You don't play any inferior roguelites, right Sup Forums? I mean, that'd be really casual of you to do.
You don't play any inferior roguelites, right Sup Forums? I mean, that'd be really casual of you to do
Binding of Isaac isn't on that picture
CotN is great though
Binding of Isaac lost eligibility after the Afterbirth expansion.
>Console edition
Is Don't Starve better on console?
No, it's just the first picture I could find at the right resolution that didn't require cropping or compression.
Where is Risk of Rain?
>No Vagante
Literally a better Spelunky in every sense.
>dungeon of the endless deserving to be there
it completely loses all strategy once you no longer have power and lolkeepers
>dungeon of the endless
you might as well brand PUSSY on your forehead
spelunky was pretty fun, got a hundred hours in it
speluky is rip off of la mulana
Can anyone name any other roguelites that are good?
I've played everything on that list and I liked them all
>playing roguelites
Say what you want, I greatly enjoyed Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
>Sword of the Stars: The Pit
Yes. It is a proper rogelike, though.
>calling them roguelites
Seriously nerds to everyone else they are just roguelikes. This whole it needs a new name because I don't like the gameplay shit needs to stop.
>not a single good traditional RPG roguelites that isnt just tiles
I liked Rogue Legacy until it turned into a bullet hell platformer after 3rd restart
I came here to post this.
This guy knows what's up
We get it, you don't like Gungeon. Do you need to post this shit every day?
Spiritual predecessor
what the fuck is your problem? you shit up every thread with this
>let's call rts, gs, 4x, and tw for "strategy games" and shitpost at anyone who tries to differentiate between them
Spelunky made me so fucking salty for some reason.
I'm not even the kind of person to get mad at vidya, but I was popping veins left 'n right whenever I fucked up.
I used to play nethack
I want a 3d roguelike with morrowinds combat.
spelunky is a very fair game
such as when a red frog angers the shopkeep
pls no
You're right
young rare DSP, what tourny was this taken at ? He looks upset even in this pic
What game is that?
Disgaea 2
t. casuals
i agree with this faggot
isaac is not a good game anymore, they ruined it and have been nickle and diming it for quite a while now
>not actually playing rogue or nethack on terminal
good games don't become shit with DLC, user. you can play without it.
ToME master race coming through
For a straight half year I played nethack on my phone constantly and I fucking hate when games have rogue like elements that aren't rogue like at all.
Nethack let me experiment and learn the subtle hints to slowly find my way throughout the game. It felt like I was slowly teaching myself how to truly lean the game. All of these games feel like there's not much to learn except a few movement techs or mechanics.
Good taste
While im here, hows crypt of the necrodancer? Have been debating buying it since it went 75% off but not sure, is it worth it?
I can't stand spelunky at this point. I've played it a thousand times and in part due to a friend whom sacrifices me as soon as they is a Kali sacrifice I can't find myself having fun with it even in single player
I got to a point where he does the most inefficient shit, like panicking around ghost or refusing to take a dropped shotgun because it's next to a spike trap. We've tried to get to hell a number of times and I scrub rounds every now and then because I'd rather just play something else. It doesn't help he thinks spelunky is the end all be all of rogue like games.
Very enjoyable but difficultly spike hits on 4th world like a brick wall
Must is 10/10
>no vagante
>no isaac
>no RoR
>no Rogue legacy
>no FTL
Jesus this is a shit list
angband is good.
This. Vagante needs more exposure.
What's Sup Forums's consensus on FTL? I enjoyed playing and modding it for a while, but I never actually beat it
RoR, FTL, and Rogue Legacy are casual dogshit you utter degenerate.
Its great
>rogue legacy
Too many random elements along with the terrible presentation/lore and boring combat make it shit.
ftl is white and based
rogue legacy sucks
i really disliked risk of rain but cannot logically explain how it is garbage akin to what i could say about rogue legacy
Add enter the gungeon as well
>add absolute trash as well
two games that couldn't be more different. you are a mongoloid.
Yadda yadda
>La Mulana
>Transistor, if you liked Bastion
>Va-11 Hall-A
>Shovel Knight
>Valdis Story
>Darkest Dungeon
>Bindong of Isaac
>Rogue Legacy
>Risk of Rain
>Mark of the Ninja
>One Finger Death Punch
>Super Meat Boy
>MOUNT AND BLADE Bannerlord never
>Ace of Spades ;_;7
And the OP's 6, I guess.
I kill shopkeepers right from the start. Problem solved.
Either love it or hate it.
It's very much based on change, as some shops sell cloaking and Super Flak Cannons, and others sell 3 Basic Laser 1's and a Battery.
Most of those aren't anything like Rogue.
>I'm an illiterate retard
Dungeon of the endless is great. There is still strategy with placing characters in unlit rooms and chokepoints
Less than a third of those are Roguelites and most of the ones you listed are shit you fucking mongoloid
don't know if it counts, but Cataclysm dda is pretty darn great fun.
it was mostly tongue in cheek, not a problem at all for me either since i ghost all the vaults anyway
More like it needs to go on sale.
I should go play invisible Inc again.
One of the few roguelites which made an effort to limit RNG cancer. It was dope.
The Consuming Shadow is pretty good.
It looks like a flash-game, though.
>nobody has mentioned GOTY 2015, Dragon Fin Soup, yet
baka desu senpai
One Way Heroics?
>OP lists good games
>Nobody else is able to list even one more's almost as if....the list is...right....
Gungeon is pretty great, my man. There's even a literal hardmode character PLUS a 10+ curse mode that distills all casual play.
curse mode was pretty easy
>Didn't read a single post after OP
>Shitposts anyway
It's as if you're retarded.
Shame the gameplay is awful and half the guns are shit.
I don't mind the guns being shit. Most of them are pretty great. Gunther, for example, which always gets me perfect runs.
Gameplay I disagree with. It can be pretty challenging at times, and at the same time, not too much of a bullet sponge mania if you know which guns do the most damage. The key is ammo conservation.
I've enjyoyed Dungeons of Dredmore and Binding of Isaac over all of those save Crypt.
Don't Starve and Spelunky are pure shit.
Fuck off weeb go back to containment board.
Isn't that actually a roguelike?
It's procedurally generated and all that shit, so I would say it is.
Spelunky is garbage, and DotE is literally the most overrated game ever made.
>Dungeon of the Endless
>Crypt of the Necrodancer
top 3 right there lads
DoE a shit!
fuck you, DoE a goat
FTL is infinitely more difficult than all those games combined
>get cloak and flak
sure is difficult, my man
>Crypt of the Necrodancer
This is a roguelites thread, not a rhythm games thread.
>DotE is literally the most overrated game ever made
Holy fuck this. All of Amplitude's games are overrated as fuck but this is easily the worst.
>genres are mutually exclusive
that's dumb user and you know it