What are some comfy F2P browser games?
No P2W crap pls
What are some comfy F2P browser games?
No P2W crap pls
That poor midget is drowning!
Let me guess, that's a dude?
I want Dodger to sit on my face
me too
Mods already deleted this thread, fuck off.
The only reason people like Dodger is because she knows how to play to betas. She sits in on that TB podcast and never, EVER challenges anyone. She never expresses a strong opinion, never confronts, nothing. Because she knows her audience will get triggered as fuck if she expresses an opinion.
Call this SJW talk if you want, I'm sure you will, but you know it's true that if any girl wants to get by in a public forum she has to look cute and never express opinions aside from the absolute safest shit that nobody could disagree with, because beta permavirgins will get mad as fuck that their favourite docile dolly is showing a little too much backbone, a little too much independence, and all they want is a non-threatening pretty face to smile at them and never make them feel uncomfortable like all those meanie-weenie girls in real life who hurt their feelings.
She looks like a goddamn goat in these jeans like hooves and stuff
Stop adding to this already shit thread with your shit pasta
>She sits in on that TB podcast and never, EVER challenges anyone
I'm just asking for some suggestions, if you don't have anything to say about browser games then please leave my thread
Thank you!
Please tell me about the time she took a strong stance and told TB he was wrong
Strippins too much for her.
Is there any online folder or something like that to see dodger webms?
>/wsg/ virgins make hundreds of threads dedicated to her despite the fact she's marrying a literal male model soon
Realm Of The Mad God.
Played this game for four years till i decided that it was ruining my life and quit.
If nothing else she always defends her weebshit to the death against him.
>you will never be able to pick near midget dodger up by under the knees and around the waist and physically bounce her tight lil vagina on your dick like a literal fucktoy
Why even live.
Dat hair man. I just wanna cum in it.
>those lips slowly covering the spoon
I see it too.
American beauty standards.
She was cute 5 years ago now shes just an average stacey hag
>implying you'd ever have a shot with her