We all know the endings still suck, Extended Cut or not, but what's the best one? And why is it Paragon Control?
We all know the endings still suck, Extended Cut or not, but what's the best one? And why is it Paragon Control?
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Fuck off Illusive man, not buying in to your shit.
High readiness destroy is the only acceptable ending.
>Not wanting to be a synthetic god
Besides, Control is the ending with the least amount of damage, no one gets killed and everything destroyed gets rebuilt and implied that it gets better. Of course. The Illusive Man was a retard who wanted control for his own benefit, Paragon Shepard is not him. With Destroy yes, you accomplish what was meant from the start, that being destroying the Reapers, but at a much bigger cost that is destroying the Geth, Robowaifu and the Mass Relays, how the fuck is that good?
>People still choosing Control
Good indoctrinated goys
the green one
Control is just fucking indoctrination wrapped in a colourful paper. It's completely out of character to pick any other ending than Destroy for Shepard considering the things they've gone through to destroy the Reapers for good.
Not to mention the Mass relays aren't destroyed, they're damaged and repaired as seen in the extended cutscenes if you have a high enough readiness.
Who gives a fuck about fapbait robotwaifu and the Geth. Killed off Geth, Krogan and Quarians. Good riddance.
I don't know what makes you think control is paragon. The color motifs used for each of the choices don't mean shit compared to what is actually happening when you commit to the choice.
I think the ending speech for Control differed depending on if you were Paragon or Renegade so I think that's what he meant.
Destroy is absolutely the best ending though, even with the contrived horseshit they shoved in there to try and make you think there was a downside to doing the thing you'd been trying to accomplish since the first game.
Destroy is the only ending where Shepard survives, that alone should be evidence enough its the best one.
I never meant that it was THE paragon choice, I was talking about the Paragon variation of said ending, if you played Renegade, Shepard's speech is different and sounds way more menacing.
>Control is just fucking indoctrination wrapped in a colorful paper.
How? What kakes you say that?
>Not to mention the Mass relays aren't destroyed, they're damaged and repaired as seen in the extended cutscenes
Oh, I must've forgotten about that, fair enough.
>Who gives a fuck about fapbait robotwaifu and the Geth.
I do, not sure about you but I wanted to bring peace and order to the galaxy, not dooming entire races.
because fuck Reapers, that's why
also I don't really give a fuck about EDI or the geth, I'm considering their deaths a bonus if anything.
There's a reason why Control is blue and Destroy is red.
at least we can all agree we're not going to pick that synthesis bullshit where they weld motherboards on our dicks
To beat us over the head with symbolism and color theory in a hamfisted style?
Yeah that ending is gay.
I really really like that they made a "fuck you" option. I'll take that any day.
I will not let fear compromise who I am
>You say "Fuck you" to the kid
>He kills you and destroys the weapon
Fucking Bioware.
That would've been the best ending if they made it so that you beat the Reapers with high readiness, but nope, Bioware said "fuck you too" and made the cycle continue regardless of anything .
Guys who saved the day.
Think about it: an AI shows up, talks some incredibly retarded shit, then give you three options: one that kills your enemies and all AIs including the retard you're arguing with, and two that make friends with the evil machines that have stupid motivation.
One was the mission, and the other two were the theme of pretty much every atrocity encountered in the entire game series.
Team Dextro was the shit in ME1. One has a shotgun, one has a sniper, both pick locks and kill robots.
Mass Effect 3 is pretty bad but I kinda liked the Tuchanka and Rannoch missions. The game really takes a turn for the "broken beyond all repair" turn once you hit Thessia though.
Plus there's no way starkike was unbiased when he explains the choices, it's pretty clear he wanted you to choose one that served the reaper's interests.
This is your reminder that some of the people in this thread argued for TIM having his shit figured out until ME3 came out and they couldn't stay in denial.
>tfw if you don't romance either of them, they get involved with each other.
That was cute.
>I choose Control because as a paragon it seems like the best way to help the galaxy rebuild
>Friend only likes Destroy because its the only one where Shepard lives
>doesn't care about how it wipes out the Geth he saved, and EDI because they are just machines
>we get into hour long discussion/argument about what constitutes a soul and sentience, and Destroy is synthetic genocide perpetuating the Reaper's whole thing about organics and synthetics being unable to co-exist
I didn't play ME until Mass Effect 3 so I kinda missed the height of ME popularity on Sup Forums (though I remember the front page constantly being flooded with pictures of Tali). But I can kinda sympathize with that view point. Being a militant human supremacist makes sense in the world of Mass Effect, despite how hard Bioware wants to about-face from that direction since ME1.
They were my Shep's best friends.
>>I choose Control
So you played into not only the kid's hand, but also the Illusive Man's? 'kay. I hope you enjoyed being manipulated, son.
Except literally everything Cerberus ever did was dumb and they fucked it up.
I couldn't take Synthesis because of how batshit retarded it seemed, that Shepard dying in a beam somehow magically makes everyone fucking cyborgs.
brought Shepard back to life. Helped kill the Collectors. Yeah they conveniently ended up getting indoctrinated instead of having to actually address whether they morally were correct or not, but the question was never really about Cerberus so much as it was about racism in a universe of different intelligent species.
All I know is that destroy/red ending is the worst one.
t. indoctrinated
>Universe destroying entities.
Destroy is literally the only responsible option. Everything has to be rebuilt but it's better than the Reapers breaking out of their control a few hundred years down the line and wrecking everyone's shit.
>Reapers have deposited 10 credits into your account
Destroy is the only right choice and the cutscenes following that choice proves it.
Green felt like your typical bioware copout bullshit. I don't mind this during minor quests but there should have been only two options for the ending.
Red > Green > piss > shit > Blue
samefag please
This. I like EDI too much to pick anything else
>Picking *anything* other than destroy
Try harder next time, fuccboi! LUL
The ending was shit. And we all know there was only one ending with three different colours. Dont pretend it makes any difference whether you choose to control, to destroy them and whatever the retarded 3 choice was.
Never mind how the MASS RELAYS that which function was already established in ME1 suddenly are able to use SPACE MAGIC to turn people into.. cyborgs because..reasons?
There wasn't a single fucking thing in this game that wasn't bat-shit retarded. Every single sub-plot and side quest had a DUMB fucking resolution and if anyone in this thread actually believes that there was an ounce of decent writing in this abortion then its pretty clear he wouldn't be able to tell good fucking writing even if it fucked him in the ass.
the endings dont make any sense. They dont naturally arise from the narrative. Your choice of R/G/B occurs after a non-sequitur ghost child appearing, making offers of deux ex machina resolution
Destroy was the mission. Destroy is what i did.
i actually also shot the kid out of curiosity and that was a passive aggressive as fuck ending from that
You now remember how that stupid Rachni Queen subplot in Mass Effect 3
Pretty much this
pssh nothing personnel Shepard
you can shoot the kid all you like before the ending dlc
Tuchanka/krogan plotline was good, quarian/geth plotline was good. Keep trying to fit in though.
>quarian/geth plotline was good
Fuck off outta here with your bullshit
>The geth are a hive-mind that is stronger when grouped together
>Lol just kidding what they actually wanted all along was to be individuals like the organic species
The writing for the geth in ME3 was by far the worst butchering of established lore I have ever seen in any game. It was worse than the fucking ending.
>quarian/geth plotline was good
no. See Also
>oh no shephardcommander to comunicate with the hivemind tell it not to fuck everything up I will have to die
>Uh why, Legion?
>because of drama and the information transfer will kill me and reasons and shit, can you hear the sad music in the background?
>Uhhh if transfering the data kills you then why not use one of the THOUSANDS of ded and not so ded geth on that ship over there and link them up instead?
>Tuchanka/krogan plotline was good
What was good about it? Mordin getting shot due to everyone having brain-damage? No tell me, because other than that I dont remember a god-damn single thing about it. Shows how good the writing was, huh?
I repeat it so even a mongoloid like you will understand: Every single side/subquest is fucking retarded. EVERY SINGLE ONE. because every single one could be literally resolved without DRAMA if everyone involved didn't suddenly decide turn theirs brains off and act like fucking retards for the sake of MUH PLOT