if you still crying about Bloodborne to this day.

Basically there is literally no excuse to be a little bitch. If you hate a game then fine but I would assume you had play it and came to that conclusion yourself, I'm not going to assume and treat everyone like a retard by default just because some people have special needs. If you turn around and say you haven't play it then you should had just stated you were a retard in the first place and save me the time.

gta iv is shit.

it is not

"GTA 4 was a better game than GTA 5"

They're just as much role playing games as typical jrpgs.

>I hate this single player game because of its fanbase


Yea, no, kill yourself nostalgiafag cancer.

>Blizzard games are more ((((((polished))))))

"The english dub is better"

>Barneyfag spamming
Why we cannot post ponies in peace? Why is furry allowed?
Yiff in hell

Better than what? Chink and jap? I would watch death note english dub.
At least it is not hentai

>RPG is a good genre

historically that was true, and blizzard games now have a lot of production value

For me its the fact that devs now think its ok to release half a game and then peddle the rest as DLC. You shouldn't have to pay over $100 for a new release

I honestly believe this

>dude its just a fantasy setting it has dragons and magic dude lol who cares just turn your brain off bro it doesnt need to make sense haha

as expected from a contrarian frogposter

SO WHAT IF IT LOOKS LIKE SHIT GRAPHICS DON'T MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>Mankind Divided is a bad game


>bad company 2 isn't the point where bf went shit
just kill yourself.


this desu senpai.

>people who expect fantasy game to be realistic


>battlefield 3 and 4 are bad games

take off the goggles faggotron, battlefield 2 wasnt that great or that different to the modern ones

graphics>the rest
Story doesn't matter

>internal consistency is now realism

By 'make sense' I mean within the rules of the world previously established.


Yeah but that could be chalked up more to hardware and software limitations of the time.

Videogames were supposed to get better, user. Not turn into a endless stream recycled tripe.

>CSGO is better than 1.6 at this point.

It started out as a CSS console port, and will remain a CSS console port. No amount of patches will change the fact that it's fundamentally fucking shit.

Some people honestly believe that sensibility/realism should come before good game design.

You are correct.


>platinum was the worst pokemon game
Fuck you and fuck your taste. Sinnoh was the most unique region and the legendaries were awesome. Palkia and Dialga are the most underrated legendaries and Giratina is the coolest nigga around. The "bad" thing about the game would be Team Galactics motives. They were kinda lame.
But your rivals were cool. Barry was awesome.

>it's an alpha/beta and therefore your criticism is invalid
It's weird how adding a paywall to get in has made feedback collection worse

For me this is Spyro

"I dislike (insert character) because of (insert reasons)."

>Character is improved in the future of the series in some way to help alleviate these issues.

"That doesn't count!"

>DMC3 is a better game than 4
>SMT:IV:A is better than IV in every way

>x aged badly
you're a fucking retard if you've ever said this before

>ironsights ruined shooters

KH2 not being a good action game "because i could mash my way through normal mode" and lol disney lol shit story.
Idiots the lot of them.

>Just don't buy it xd micro transactions don't impact you

Making a world where devs feel welcome to cut content for DLC was a mistake

>whenever someone praises anything about Bioshock Infinite besides the unique premise/setting

>this is the Dark Souls of (genre/series)
>this game is harder than Dark Souls
>Dark Souls is the best game ever made and everything else is shit
>i will make the comparison to the Dark Souls because it's hard
The worst thing about that is that i have no idea if people are actually dumb enough to have this opinion or is this a meme or a falseflagging ironic shitposting. It's still annoying as fuck.

>KH1 is superior
I seriously don't know why people say this, KH2 improved on everything.

>the controls are terrible
unless you have fucking baby hands the controls are fucking fantastic.

Hey man, check out this game, you might like it.

>watches trailer.
>Plays Demo.

"Nah man I think it's shit"

>Game comes out
>They get it anyway.

"Dude, this game is awesome, I can't believe you said it was crap"

Nigga don't put words in my mouth I got this game day 1 you fucker and you didn't even like the demo.

"I never said that, user. I love this series I can't believe you'd say that"

>fallout 4 is an amazing RPG

>gay is not a mental disorder

>video games are meant to be fun above all else

What absolute homo actually believes this?

Why would you want to play that shit on a touchscreen instead of twin stick?


Dark souls is "difficult" and a "real challenge" implying it's not just an artificial difficulty grind fest

are you playing for depression? it's not fun...

If it's not "fun", it has to at least be engaging in some other manner

>Bioshock Infinite was an inspiring game for smart gamers I cried seventeen times while playing it

>the Dark Souls of fantasy RPGs
Gets me every time.

>these new Pokémon look dumb
Why do they keep picking on Magnemite? ;_;

>Skyrim is an amazing RPG and deserved GOTY

It's got to be a joke, or pandering nonsense for people who are stupid and think Dark Souls is the first hard game.

>The Dark Souls of fantasy RPGs
Give me a break

>metroid prime is a shooter


Touchscreen did it better service desu.
I feel like if it was twin stick it wouldn't be as good
but I don't understand how anyone finds the controls bad

>the Dark Souls of Fantasy RPG
>the Dark Souls of Persona games

>x game didn't need a sequel!

How about you come up with a criticism of the merit of the game? No game needs a sequel or to even exist in the first place. Saying a game didn't need to exist is a non-argument.

i fucking hate people who dont understand how that works. it is not about realism faggot

>people willingly buy early access games and in essence pay the dev to play test their game which may never be completed and even if it is it may be lacking the scope and features originally promised

This is so fucking weird to me. No one would buy the early access version buy a 900 horsepower sports that only has a 150 horsepower engine at the moment and hope the manufacturer ends up delivering the promised specs.

>Final Fantasy [number] is shit
No, fuck you. I finished them all, some are better and some are worse, but they're all at least good.

>mass effect is good
>skyrim is good
>halo games are good
>dragon age games are good
>fallout 3 & 4 are good
>cod games after 4 are good
>bioshock infinite is good
>new tomb raider is good
>dark souls games are hard
>games NEED multiplayer modes
>games NEED to tell a story
>anything moba related is fun
>games being used to push any kind of agenda isn't a big deal

some games just age better than others. deal wiht it

Fun means intoxicating. If video games aren't supposed to be intoxicating (like all good things worth living for ever), what are they?

What could possibly make it a moba? Having 3 abilities and an ultimate isn't exclusive to mobas

>games being used to push any kind of agenda isn't a big deal
If the game is good, it kinda isn't. Though I have yet to see such a game