This kills the Reinhardt

>this kills the Reinhardt

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How am I supposed to counter her

Everytime I try to chunk her with reaper she just rapes me

Her fucking guns need a reload time its bullshit

play a better game

the roadhog fucks the dva
so does the junkrat

jump circles around her while jumping you tard ass

Play Zarya and laser beam her

Or harass her with Mei with your team to back you up

>press shift
>hold m1

easiest kill of my life

>How am I supposed to counter her
Be Zarya, preferably not alone unless you got high charge on your beam.

>hard to kill

what the actual fuck are you doing

Dva is severely underpowered

>the roadhog fucks the dva
not after she was buffed


>Dva vs Bva 1v1
>Bva thinks its a good idea to put on her shield
>Dva wins every time

Roadhog is shit against D.Va, Reinhardt eat her ult easily. Is this bait thread?

>the roadhog fucks the dva
Not after the update. She melts Roadhog down when she gets too close and she got too much HP for him deal with.
>so does the junkrat

Use roadhog of someone who can has consistent DPS regardless of range, like S76. She cannot hold rmb forever and she will not be able to shift away that easily. I guess reaper also works if she's bad.

>It's a 'the enemy team has a with a pocket Ana that ults her every 10 seconds' episode

How the fuck does a Korean with plastic surgery destroy a buff European man?

She can be countered with Symmetra

Mechs > Power Armor

if something is close to her she fucks them up, play lucio and boop her out, sadly she will put her gay shield and run but there's no other thing to do unless she plays badly

i want to fuck hard just for once.
is this too much to ask

Nanoboosting D.Va seems like a dumb idea. Why bother when you could nanoboost someone with a kill-everyone ult?

Wow I can't believe people still play this and try to force over watch memes, and this is coming from somebody who relentlessly played the game for about 6 weeks.

The game is decent I guess, hell okay, GOOD even, but it sure as shit got boring fast, and some of you are still playing?

Maybe 5 months from now they will add 1 new hero and 1 new map, bringing the new hero total to 3 in a year

ever heard of
>mastering a game
>having friends to play game with

why nano boost a kill everyone ult? You want to kill everyone twice?

> every fucking game both sides

Can this stop yet

All my friends stopped playing this shitty game though since they don't release new content for it ever, besides POZZD olympics skins.

Basically after the update, Reinhardt is dead and is the "new" Reinhardt. Main reason is that there is too much damage for Reinhardt to block now and his shield just breaks like nothing. He can't protect his team as he used to. Soldier does a lot of damage because of his buff and a nano boosted Soldier is awful to play against - unless you got a who potentially can absorb every bullet.

Yes Goyim, you should play a better game. Perhaps this hip new game BattleBorn™.
It has better gameplay and HORSES! Oy vey, so much fun!

No battle born is 10 times shittier than this shitty game actually

paladins has horses, not battleborn

I don't buy that for a second. blocks stuff for four seconds out of fourteen in a deep and narrow field in front of her. It's no replacement for a real tank (and Reinhardt is basiacallly the only real tank) and is really best used for eating ultimates or blocking like one DPS at a time.

Dunno, I've never heard of people playing a videogame for longer than a week, or having attention span longer than that of a goldfish for that matter.

Don't worry next month they will buff Reinhardt and nerf some other class.

Ever wonder how they struggle so hard to balance a game where they don't even release new characters?

It's to keep you playing lol. They give every hero a time of shittiness and a time of greatness. They do the same thing with WoW

>tfw you main mei and none of the buffs mean anything to do

>complaining about D.Va while Widowmaker is the true menace again

It's because the game has literally no content though m8, you're conveniently forgetting the only important detail.

> Make AAA fps
> Release 1 hero in 6 months
> Don't worry here's some POZZD diversity skins for the Rio olympics goy, please log back in!

It's not the fact that D.Va became the true tank, but the fact that the game encourages fast skirmishes much more than before. Reinhardt is still useful, but he's not as essential as before, because fast pushers like, Soldier and Zarya were buffed (despite devs trying to nerf Zarya). Also Ana boost no longer grants speed, which puts Rein much, much lower on her priority list.

>reinhardt rams me off the map
>fly back as he falls to his death

I think you're giving Blizzard way too much credit, after all they came up with release Symmetra, the character who was simultaneously very weak and a must-run on defense.

>tfw Overwatch is never going to become TF2 2.0
I am such a fool for thinking it was going to be this way.

I started playing in the beta and thought that the game was going to be perfected by buffing offensive and defensive heroes and nerfing the shit out of tanks and supports. Blizzard pulled the opposite of what I wanted to see.

One of the issues for Reinhardt now is that there is a lot of damage dealt, and he is really weakened because of that. His shield literally melts and therefore becomes vulnerable in addition to not being able to protect his team. He is not a bad pick per say, but say if the other team got a, Zarya and solider you're pretty fucked unless your team can hold up against it. Your shield will break in seconds.

Anyone who wants TF2 should stay contained in TF2.

The movement mechanics have none of TF2's depth and the strangling of community created content means everything is contingent on Blizzard's release schedule.

There's no depth in class based videogames.
They are the embodiment of casualized games.
Only thing left is adding killstreaks to them.

>play after the update
>get gold damage, gold eliminations, gold objective kills

>tfw Overwatch is never going to become TF2 2.0
That's great.
The last thing the industry needs is another TF2.

You should probably update your memes.

that isn't how Reinhardt's charge works user

She was good before the update desu

>Don't worry here's some POZZD diversity skins for the Rio olympics
>POZZD diversity skins

Dumb Sup Forumsspeak. Just ignore him.

I know you voted for Jill stein but surely even you can't be oblivious to the forced brownness in this cuck game lol

I love playing Zarya, but you think she's more of a co-tank? Her beam rapes all when charged but her shield cooldowns are too high to make her THE tank.

Can you please point out the ''Rio Olympics POZZD diversity skins'' you are talking about?

>reaper is supposed to be the counter to all tanks

try widowmaker against you'd be surprised how easy it is to hit that huge critbox.



This is a buzzword that use 100% of the times when there's a non-white character.
Forced is things like Battlefield 1, how is it forced in here when Overwatch is 100% fictional and set in the future?

You're not a Gearbox shill, you haven't said EPIC or BADASS even once.

What game even lasts long enough for someone to get 71 eliminations? Christ. Might just be me being new but I'd think that takes quite a bit of time.

But TF2 is the perfect game

Even crits, which are often seen as being "unfair" are magnificently balanced.

If you jump away from a crit-rocket and only take the splash damage from it, it'll only do about 150 damage. People who are good at the game will always react to it this way and survive. A crit rocket only does the absurd 200+ damage if it hits you directly.

Furthermore, crits tend to only be rewarded to players who are doing well. Your crit chance increases as you move up the leaderboard, your rewarded with kills for killing people.

I approve of the brown tbqh.

he probably did that on a KOTH map, you can amass a lot of kills over 3 rounds.

>But TF2 is the perfect game
Far from it.
It's a very boring multiplayer shooter with no variety whatsoever.
There's no changes, there's no skill involved, there's no nothing.

>Furthermore, crits tend to only be rewarded to players who are doing well.
Call me when they remove them.
The only reward for your skill should be performing better in the game, through your skill.
Killing should be your only reward.
Ults, killstreaks, crits...
Whatever, casualized mechanics that do the work for you.
That has no place in multiplayer games.

> "a" non white character
user over watch has 1, arguably 2 white characters and the other 20 are brown.

When you use the word "a" it implies you are referring to one, as in singular. isn't much more threatening on consoles as a Reinhardt. The process is still something like
>fire strike/charge if is further away
>swing hammer while stepping side to side and moving the camera for maximum swing arcs
>continue swinging to crush the small Korean girl before she hits the ground

I'm certain that PC has other shit to deal with, but only ever kills me as Rein the other team does their job and shatters my shield or draws my rocus so the can get behind my shield and fuck my shit up.

Yup, it was 5 rounds on nepal that all ended in 99/99 overtime. Shit was crazy.

>There's no changes, there's no skill involved, there's no nothing.

so just like mobawatch?

One or two? There's 76, Reinhardt, Torb, Mercy, and Widow (her skin is blue because of poorly thought out science on Blizz's part, she's still a white Frenchwoman)

Tracer, Mercy, Soldier 76, Torb, Widowmaker, Zarya, Reinhart, Mcree, Junkrat.
Those are the white characters of the game.

>user over watch has 1, arguably 2 white characters and the other 20 are brown.
If we tried to reflect on the world, you know we would have to make half of them indian and asian, right?

But it's not, it's a fictional videogame.
How is it forced?

Also, mind pointing out at those diversity Rio Olympics skins?

Never played overwatch in my life, my only exposure to the game is sfm and these threads that I lurk hoping someone starts dumping art. What the fuck is happening in this game? Every time I hear people complaining about characters being op or not viable at all, usually both of thoose things about the same character. First thing I heard of dva was people moaning how their waifu is way too weak and need a buff. Do they really go that far with each update?

>Widowmaker (technically blue now I guess)
That's 8 and a half white characters, way more than any other race in the game.

Exactly, both bad and casualized videogames.
Class based shooters can only be casual.

There's 4 brown characters: Pharah, Ana, Sombra and Symmetra.

Reaper is Mexican-American but he's an undead wraith now.

Well overwatch is supposed to be international, so it's actually unforced diversity (forced means unrealistic). Africa has more people than Europe does, but there 5 Euro characters, and only 2 Egyptian but no black African.. 2 Aussie characters from a country of only a coupled dozen million, while 0 central Asian characters (Khazak etc.)

Likewise China and India have 2x and almost 2x the pop of Europe and only 1 character each

So chill, and this is coming from a far right Sup Forumsack

the recent buff had:

>Health to 600, from 500
>movement slow while firing halved

They also changed her defense matrix a while ago, making it significantly better

Reminder that Overwatch literally does not have a single nigger in the entire game.

Lucio is the blackest character in Overwatch and he's a mixed race Brazilian, he has light brown hair and green eyes. There is not a single actual black person in the game. Sup Forums fags on suicide watch

>White is a race

American is a race

Actually, you could make almost 3/4s of the cast black and asian and you couldn't call it forced.
Either that, or you are saying the population of the Earth is forced.

sheeit I forgot Zarya, make that 6 euros

Also despite hundreds of millions of people IRL, no non-BR South Americans yet

No Southeast Asians either (like Thai etc.)

And it has the qtest white girl in years.

What about Winston?

>trusting Sup Forums without having played the game

Dva used to be severely underpowered and now is (almost) viable. The thing with her gun is that she has a lot of HP and an insane rate of fire, but her bullets deal almost no damage at medium range, and nothing at all at long range.
So you have a sharter like that guy who goes with an offense character that deals damage only at close range and has low HP and gets destroyed.

Sup Forums is for news and shitposting, not for opinions

Junkrat is australian, he's barely a human.

Jesus Christ SOURCE

>this kills the D.Va


Here you go!

Damn that is pretty HD

Yeah, some of them are pretty good.

>this kills the Zarya

Australia is the jewel of the Commonwealth, cunt

And the most Anglo place outside the UK along with Poo Peeland

I really think Mercy is the best girl, she is just so beautiful

>the satisfaction of killing tanks with Mercy


Here's how it works
>Faggot plays Overwatch
>Faggot is raped by someone decent playing a character they don't play
>Faggot shits his pants and goes online to demand nerfing of said character

Can we all agree that most of the world's problems would be solved if everyone with more than 2 hours with Genji is publicly hanged?

Is he the faggot with the sword ultimate?

Just you wait. I bet that eventually we'll have a full-on African black woman (of Africa) who sounds like Zecora. Mark my words.

No he's the retard with the bow