What does /v think of the gothic series

What does /v think of the gothic series?

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Didn't run on my computer. Couldn't get a refund.
Fuck this entire franchise.

1 & 2 are the best crpg's ever

Gothic 3 is one of my favorite games ever.
I tried the first one but I couldn't stand the controls.

Always wanted to try the second one...but I doubt I'll enjoy the controls

Really good.

kill yourself

The first two games were the most fun I ever had with an aRPG. 3 was shit, Risen was bretty good.

You get into them, hang on with it, it's worth it.

Gothic 2 controls similarly to 3.
Only Gothic 1 has dated controls because they started working on it back when PC mice weren't a thing yet and the game was simply designed with keyboard controls in mind.



One word: gem

1 was great
2 was the best (especially with the expansion)
3 was ok-ish (use the patch)

I want to believe Arcania never happened.

Reminder that Risen is quite literally Gothic 4

Reminder that Risen storyline is a direct continuation of Gothic storyline

Arcania is not even a Gothic game anymore, Jewood lost the rights to the franchise and were forced to rename it.
Go check Steam if you don't believe me, all logos are saying just "ArcaniA" and mentions of Gothic have been scrubbed.

My face when I have tried to get Gothic 3 to work since it was released, and still haven't succeeded.

I have used three diffirent generations of computers, the latest one just two years old now. I have used win xp, 7 and 8, I have installed every "fix" there is. Nothing fucking works, 20 fps every time. What the fuck. I think the 60 fps videos of it have been recorded from 3 different games and then combined to get it look like 60 fps.

>You will NEVER erase your memories n play it again

The first two Gothic games and the Witcher 3 (which feels like what Gothic 3 was meant to be originally except with a better narrative) are the best RPG's to date, literally setting new standards in the genre

Any germans that could translate this please?

Some user translated it in a previous thread along with some other stuff from Risen.

Nameless: Is it still a long way?
Mentor: No...
Mentor: No... I think we have found it.
Nameless: Hm?... I can't see anything...
Mentor: I think...
Mentor: There is still time for one last question.
Nameless: I wonder...
Nameless: In a world that doesn't have Gods, what takes their place?
Mentor: That, my friend...
Mentor: ...is a very good question.
Mentor: It's time...
Mentor: ...follow me.
Nameless: (trying to outshout the loud noise) WHAT WILL WE FIND THERE?
Mentor: Secrets...
Mentor: ...that they can no longer hide
Mentor: ...that we will now bring to light!
Nameless: What happens now...
Mentor: Watch... and learn.
Mentor: The road to power is a bit like the tides...
Mentor: ...and for each faith that disappears, there is another eager to fill the emptiness left behind
Mentor: ...and with it come people with ambition
Mentor: ...who will seek even the remotest places of the world in order to wrestle their mysteries from them
Mentor: ...and obtain their power.

Thanks man, can you link the thread archive while you're at it?

Wow had no idea. I remember my purchase based on the "gothic 4" tag it had, but soon realized it wasn't anything like it at all, save some past npcs appearance (Diego I think).

Speaking of JoWood, OP can also check Arx Fatalis and Spellforce (the first one), also great games.

Arx Fatalis is great

I tried like a half dozen times to get into Gothic 1. The assbackwards controls blocked me most times, and getting killed the first fight I tried stopped me most other times. The game is punishing to new players for the first twenty minutes.

That said, I eventually stuck with it and fuck me if that wasn't an experience. That sandbox was just big enough to keep finding new things, but small enough that it felt comfy, like your home stomping grounds.

Arx Fatalis is not made by Jewood, neither is Spellforce.
Arx Fatalis was made Arkane Studio (the same guys that later made Dark Messiah and Dishonored).
Spellforce was made by Phenomic and Mind Over Matter studios.

Jewood was just a publisher, but a really scummy one.
ArkaniA was made by Spellbound, the developer mostly famous for games like Robin Hood Legend of Sherwood and Desperados series. They had no prior experience whatsoever with RPGs hence why ArkaniA turned out the way it did because Jewood was desperate to use their contract with Piranha that gave Jewood rights to making a new "Gothic" game before the rights reverted back to Piranha.

With that said, Piranha owns Gothic again and immediately upon getting the rights back they declared Forsaken Gods, ArkaniA and Fall of Setariff non-canon.

The canon is still just Gothic 1 -> Gothic 2 -> Gothic 3 -> Risen -> Risen 2 -> Risen 3

Sure. He complained a lot about the translation.

if you dig small but lovingly hand crafted open world arpg's, gothic 1&2 are must plays.
the controls being bad is a dumb meme. if you get used to them they're fine.

Nice, thanks again.

Also, has there been any news about Elex?

The controls aren't bad in Gothic 1, but they're dated in that there is no "proper" mouse support because it was patched in literally a month before release.
No excuses for calling Gothic 2 controls bad though, it was designed for mouse from get go and is perfectly fine.

What mods? LHiver and DX11?

Favorite mods?

1 is overrated shit but 2 is a legitimately great game.

>1 is overrated shit
Get cancer and die

That is Roman bathhouse tier faggotry.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. You G1 babbies are so defensive of your shit game.

2's combat was frosted ass, mostly due to weird ass vertex hitboxes, everything else was alright though

i don't know... i took the screenshot from google. i've never played gothic 2 with mods though. l'hiver is pretty good i have heard.
with dx11 it looks like this.

What was your favorite faction guys?

I still can't remember which one I had the most fun with, but going Mage had its moments when you would get excused from doing a lot of bullshit by invoking "you dare defy a servant of god?!" excuse.

For Gothic 1:
The (unfortunately Polish-only) Enhanced Edition mod which basically restores almost all cut content like the secondary camps and fixes leftover bugs + the G2 Textures mod (replaces environment textures with the better ones from Gothic 2) + DX11.

For Gothic 2:
LHiver + DX11

For Gothic 3:
The Community Patch (though it's official now and Steam and GOG versions are already prepatched with it by default) + Quest Pack + Update Pack + Content Mod

Not him but pic related.

Nothing particularly interesting recently. Although next Gamestar is going to have long article about it, and the codex finally posted their Gamescom report.

Stay salty G1 babbies.

1 - good
2 - great
3+ - shit

Only good thing to come out of Gothic 3:

On the bright side, it's not often that something 11/10 comes out of a shit game.

Gothic 2 > Risen > Gothic 1 > Gothic 3 (with Quest Pack and Content Mod) > Risen 3 > Gothic 3 (without QP and CM) > Risen 2

Soundtrack wise, Risen 1 is my favourite:

Only krauts and polacks played it.

Any German players here that could tell me how can I play Gothic 1/2 with English subs but German voices? I've got Steam versions if that helps.
I tried using the language tab in Steam but that changes the whole game into German, not just voices.

mercs for story and lore
fire mages for the hilarious end game

>TFW most of the mods were created by my polbros

Ya should try Diccuric (German mod)

Well I'm still worried about Elex, I'm really not digging the green post apocalyptic robotic society shit.

No, the movement was stiff as hell, especially with the strafing controls. The attack buttons were a mess, they can't just set the attack button to context sensitive, so you have all the unnecessary buttons just to do simple attacks.
They have dedicated attacks that only changes the direction of swing but still attack forward, AND can only be used alternatively, AND roots you to the ground. And the 'main' attack that forces you forward like you can't just do that yourself.

I've actually been planning on playing it eventually but I've got other stuff on my backlog right now, thanks for the recommendation anyway.

Gothic 1/2 is a bit more complicated. You have to install the German and the English game separately, unpack language files, swap English subs over to German, then repack the thing.

Don't forget that your ability to dodge is determined by whether or not an enemy actually hits you, but enemies just have to trigger their dodge animation and won't take damage even if your sword clips right through them.

Can you elaborate which files I need exactly?
Also now that I look at the files, wouldn't it be simpler to swap the Speech.vdf file from German version over to English one? Or are there more voice files in other files?

When I heard german Nameless Hero I lmao'd what a shit voice.

Please kill yourself.

Aufs Maul? G1 isn't overrated at all.

This pic sums up all my worries about Elex in one picture.
Mixing high tech with medieval fantasy never works.

Worst feel ever

lmao butthurt kraut your dubb is fucking awful

Not even worth a (You)

German dubs are notorious for shit quality Hans. Just because you suck it's dick because ''it'z ze german therefore ze best just like scat porn amirite Helga?!'' doesn't mean it's true.

man muss fairerweise sagen, die sprecher SIND schlecht. aber genau das macht einen teil des charmes aus.


Might and Magic did it right

Don't bother user. There's no reason to enter a Gothic thread if you have any intention of making even the smallest criticisms.

englisch ist schlimmer

First two games are great

Might and Magic was 99% fantasy with the high tech aspect only being the lore itself behind all the magic
You never got actual high tech futuristic cities and shit to the degree Elex is going

If you didn't play G2 with keyboard controls like you're intended to you are a bitch nigga.

Have you actually played Might and Magic? Mainly world of xeen?

the hero is fine, most the time
But Cor Kalom is ridiculous, especially in the final scene

Gothic is so great literally no one outside of Germany heard about it.

A lot of German games got little coverage outside of it.

Can only think of Drakensang: The Dark Eye and Sacred, which I really enjoyed. There's probably more.

lmao at ''story'' in those shit games
>oh fug deepest lore really made me think I can't even o.0

Far Cry, Crysis

I only played M&M6-8, tried World of Xeen but that shit is too dated for my taste.

And Poland. Gothic has cult status here.

Oh shit that reminds me, what happened to Ascaron? Weren't they kickstarting a new ARPG? Haven't heard anything of them since ages.

You're wrong by the way.

wow a shithole likes a shit game how surprising


I keep trying to play Gothic 2 but I'm just too used to controllers to be able to comfortably adjust to keyboard controls. Slowly getting there though

Is Risen worth playing?


It's dead Jim

Does DX11 renderer make the game run better?

Play Gothic 1 first it's easier

As a former goth, I believe they're not gothic enough.

You TES faggots are poisonous.

It's pretty alright. Not nearly as good as the first two Gothics, but there are plenty of good things about it. Way better than most similar games out there.

One word: shit.

1&2 are good, but they made their time and there is no point denying that. And Piranha Bytes are burnouts since NotR; they just haven't done anything right since then. Also, the fans tend to be faggots of the highest order, but that's a given, since it's mostly slavs/europoors.

you polacks are non white

>MFW in the first game the only female NPCs are slaves owned by Gomez and Y'berion.
>Just imagine the butthurt of sjws if the game was released in current year.

Is Lee asian? He has asian name but doesn't really look asian.

Why are you retards responding to a shitposter?
He's in every Gothic thread falseflagging like there's no tomorrow, insulting both German and Polish people for no reason other than to stir up shit.


Ever considered that it's a nickname?

Why it should be?

Gothic is a latin word for Shit since Pyrahna Bytes is german they wanted to make a vidya homage to scat porn and it shows in every aspect of the game
>shit graphics
>shit combat
>shit characters
>shit story
>shit leveling system
>water looks like it's covered in shit

It feels kinda lik a reboot of Gothic 1's concept but in a different universe.
Luckily, there's no annoying bugs or performance issues, despite running on, basically, Gothic 3's engine.

>remembering using a cheatcode to fly the camera into Gomez room
>the slave girl bathes during specific times
>the model switches textures to completely naked

Simpler times.

>use the cheat that let's me posses other NPCs
>use god mode
>take control of a monster and start a rampage in Khorinis
>save like a retard
>I overwritten my only save