Dying Light worth it?

I'm kinda over the zombie genre as a whole but I do want a new fps to keep me busy for a while. Is there much else to do besides killing zombies? and how is the multiplayer in this? because if it's basically the same experience as single player then I'll probably just pirate it.

One of the best games I had played in a long time, genuinely surprsied me. I never tried out the muiltiplayer so I can't coment of that.
It kinda reminded me of dead rising meets mirrors edge meets left 4 dead

If it's got elements from Dead Rising that's certainly a plus. Are there psychos out there to kill aside from the zombies? As long as there's a fair share of human enemies I'll probably get it

its really fun homie. all around entertaining game. the characters are kinda meh but its the gameplay that really works. fresh ideas in the whole zombie genre imo.

There is a bandit faction

well it didn't take much to convince me. Thanks anons downloading now

unexpectedly solid game. Story is an asspull though.

If you liked dead island, you'll like this. The guns feel better and the game is more smooth, its fun. I almost completely forgot the story.

One of the best surprises of last year, along with the expansion it really beefed up and improved the game by tons.

Fun gameplay, good story and atmosphere. Pretty much one of the most memorable games and can be considered the best zombie game made.

The gameplay is great, it's like everything Dead Island should have been but never was. Story is consistently subpar, up until the couple last missions where it turns genuinely tongue-in-cheek and funny, only for at the very last minute to turn into an incredibly disappointing QTE boss fight.

Seriously, seriously disappointing.

The story is alright and decent compared to most video game stories but the sidequest stories are top notch.

There are but their ai is pretty bad

It started shining for me around the time when the main character started making fun of every single thing he came across and telling the pretentious as all hell antagonist to just shut up because he kept rambling like a crazy person.

That fully made me expect to just be able to once I've climbed the final tower walk up to him, a PERFECTLY NORMAL HUMAN, and smash his head in with any of the various deadly weapons or guns I was carrying in my person at the time, only for the game to initiate a QTE knife fight instead.

I bought the full package on Steam a few weeks ago.

It's a magnificent game. I really wonder how they'll top it in a sequel.

QTE last boss

That was my only issue with the game. That asshole really pissed me off.

It was the same with the bald idiot in Far Cry 3. Assholes you just can't kill because the game stops you despite the fact that you mow through hoards of other enemies.

Does an open world game with a nice premise, passable story, forgettable characters, very little side content, endless fetch quests, wonky melee combat, terrible gunplay, terrible balance, and some really fun parkour/divekicking gameplay sound good to you?

You'll definitely get a few hours of fun with the parkour system alone, but the game will feel like its dragging on for too long unless you start getting creative with the gameplay.

It's alright tbqh/10
Definitely give it a shot but don't pay more than 20 monies for it.

Also Nightmare difficulty is bullshit and completely anti-fun when you're starting off. You'll eventually become an invincible parkour god that kills everything in one hit, but just keep that in mind.

You get a very good parkour system which starts out limited by your stamina and available moves. Combat and parkour abilities go up in a curve of sorts because of the ability tree and gear, but there's a good long while where moving around or over crowds of zombies is more efficient than staying to fight them. The curve breaks later on because you become unstoppable in combat and due to the grappling hook's effect on difficult sections of climbs or runs.

The movement systems are only as good as the maps though. The slums can be kind of boring, although it does have a few rooftops that present a fun challenge to reach (and a side quest to install ziplines around the map), with the most interesting ones coming in Old Town and the points of interest you drive between in The Following DLC.

I tried the demo for Dying Light and I just couldn't get into it. I had to choose between this and DR3 and I ended up going with Dead Rising 3.

Plus zombies scare the shit out of me. They unnerved the hell outa me when playing the demo.

This is what Dead Island should've been. I'd say wait for the winter sale, but eh. I can guarantee you you won't regret buying this
