Games Sup Forums tricked you into thinking were good
Games Sup Forums tricked you into thinking were good
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Just remember. You're not anthony Burch.
the witcher 3
Hahahhahaahhahahahah classic meme mate
shitty b8
If you're talking about DMC1, I agree
get cancer and die shill
DMC1's the best one though.
I guess there's no cure for shit taste
No one thought it'd be good, though.
feels like this game got hyped up by people that only played persona 3 and 4 and have their minds blown by premade dungeons because this shit is overhyped to hell and back. story progresses at a snail's pace, law and chaos are blatantly shit and not worth doing and the alignment system is so lenient it might as well not exist, combat is dumbed down, the only thing left is the dungeons and they aren't nearly as good as people scream about. feels like the whole SMT fanbase lives in a bubble and the only other JRPGs they've played are final fantasy
shame really, the actually first bf release was epic
This is actually not fun.
This is actually not fun on purpose so it's good.
its pretty fun though
but thats probably because the last one i played was battlefield 3
It is pretty bad. Pretty much all SMT that isn't Persona is bad. Fucking fight me.
>saying the game is too dumbed down and simple
>"you're a casual"
think about your non-arguments next time.
i disagree with that guy too, all of the persona games are bad for other reasons.
Saying DMC4 is the best would be the contrarian opinion
People usually either like 1 or 3 the most
I have a copy of this and I liked Persona, is this worth playing?
Long time fan, finished all the mainline entries alart from this one. Worst of the series. Litirally stopped playing 2 hours in and watched the cliff notes on youtube in prep for MGSV.
What if one likes 2 the most?
These are soon going to degenerate into mere single pixels
If you already have a copy, why even bother asking? Is it that hard just to play the game? And yes, it is. Don't go into it expecting Persona, though.
Maximum overcontrarian and/or liar.
Or just has really, really questionable taste.
Not worse than portable...
>I am faggot
New vegas
Not an entire game but TF2 competitive update
I'm entirely convinced Sup Forums hyped this up purely out of spite for Overwatch
In regards to the "considered canon" mainline. I.e one you can play on console.
Does anyone pretend it wasn't shit?
I'm not joking.
I always kinda liked guns more than swords, given DMC2's focus on it, that might just be it. Also god tier music and is the only game that isn't about Sparda except some old bird saying she will tell story of him, only she never does.
But it had some of the coolest Metal Gear, Metal Gear bosses. Maybe I liked it more because I enjoy Monster Hunter.
Okay, I guess. Don't know why Gunslinger in 3 wouldn't do it for you, but still.
I bet you didn't like SOTN either, asswipe.
3 and 4 are the best, 1 is outdated compared to 3 and 2 is just pure garbage.
There's still a few delusional people thinking it's good but people were hyping it up as a massive game changer before release, that level of shilling wasn't present for Gun Mettle or End of the Line