Are we witnessing a second video game crash?

Are we witnessing a second video game crash?

Look at how many AAA titles bombed in the past month
>Mafia 3
>Dishonored 2
>Titanfall 2
>Watch Dogs 2
>Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
>Deus Ex Mankind Divided

Other urls found in this thread:

no, we're not. Now stop being a little cuck and posting this stupid shit otherwise I'm gonna come over and rape your tight little ass. Then when i'm done, I'm gonna skull fuck your mum and force her to puke out my jazz into a bowl and force you to eat it.

in other words, fuck off.

Jeez user, did Tyrone pound you to hard.

Freeform or classical?

Bombed in reviews or sales? The first doesn't matter if the latter still goes strong.

They all sold like shit

All denuvos fault


If only more people pirated the game, then their word of mouth could've given these indie titles exposure to a wider audience.

In order for your sequel to do well, a significant amount people had to have actually really liked the previous game. Did ANYONE really love dishonored and couldn't wait for a sequel?

If you regurritate the same crap everyone ofc people will stop buying

I've never played any games from any of those titles.

If the industry does somehow "crash" right now, The companies most likely to survive would be shit like EA because their sports games still sell a ton. I don't know what you think will happen if the industry does crash, but it's not going to be some magic cure-all for the industry

>b-b-but white people aren't oppressed
haha >you will live long enough to see this fetid dogshit modern industry collapse

it'll be the best day of my bloody life

>White people will be a minority in your lifetime

You will never see a crash as dramatic as the one thirty years ago.

Has game development ballooned and become horrifyingly stratified? Yes.

Has A and AA-level production died horribly? Yeah, a generation ago.

What you are seeing is a market shift. If you are old enough to post on this website, you have witnessed this happen multiple times.

This isn't a crash, this is a normal fucking part of any entertainment industry.

Yes? Are you trying to say Dishonored was poorly received or something?

>a bunch of soulless mindless cash ins were bad/flopped
Fucking surprise
>Titanfall 2
That's entirely EA's fault for the release timing

Where is the market shifting than?

It about time we stood up and told the jews running these companies that we expect better from them instead of the sea of mediocrity that currently plagues us.

Most of the games on there are sequels to games that were "Well received". Just because a game is okay to mildly good doesn't mean it will make people excited for more and running to the store to pre-order.

No, because modern gamers have been brainwashed to believe that shit gaming is the norm and all it will take is another massively hyped pile of shit to make another billion dollars off of idiots that play modern shit gaming.

Gaming started dying in the mid-90s and we're seeing the result of constant marketing style-over-substance garbage to "gamers" that is sustaining a dead industry that can no longer make games like they used to.

why the fuck you say WE i dont fucking know you and if we met id probably hate you stinken ass

Fuck off you stupid nihilist.

what the fuck did you say to me you little shit? Do you want me to come over to your house and chop off that pathetic worm that you call a cock? I'll chop it off and force you to eat and make you wear a wig so I can have a hung ass nigger come and fuck you in your virgin ass, making you his cumm whore.


>I'll chop it off and force you to eat

Hol up

Top pic has more diversity than bottom pic.

Bottom pic is all fat white chicks

Top pic has some chicks, some dudes, a black gu,y, some big, some slim, an asian girl

>>White people will be a minority in your lifetime
but i don't wanna live in the dark ages

>Titanfall 2

You couldn't be more wrong.
Has Dishonored 2 even been out long enough to get a verdict?

They already are a minority you dumb pooskin

Titanfall 2 sales tanked because it was released at the same time of Battlefield 1 and Infinite Warfare

Dishonored 2 sold like half the copies of its predecessor

It's worth pointing out that tv has been considered to be in a golden age ever since everyone realized "oh shit the sopranos is pretty good." There's no reason to believe that gaming won't experience a similar spike in quality. Somehow.

Don't even know where to start with how much this enrages me.

Is it the retarded quote that truly captures why games are shitty these days. Or is it that the bottom picture has zero diversity?

My friends and I loved Dishonored.

I bought the sequel this week (after the patch that supposedly fixed some problems) and it is working fine for me. It's fun so far. I haven't played much. The only thing I've noticed is the water on Ultra dropped my frames to sub-30. Everything on Ultra but water on High has got me playing comfortably right around or above 60. Only thing is the default settings weren't set for a PC so you have to check the menus and uncap fps, increase fov, etc.

Compared to other botched releases I've experienced (I had Batman: Arkham Knight on release from a promo when I bought my 970), this is smooth as butter.

Responding to OP's question, though: No, there's nothing wrong in the world of gaming. Maybe you're getting too old, maybe sequels of old standards aren't selling well, but there will be new standards to replace them and new consumers to replace you.

>My friends

The golden era of TV happened because they decided to take chances and put out something a lot more different than what people were used to which eventually payed off

Gaming is a lot like the movie industry today. Compare Disney with EA and you'll see why

good but runs poorly
well received but selling poorly
no clue
no clue
good game but obvious bad practices

please shut the fuck up and learn what an actual crash is
>saturating curated games isn't problematic enough

>Sup Forums is so deluded they think those games sold even close to poor enough to be considered a bomb

kill yourself

no, games are expensive and people are getting choosy

DX didn't flop tho, it has always been niche

If I could tell you I wouldn't just be some faggot getting some afterwork shitposting in before bed.

Let's put aside mobile and indie game development for now.

What we saw at the dawn of this generation was kind of the natural evolution of things like Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma, the blurring of the line between single player and multiplayer. Aside from the increased online ecosystem focus(e.g. social networking) you had things like Destiny and the Division. Needless to say you don't really need to be reminded of how tepid their launches ultimately ended up being.

We're also seeing Halo functionally running on fumes and COD might finally have overextended itself. Meanwhile Battlefield seems to have rallied after the middling 4 and Hardline, with a WW1 shooter of all things, so people seem to be at least receptive to unexplored settings.

You're also seeing kind of a mechanical throwback to pre-Halo FPS, with games like Wolfenstein New Order and Doom. Resident Evil is attempting to be more of a horror game again.

Personally, three years after the PS4 and Xbone came out I never really felt like this generation ever got started, like they didn't know what the fuck to do besides make what they were already making, but slightly prettier.

But the major players are floundering and the games are dehomogenizing once more. It's kind of a wild west period where the next developer to make the thing that really captures the mainstream's attention will functionally define the generation.

At the same time, we've had a decade and a half of developers dying because they wanted to make an X-killer and most publishers seem to have gotten savvy to that. Now if they can figure out franchise exhaustion/overexposure I'd say it'd be interesting times to live in.

I love stealth games but I cannot fucking stand Dishonored's art style, so I refuse to even give it a chance. Same thing with Darksiders, I cannot stand the way it looks, I cannot take it seriously as a game.

God I really hope so


>The best decisions are made by a diverse group of minds, not necessarily a talented or passionate one.

This sounds more like an excuse than a reason.
>Our game is complete shit but you're sexist for hating the fact that not a single woman here can program!

You do realise the Facebook post in its entirety was satirical, right?.

My brother, actually

But Dishonored was a pretty well-liked game in general

I think it's just a mistake to place faith in AAA titles. How many of these AAA titles, for all of their visual glamor and the money and time that go into them, actually have a worthwhile amount of content and are free of bugs or day-one patches?
I just look forward to games that are the product of comparatively smaller scale projects.

It's not even an excuse, it's zombie garbage.

The best decision makers would be talented and passionate.

"Diversity" is letting the managers have their harem at the workplace.

white people have always been a minority.


>>Mafia 3
Sold well.
>>Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
Outsold everything that wasn't FIFA.

Who wants a room of 75 fat women with their hair dyed bright colors?

Ray Velcoro pls

A change of paradigms maybe, but gaming will be fine.

>I cannot fucking stand Dishonored's art style, so I refuse to even give it a chance. Same thing with Darksiders, I cannot stand the way it looks

>sold well
it didn't
don't believe the
>it sold 50% more than Mafia 2
Mafia 2 sold like dogshit, so a 50% increase is still shit

>Gaming started dying in the mid-90s
No not even close, gaming was strong until 6th gen when it started to show early signs of weakening and casualization but this shit didn't become compounded till 7th gen.

>Gaming started dying in the mid-90s
>gaming started dying when it was just starting to get good

fuck off /r9k/, go die alone somewhere else

almost bought the blu ray last night

All the women there are white.

>Infinite warfare
Doesn't matter how bad a reviewscore it got if the shit-sucking casual masses still buy it.
They're still there.
They're still buying garbage.

Is that vgchartz?

a sitsom based on barron could likely do well.

Yes, so feel free to ignore.

If i recall, it sold 50% less than BO3 in the same amount of time. So while its still sold well, it is a step down from last year.

This doesn't sound like some THICC-fag's sick fetish to you?

IW didn't bomb per say, but sales are down much more than the trend would have suggested.

THICC-fag here
That sounds like something out of our worst nightmares

That's still a success.

>a few AAA multi-million dollar projects underperform
>a portion of a fraction of the video game market underperforms

The market is changing. Blockbuster serials are going to go the way of the dinosaur, thats all

then they should stop pushing SJW and nigger trash down our throats

these games only bombed with hyper autists on Sup Forums. they are doing fine with normal people.

>Second video game crash
Spotted the underage retard.
It was a crash in the home console market. And not even globally. It was in North America and that's it.

You do understand that 1983 was the second crash you fucking mongoloid?


>>Dishonored 2
It bombed?
I fucking loved that game.

>Personally, three years after the PS4 and Xbone came out I never really felt like this generation ever got started, like they didn't know what the fuck to do besides make what they were already making, but slightly prettier.

Yeah, this. This gen started years ago yet it doesn't feel like it ever truly began. The Wii U was an abject failure, and it was the only console that was trying anything new. The PS4 and Xbone are the same as the previous gen, but with better hardware and more mandatory online fees.

This gen is defined by HD re-releases of games everyone's already played and mandatory online and mandatory patches.

like most of us

Dishnorned has one of the best art styles in recent history you autist; that is not an exaggeration.


Well, let's be honest. Mafia, Dishonored, Titanfall and Watch Dogs are just not massively bankable franchises. Mafia 2 had a lukewarm reception, Dishonored was more of a cult classic than a massive hit, Titanfall was forgotten right after it came out and Watch Dogs 1 was one of gaming great dissapointments. There was no way sequels to these games would have particulary great sales.

People got tired of Call of Duty years ago. The only surprising failure would be Deus Ex and... well, it's just not that great a followup to Human Revolution. It's a good game but it's not groundbreaking.

Call of Duty doesn't belong on the list because it sold a fuckload still.

It's a very loose interpretation of bombed if you include it.


I don't think OP knows what constitutes bombing in finance.

it is 2

God what is that thumper game, it looks gud

That's not how "diversity" works.

"Diversity" means that if the industry as a whole has more HWHAIT MALES(and schrodinger's minorities aka east asians) than downtrodden, oppressed for centuries, women and shade darker minorities, you can discriminate against HWHAIT MALES and not hire them and instead hire anything else until your company has little to no HWHAIT MALES because since this IS an oppressive, white supremacist capitalist patriarchy being run by HWHAIT MALES, there's bound to be discrimination against women and minorities happening somewhere.

>The only surprising failure would be Deus Ex and... well, it's just not that great a followup to Human Revolution. It's a good game but it's not groundbreaking.

The setting was lackluster. Going from GITS/Bladerunner looking cities to....Czech Republic. Also the plot wasn't as interesting. Because people would discriminate against other people because they got a metal leg or arm. Stupid.


when was the first?

also, this is what happens when you market your games to people that don't actually play video games

>Because people would discriminate against other people because they got a metal leg or arm. Stupid.

Same with Witcher. Seriously, the whole "b-but people discriminate good human beings with amazing powers because they are afraid of the UNKNOWN!" fuck that shit, canĀ“t everyone see how everyone loved Terminator or Robocop? Or how they admire heroes that are aliens/not humans?

>Most of those games

Oh it's another one of those "games I don't like are therefore bombs and flops" thread.

>mfw second vidya crash

So they're purposefully gimping to their ability as a company for the sake of having more "le womyn" and "WE WUZ" folks on their dev teams? That is genuine fucking retardation. Talent and ability should always come first, not after.

This is what you've been saying every year for the past 6 years. It's not happening.

they were probably already there by 2007. AAA gaming requires a huge taskforce even for yearly installment drek. It's just by 2016 you can score brownie points for not putting only the pretty people in company photos

>videogames are actually pretty okay right now
>people chanting for a second videogame crash because they're bitter and can't enjoy them anymore

make some games nigga