Final boss is 72 hours of QTE

>final boss is 72 hours of QTE
What were they thinking?

That's all?

the memes have gone too far

Is this vapourwave game even coming out?

How many flips are done during that time?

do you get a kick out of posting false information?

72 hours, are you sure? I heard it was 10 years. fucking dropped

It's called "humor"


who's the audience?


>implying I'm not going to enjoy the shit out of this game

Try and stop me faggots


Don't worry, the game will do it for you

>all these sad shitters angrily shitposting another game they cant have
i just preordered it

you have fun shitposting another 10 hours like your sad pathetic fucking life has anything better to do

>another 10 hours
Hey that's how long xv is!

>tfw getting a PS4 for Persona 5
might as well get this too, haven't played a FF since 10

>he honestly believes anyone other than final faggots are interested at this point

It's going to finally be the final fantasy. Even the FF7reboot is being shit on by it's own fans.

>there are people that unironically believe this
>there are people that unironically take the words of a ginger comedian for gold
seriously, those memes have gone too far at this point

"Aggressive waste of time"

Top kek

What the fuck was that ending?
>Kiss me Noctis, let our love be our final fantasy

it was kino


I wanted to respond to that post with my own snark but this is perfect.

>If someone dislikes something, that must always mean they can't acquire it for themselves.

>I'm gonna waste my money and there is nothing you can do about it.
You sure showed them.

Can't wait for the ign 10/10 score come out

those were never funny

Believe in that site is like you trust Sup Forums.

is now the board for weebshits.

FFXV is probably the least weaboo JRPG to ever release. They pandered to westerners as much as possible in this one.

I dare you to post this kind of dumb shit on /jp/ and see how fast you get banned

>FFXV is probably the least weaboo JRPG to ever release

Nigga, this shit is literally the most weaboo JRPG to ever release.

>weaboo JRPG
>They pandered to westerners
pick one, you undecided schizophrenic

>grey, "realistic" and "mature" FFXV is more weaboo than pic related or Neptunia

how about you learn the meaning of words before using them, you illiterate amerifat?

Learn to samefag, redditor.


Says a fatass who have no clue about said meme.


Conan tried to warn us

One potato famine wasn't enough.


No that's probably Vagrant Story.


i love how terrible this game is

Nigga, you seem to have no fucking idea what a weaboo even is. One would think people on 4ch would be smarter, when it comes to talking about memes that started on this very site. Most threads about anything japan look like youtube comments.

That makes it even more weeaboo, considering a weeaboo is in fact western

That would make it less weaboo cause a weaboo only likes authentic japanese things designed for a japanese audience. FF if anything is betraying weaboos.

This is so fucking funny looking that I'm not even mad at how shitty it is

Um ingame.. 1-2hours real life.

>The least weaboo JRPG
Nigga, you have no idea how to use that meme aren't you?

'weaboo' is not a meme, it's an actual term

Conan looks like a fucking alien in this pic.

If Squeenix dies as a result of FFXV, it may make other Japanese devs look more closely at what does/doesn't work. We may see a resurgence of old mechanics and themes being experimented with and built upon like world maps, airships, turn based battles, skill grids, actual exploration, etc. (Which FFXV seems to have none of.)
I actually am hoping for a situation like this, because when I was younger I thought they'd expand those features, not cut them out. Turn based battles were supposed to introduce more mechanics, like what Lost Odyssey did. World maps were supposed get bigger and more detailed. God forbid you have monsters like Ruby/Emerald Weapon walking/swimming around or other planets nearby that your "airship" can fly to.

was meant for