>welcom to...
>da TEM SHOP!!!
>why are you unzipping your pants
post it
would tem even want go to college after that?
Undertale was a fantastic game. One of the best. Ever.
I agree.
haha nah dont post it
What is the goat for?
Undertale was certainly an enjoyable experience, one that I'd suggest most people go through, even if they hadn't played Earthbound or catch any of the references or homages to other games, it's still a game that would resonate well with casual and hardcore audiences alike. Music's good too.
You don't need to threaten me for a hug, Asriel.
for colleg
The head should have stayed facing the same direction with the dace popping out
It was great and I had a lot of fun, but it isn't without its flaws.
1. It was too short, only about 5-7 hours for a first time play, can be beaten in under 2 hours if you know what you're doing.
2. A lot of people praise the fact that the game will remember everything you do and adjust accordingly but after the Toriel reset it's kind of underwhelming, I would've preffered more time going towards making Waterfall or Hotlands better (or actually making the capital a city) than making sure le reddit skeleton man knows everytime I killed his brother.
3. Alphys and Undyne's relationship feels kinda shoe horned in, would've liked for just a little more development with that.
4. As I said in point 2, Waterfall and more notably Hotlands feel kind of empty, I would've liked a Snowdin-esque city for each area tbqhf.
5. Apart from the Undyne the Undying and Sans fight the genocide route is mind numbing-ly boring.
>4. As I said in point 2, Waterfall and more notably Hotlands feel kind of empty, I would've liked a Snowdin-esque city for each area tbqhf.
This is my biggest complaint with the game. Snowdin was so cute and comfy. We should've gotten a boardwalk fishing village in Waterfall and a steampunk new york city for Hotlands.
And goddamn I wish we could've seen more of New Home.
that gif is freaking me the fuck out lad
Don't 404 on me now.
Undertale best game.
>1. It was too short, only about 5-7 hours for a first time play
That's a plus for me. I mean a bit longer would have been fine, but I'd MUCH rather have a short and weet game that doesn't waste my time with filler and useless shit than what a lot of other games do.
>Had to go to family gathering for an early thanksgiving
>Hey user why dont you play some music!
>Thought about this beforehand so I downloaded a holiday album
>Play Jingle Bells and set my phone down to go to the restroom
>Taking a huge dump when suddenly I hear the Tem shop background music
>Sudden dread hits me
>I forgot to delete the "Tem sucks dik for colleg" track
>Began playing where I last came to it
>Sitting in the restroom panicking what to do while I hear my family scrambling for my phone to shut it off through the slurping and chiptunes
>Nobody would look me in the eyes when I grabbed my phone and left
>Its been a week since theyve talked to me
hello darkness
>"Tem sucks dik for colleg" track
I did not know this was a thing.
Funny story too.
Wow, I'd probably kill myself.
There's better RPG's with furries out there. J-ones anyway at least.
I want to believe this actually happened
I think Undertale made me finally realize how much I really like musical motifs.
Great (and reasonably priced for its length and breadth) game, but the fanbase is cancer, like all other fanbases.
Why user?
Biggest flaw is that most people will go through there first playthrough only killing an handful of mobs at the start.
There isn't any real difference between playthroughs of almost pacifist and complete pacifist until the final 25% of the game.
I firmly believe that even if a game is bad, a great soundtrack can save it and make it enjoyable. A great example of this is Hatris on NES.
care to name a few?
You only have yourself to blame.
Breath of Fire 2-4
Suikoden 1-3
Final Fantasy 9, Tactics Advance, 12
I'd like to see you do better.
By not having meme porn audio files?
This is wonderful.
I remember someone saying no one would be talking about Undertale a month after it's release. If only I could see them now.
>not just putting on a spotify playlist
>actually having lewds of any kind on your phone, even audio
>not setting the music to only play a specific album
>not checking the playlist before going to the bathroom
You only have yourself to blame.
You deserved it
This is why I never save fap material onto ANY electronic devices of mine.
is this it?
Goat is not for sexual!
That's what the robot is for.
>Hey user why don't you play some music!
>Open Spotify on my phone
>Enjoy the holidays without being a massive failure as a human being
It's not rocket science people.
I'd rather experience the embarrassment that user went through than listen to fucking ads after each song.
from what I could hear of it, you could've passed the first half from "this was from a video game"
he doesn't start sucking dick until after a minute in.
>so poor he doesn't have premium
Snowdin was the first town built after the eviction from the ruins. Waterfall and Hotland lacked permanent households because all monsters live "in the city", namely New Home.
The horse NPC in Snowdin even explains this. You have Home, New Home, and Snowdinn. There are no other permanent monster settlements.
There is NO FUCKING WAY this is real
why is this even a thing?
I've never jerked off to erotic audio before, but I'm not going to judge him.
I've spanked it to far more shameful shit than that. As far as I'm concerned, that's fairly vanilla.
>1-29 days after Undertale's Release
"Guys, we'll go away after the month, all newly released games get a month before moving to /vg/."
>30-60 days after release
"Guys, the mods agree with us, the game requires multiple playthroughs and is very anti-spoiler centric. We need a few more dedicated threads on Sup Forums, look, we're even making the /vg/, right? Chill."
>61-90 Days after release
I love the game by the way, but we don't need a general Undertale Thread on Sup Forums now or soon. Nothing's even updated in a while. If hard mode or an excessively good Fangame (like Undertale Yellow) comes out, then go for it.
>still living with parents
>about to fap, organize both screens full of MLP porn
>most of the images featured Zebra Domination and guro
>mom walks in without knocking
>not fapping, but about to, quickly shut off both monitors even though she most definitely saw what was on them
>she acts as if nothing happened, even goes on to casually ask me if I was coming to eat or not
>wonder to this day whether or not she really recognized what those characters were and what were they doing, could it be possible for her to realize that I was watching cartoon porn if the shapes of the characters are so unfamiliar to her
true, but we still have doom threads every so often man, it's not like every thread has to be about FRESH CONTENT RIGHT FUCKING NOW
Smooch a ghost
Holy shit.
The doom threads end up being meta narratives about the jewery of modern videogaming.
At best, Undertale threads are for confessionals where people apologize for being too harsh on a game that for all intents and purposes has no business being lower than an 8 in literally any legitimate category other than graphics.
And that's fine, but it rarely evolves into other games, except SOMETIMES Mother, but not often. Doom threads at least expand into other games like Duke Nukem (and the similar travesty that was forever) and so on.
To be fair, I really "am" going out of my mind waiting for Undertale Yellow's demo to come out, so there's that.
what the fuck am i listening too?
>having your monitors facing in a way that you can see what's on them from the door
Tem suck dick for college
There is a character in Undertale named Temmie.
Temmie is a retard, or is at least very slow and quirky.
In-game she needs money to go to college
Someone made a hypothetical scenario where she blows people for money to get to college
What's not clicking?
yotsuba blue
>paying for premium
>not using the cracked version and AdAway
I bet you pay for YouTube red
I thought it was a boy.
I forgot how fucking hilarious the audio is. Goddamn, user.
How does it feel to be blind?
what about temmie suggests any sex at all?
hell, even the "PROUD PARENT" line is neutral
The hair.
the hair tastes like egoraptor though
I vaguely recall the various temmies reffering to their friend "Temmy" in a female standing, all with the obvious exception of Bob.
I knew this, i'm refering to how awkward it was.
It's not even shoulder length? All temmie has is bangs.
The line is literally and dis is my friend... temmie!
That's it.
>you will never get bent over and raped by mettaton ex
>there will never be a fapfic where mettaton ex fucks user in the ass until he likes it
why live
Another vidya music greentext for you
Temmie, the artist, is a girl.
If she put a creature in, named after herself, and she doesn't have some weird fucking trans disease, then it's safe to assume the character would be female as well.
I'm sure she didn't think it needed to be said, since gender is unimportant in the game, but there's no reason to assume otherwise.
Hence vague.
If you want more non-canon reasoning, Temmie Chang, Toby's Number 1 helper, created Temmie. I can only assume it was in their own likeness, give or take vibrating body parts and cat features. Though the Temmies do feature Temmie Chang's favorite giant headphones.
i..i wanna smooch that ghost
I could write one but I still haven't finished playing the game. Sorry.
I thought they were a second set of ears?
you fucking idiot
All I need is for it to be reasonably fappable.
I don't have this one screencapped, but hopefully someone remembers it.
this would be fine, except there's a whole race of temmies, apparently. That aren't all named temmie?
wait why am I arguing about this shit fuck
This desu
It's fine bro. For what it's worth, there is a Temmie named Bob.
Well, I've done lots of erp in the past on F-list. I wouldn't say I'm incredible at typefucking though. When it comes to writing fapfics... I've read several but never actually written one.