Other urls found in this thread:
>Star Wars games are dead until EA loses the license
>no modern fleet command strategy game
I just want to build a Rebel fleet slowly while orbiting comfy planets, is that so much to ask for?
Yo get on gameranger and play BF2 with me I need more CIS scum to fight alongside
>no imperial commando
>the rebels ALWAYS get the roles in games
>Star Wars Galaxies was killed over 11 years ago
Why do you make this thread every day?
>until EA loses the license
So until the heat death of the universe then?
Fuck off reddit
what server ?
That's a nice CP you have there, be a shame if I rolled into it.
Is Battlefront worth playing now that it's actually a finished game?
we still have bf2
so never
Few things:
1) I love the new Battlefront :^)
2) Clone Wars won't be a focus in future AAA games for a while because Disney wants to focus on the relevant era, that being the original movies and the new ones, not the prequels. Besides, we had none-stop Clone Wars media for years.
3) I'm excited for Battlefront II desu. Finally getting a game 100% based on the new content
Battlefront is okay I guess but I don't love it. I got it on sale and it at least looks really pretty. Lots of hackers though.
Will EA Battlefront 2 be any good?
It'll be technically decent while being lacking in content and missing the things that made the original Battlefront 2 so loved.
dumb cis member
post the video. the video of what we'll never have.
insert sad violin music
but there still is hope :
The new Battlefront with all DLC is on sale for 10 bucks on PS4
Is it worth it? I thought the beta was pretty fun
Has anyone played that First Strike mods for BF2142?
Apparently they're remaking it on Unreal 4, this could be the BFIII we've always wanted
Fuck off CIS scum
>Galaxy in turnmoil
user... I...
At $10 it's a steal, just as much content as the base game. And I thought it was really fun, for the record, I'm max rank and I play regularly.
>mfw EA Battlefront II is still Original Trilogy only
OT purists need to be gassed
Is it dead or not?
I remember when we used to have servers
they were really shit and dropped often but I still miss it ;_;
Still alive and well on PS4 with like 18k players
Alright cool I'll probably pick it up
>tfw you mastered hipfiring on sniper class to instakill everyone on multiplayer
Still mad. Clone Wars was the absolute best part in original BF1 & BF2. Still playing modded BF2 from time to time in singleplayer.
I do understand the viewpoint of EA - normies do not remember or care about the OT, and with the new SW movies coming up that are sequels they believe new fans will not care either.
>tfw in Gamespy servers, playing Deathstar zooming with sniper was forbidden and people in your own team watched your view when dead and reported if you zoomed
>just used a piece of paper or something on the screen above the sniper reticule and using high resolutions
At least the trooper designs in TFA were cool, resistance troopers remind me of ODSTs
Fuck I love Star so much. Why do people ruin the things I care about so much....
Because he doesn't want to let go of the good past. He doesn't want to face that we'll never get good Star Wars games or movies ever again.
Makes me sad.
What I would not give for a proper ROS space battle / Clone wars game.
What I would not give for a proper combination of space strategy, moving larger fleets of ships or single starcruisers, combined with proper FPV mechanics.
Because Jews
>if you tried to zoom in with a sniper to a distant target their character would move like a lagging brazilian
how do you ussually play this online?
You can see what is happening to the gaming industry and movie industry (entertainment in general) - what will be developed and launched is carefully considered to be certain "not to flop".
Making true masterpieces but failing to reach monetary goals would mean end of career for people responsible for the project.
EA is a company among others and there are no other reasons for a private-owned company to exist other than to produce money for the share owners.
Disney and EA both will ruin everything with the OT focus
>Episode 7 is a shitty New Hope ripoff
>Episode 8 is already confirmed for being a shitty Empire Strikes Back ripoff
>EA games will only feature OT material
>Han Solo movies
>Boba Fett movies
It's really nothing new.
Just cheap fanservice for people who pretend to have liked the OT. Because true OT fans realize that this shit is just cheap cashcrabs without substance or quality.
Clone Wars is fucking gay kiddie shit, OT and ST are for refined patricians.
>using the sniper-turret glitch to get inside Deathstar walls near the central point
>lagging Brazilian greatly confused
>laugh with younger brother until you are kicked out
Also, saw the new BF Deathstar map. Hideous beyond words.
>Episode 8 is already confirmed for being a shitty Empire Strikes Back ripoff
i have put literally thousands of hours into mos eisley hero assault. it's somehow still fun. almost wish there were tournaments.
I am not sure if any way exist after Gamespy servers are no more. LAN should still work - maybe someone has made a mod or patch for online play?
wait is Billy Dee coming back for real?
I think he heavily hinted it on twitter or something
>or movies
TFA wasn't that bad. At least it wasn't the fucking prequels.
Reminder that CIS > Clones
and Empire > Rebels
Also clones are baby mode too easy specially in that BFx mod
>Two Star Wars vidya threads at one time
Unfortunately second one is infested with rlm autist.
Anyway there was kind user posting some star wars themed mod for men of war in previous star wars vidya threads. If he is here i wanted to ask if i need anything else than base Men of War: Assault Squad 2 in order to properly play the mod. Like, there is some dlc Airborne which adds bots to multiplayer. I assume that if i want to play skrimish offline i need it?
>le prequels are bad meme
back to plebbit
>le prequels are good meme, le ring theory lele
Fuck off, retard.
Prequels are hot garbage.
>jar jar
>"deep intrigue"
>terrible writing
>terrible acting
>b-b-b-but TCW is great!
>a literal kids show for children on fucking teletoon
Get the fuck out of here.
>Plinkett drone already came here too.
go back to rlm you uncultured babbies
Back to plebbit, niggers.
>good action scenes, lightsaber fights and massive battles
>having dinner with you dad because you got tricked by some nigger
>dirty rags with motorcycle helmets
yeah they look great
contain yourself to one thread
nobody cares about the movies
>he actually likes the fucking prequel trilogy
Hey, you know what, good for you. I'm glad you're able to look past all of its glaring, obvious flaws and appreciate what was trying to be done with them.
The rest of us will live in the real world and continue ignoring the abortive mess that they turned out to be in reality.
I'll give you the space battle over Coruscant. And that's it. Lightsaber battles are all gay flippy spinny bullshit. Mustafar was the only half-decent one. Nobody gives a fuck about comic-effect battle droids and clones who only get personalities in A TELEVISION SHOW MADE FOR CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 13 ON A NETWORK THAT SHOWS CARTOONS
>nobody cares about the firmament of Star Wars canon
Go jerk off to Kyle Katarn and Darth Revan and Jacen Solo, scrub.
You know, all those fake stories that literally did not occur.
>terrible writing
>terrible acting
So like every other star wars movie
>Only a master of evil, Darth
>borning as fuck evil empire vs good rebels cliche
Every movie without arguably The Empire Strikes Back is hot garbage.
fucking hell ;-;
>plebbitor this butthurt
wew lad
>posts negatives about prequels
>no positives about OT
>disliking ewoks
>liking a contrived, half-explained war between robots and clones over a fundamental struggle for freedom against an oppressive regime
It's over, plebeian, I have the high ground.
Don't try it!
why did the Empire relax it's recruiting standards this far?
The question is "Are the prequels shit?"
The answer, as evidenced by the above, is "yes."
You should write an angry letter to every teacher you ever had because they all dismally failed in their quest to educate you.
>dude get education lmao
no arguments on the western front
reminder that you are literally defending anakin and some stupid whore rescuing stinky the hutt from being kidnapped by his pimp uncle, and jake lloyd's "acting", and a script that made ewan mcgregor sound like an actor who had never acted before in his life, and "you're going down a path that I can't follow", and "if you're not with me then you're my enemy"
you're in the wrong here kiddo
*teleports behind you*
nothin personnel
>Star Wars
>not just Knight&Shit in Space
>hating stuff like Ewoks, JarJar or the Battledroids
Star Wars was never meant to be super serious space opera.
The emperor is a fucking wizard and jedi are KNIGHTS.
>tfw you're the only person that preferred droids and rebels.
seems like ou lost because I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND NOW ANONKIN!
reminder that you're literally defending Ewoks
>Han solo movie
>When Ewan Mcgregor is still alive
Obi Wan trilogy is already confirmed
Why is Star Wars such a Kino?
>Will never see a new Empire At War
>Most we'll get is another shitty post-modern star wars RPG, another shitty battlefront (which apparently has been confirmed) and cinematic garbage
Why did I end up in this timeline?
It's a great series. Why'd you post the first video though?
It gets worse somehow too, they only ever focus on the stoic good guys and either completely ignore the other side of the issue or portray them as a group of backstabbing Hitlers
>that look of confusion and betrayal on Mundi's face
TFA had nothing on this level.
Even if the NOOOO is kinda dumb. Without that its a 10/10 scene and so or so movie history.
>tfw you realise that there will never be a SW game as good as the original Battlefront 2
Super battle droid! Take it down!