Why is it so linear?
Why is it so linear?
Because linearity isn't always bad and it's easier to develop this way, not having to think about interconnected areas and shit.
The second part of DaS was kinda fuckey so they just decided not to risk it this time
Creatively I think Miyazaki is a bit exausted on the souls series. Hopefully the new IP will get those creative juices flowing again.
Because DaS 1 was the exception not the rule regarding world design.
Also the more popular it gets the more Miyazaki probably feels like he needs it to appeal to a wider audience.
Even DS2 wasnt so god damn linear.
This. Memezaki needs to make something new and different, at least BB different, for it to be good.
lol ok kid.
Not really. Guy himself said he doesn't like doing sequels.
From owed 3 souls games to Bamco though.
It all looks like they fulfilled the obligations without going into maximum effort mode.
Did you even play any DarkSouls before 3?
watching twitch streams doesnt count
lmao please keep going.
was nice conversing with you.
solid dialog
have your (you)s
DS2 is mostly linear at area level.
DS3 is linear at world level.
sheer laziness
You can even see where there was supposed to be some shortcuts DS1 style but they just got lazy and went for a linear teleportation world. Boy do I love loading screens
Most of the levels themselves are very expansive and complex, they just don't connect to each other in any interesting ways
>Most of the levels themselves are very expansive and complex
Everything after Undead Settlement was busywork. You could tell they just lost all interest.
Is Dark souls the evangelion of videogames?
>Extremly overrated
>No story what so ever (unless you read the fanfic some autist cobbled together from item descriptions)
>Literally no good characters
>Slow, boring combat
>Shitty memes and references in every single thread even if its not relevant to the subject
>Muh first "hardcore" experience
>Pretentious to the max, nobody knows whats going on
>Goym keep praising it even after you point out all the massive flaws in its design
Can all soulsbabbies just die already?
>another DS3 complaint thread
I can't wait for another Souls game to come out so we can hate that one into oblivion and hail this one as some sort of hidden gem like with 2 now.
I think it's the overall highest quality set of levels (and especially bosses) in the whole series
It is in the sense that you didn't understand either of them
saw this copypasta already low effort b8 not even giving a (you)
You should just leave Sup Forums
Here's the (You) you wanted
I never even played 2
Keep that B team away
This. I was so fucking excited to see the rest of the game after clearing Undead Settlement. But every area after that was fucking nothing.
Because it was aimed at the Bloodborne fanbase, and those console kiddies can't handle non-linear level design.
Cant even tell if you're serious. bloodborne has quite a few branching paths and optional areas
obligatory neogaf anal defensive post to the rescue
god forbid anyone call out the cheap mediocre boring games souls really are
Are you saying you would rather have low quality interconnected areas than high quality linear world?
Yeah, I sure liked choosing between the witch path and the grand cathedral. And who could forget the legendary choice between the two possible first bosses?
You know how many possible first bosses DaS1 has? Eight. Not even exaggerating.
Nice false dilema there. Obviously we want high quality interconnected worlds
Hes not talking about open world you fucking tard. Hes talking about non linear interconnected areas
Its not false dilema.
I would rather it be mostly linear like DS3 but consistently good than amazing for only part of the game and dog shit the rest of it like DS1
DAS2 wasn't interconnected you dumb fuck. DaS1 is the only souls game they have made that had an interconnected world.
I was stating that DS2 ist linear you dumber fuck and not that is interconnected
tell me how much you enjoyed the weapon progression is DS3
Because it's good.
Too bad DS1s world was way more fleshed out than DS3.
Linearity isn't bad, however non-linearity was what made the original great. A sequel taking a step back is never good
DaS 1 was far more consistently good than 3. You can absolutely have an interconnected high quality game
Dark Souls 1 possible first bosses:
>Asylum demon
Bloodborne possible first bosses
>Cleric beast
>Father Gasoline
Bloodborne possible second bosses:
>Witch of Hemwick
>Bloodstarved beast
>Cleric beast
Ayy Lmao
Even half the areas before teleportation are pretty boring design in DaS1, mate. Lower Burg, Gardens, Basin, Ash lake, Great Hollow or Depths are just meh level design wise.
Because DaS' level design was a accident.
But Dark Souls only has one possible first boss.
Despite its nonsensical world and lack of existence as far as story goes, I felt like Dark Souls 2 was probably the best installment.
Fight me.
The tutorial area doesn't count.
:Nice pasta, peewee.
Asylum boss doesn't count and you know it.
The possible first bosses are instead Pinwheel or the Tauros Demon.
Dark Souls 3 has the best enemy variety out of the series.
I don't care what you say.
Then by that logic neither does central yharnam/gascoine+cleric beast count as Bloodborne's first boss since they are the game's tutorial to human hunters and beast fights respectively.
I'm not arguing against Bloodborne. In which case, I'll accede to your argument. I never played Ps4 Souls.
The tutorial boss doesn't count, but I'll humor you:
DaS tutorial:
>Asylum Demon
"second" boss:
>Stray Demon
>Moonlight Butterfly
BB first boss:
>cleric beast
BB second boss:
>cleric or gascoigne, whichever is still alive
See now?
It was as linar as des. You pick 1 path out of 4, and walk a straight line till the end.
Can you even make it to Gargoyles without beating Taurus? I'm fairly certain that Taurus is pretty much required for most bosses besides Pinwheel.
Also if Stray Demon were to be the second boss of a less experienced player, they would get one shot. Same with Sif and Quelaag. You're being completely unrealistic with how the game scales.
Also let's not pretend Gascoigne isn't better than most of the DaS bosses in the first half of the game.
You forgot Blood-starved beast for bb
and that is still not as linear than DS3
what is Cathedral and Dungeon
You forgot 4 kings for Dark Souls 1
because bonfire warping being available from the start
but individual level design is on par with Bloodborme or Demon Souls
you kinda have to beat sif and glitch beyond the golden fog gate thingy, so no
In DaS3 you can at least do Catacombs before Cathedral, but that's all I can really think of. I guess once you beat dancer some other options open up as well like the Dragon area and other optional stuff.
You're right about the ring, but 4 kings don't have a golden fog gate. You can fight them before getting the lord vessel and get to meet Kathee if you do.
It's perfectly reasonable to go to queelag as soon as you get to firelink. I've done it plenty. She isnt as strong as you remember.
Bosses? Fucking really? DaS had the worst set of bosses in the series with all the cut and paste shit, especially if we're talking pre-DLC.
and in DS2 you can chose the order of Sinnder, Rotten, OIK and Freja
>Can you even make it to Gargoyles without beating Taurus?
Yes. With Master key. From Firelink go down to New Londo.
Follow Valley of drakes into Darkroot basin. Climb to Andre and you're there.
with master key, yes. Without it Taurus is the only second possible.
Yes, and how many hours do you have in DaS? I'm speaking from a practicality standpoint.
Ah yes, I never did that myself, but the Master Key definitely gave you the most options.
There wasn't much point in picking any other starting gift.
Like said, fighting Sif, stray demon, or queelana as your second boss is unrealistic unless you use sl1 run tactics.
That leaves us with 5 possible first boss fights vs 4 possible boss fights, which is pretty damn closs and not as exaggerated of a ration (2:8) as you oriinally suggested.
Yes, with the master key you can go through the valley of drakes to get to darkroot, then go to undead parish. Taurus is completely optional.
>Also if Stray Demon were to be the second boss of a less experienced player, they would get one shot. Same with Sif and Quelaag. You're being completely unrealistic with how the game scales.
That's not the point. An experienced player can fight them in a wide variety of orders, which enhances replayability. Obviously new players shouldn't be going for Sif first.
>Also let's not pretend Gascoigne isn't better than most of the DaS bosses in the first half of the game.
Again, this has nothing to do with what I'm actually saying. Either way, I disagree. Gascoigne is parry-bait, pretty much on the same level as DaS1's final boss.
You're right, thank you for correcting that.
4 Kings can't be fought until you kill Sif, since you need the Covenant of Artorias.
are you the same autist from last night who was shitposting the entire thrrad with a bunch of cherrypicked webms
You can skip him if you go through darkroot garden theough Havel's door into Andre's workshop.
>that picture
It literally has nothing to say. Literal shitposting.
How are footsteps even a major point of critique? There are no memes in the game and "git gud" is the userbase, not the game. "Mediocre combat" as opposed to "good combat" is subjective as fuck and not a single argument is made. Rolling/dodging is bad now? You can design a tank build that just takes the hits if you really want to, but rolling/dodging is the most optimal way to play and requires the most skill, making it fun.
Fuck the guy who made that is a retard.
DaS3 has the best bosses in the series.
Many of the bosses require the master key to challenge "second" including the one to gargoyles, but yes you can go burg past Havel>basin>garden>burg past Andre>Gargoyles
I would agree if bloodborne didnt exist
It definitely had some really good ones.
Champion Gundyr and Nameless King are some of my favorite fights in the series.
>I never did that myself,
Pretty useful if you you want to host PvP in Burg or just chill there in human form and kill twinks that invade your sl400 toon
You can meet Kaathe when you do have the Lordvessel, he only disappears when you place it on the shrine for Frampt.
Soul of Cinder was probably my favorite boss fight in the entire series desu. The music and pottery blew my mind
I don't understand why so many people argue about them. I enjoy all of the Souls games. 2 was initially really janky but SotFS sorted that out. I really like all of them.
dude I'm sorry but you're legit wrong about most of your post, not just trying to troll you here
with master key:
Undead Burg (Taurus)
-> Darkroot Basin
-> Darkroot Garden (Sif, Moonlight Butterfly)
-> Undead Parish (Gargs)
with Basement Key:
-> Lower Undead Burg (Capra)
-> Valley of Drakes
-> Blighttown (Quelaag)
not to mention that even without the master key, you can access the Stray Demon and Pinwheel before fighting the Taurus Demon
you've got a point about the scaling, because some bosses are just legit ridick without "properly" upgraded gear
Only with master key
You can go through New Londo even if you don't have the Master Key.
I didn't say it for certain. I was asking a question in the first part of my post. Also you're about the 7th person to reply.
Nobody cares you dumb nigger, people don't praise DaS1 because it "wasn't linear", they praise it because it was interconnected. Fuck off.
not stray, as far as I know, since you need the elevator for the jump
This user gets it.
Teleportation should be earned and not given. Dark Souls early game is brilliant because of how interconnected everything is. There are so many different paths to go on (especially with the Master Key). It nails the risk/reward of exploration and immerses the player so much better. More importantly it forced the game designers to really nail the world design and at least in my opinion that strengthened the level design.
yes, but you cam only do it to get the items, most whixh are useless for your early game
The point is that you get access to every area before Sen's Fortress.
>Nobody cares you dumb nigger
literally the eintire thread is about that.
It has some great bosses for sure. Champion Gundyr and Nameless King are both great. That said i think i slightly prefer the bosses in bloodborne overall, and Orphan of Kos is probably my favorite boss in the series.
Bosses by game: