I'm liking the game so far but:

I'm liking the game so far but:

>deleting security footage from a cafe also deletes it from the super-secret underground laboratory under the heavily guarded mansion across the street
>coins are an item that take up one of your two equipment slots and you have to choose between bringing them or a lockpick/poison to the mission
>enemies don't notice huge pools of blood

This is so mindbogglingly stupid that it's making me want to completely drop the game. Whenever I am reminded about one of these issues (which is almost every time I play it), it kills my immersion and makes me lose the desire to play it. How can a game be so fucking close to getting everything right and fuck up on the tiniest of things?

inb4 boo hoo always online

why are you taking coins to begin with?

Why are you even taking lockpicks and poison when you have coins anyways? It sounds like you're the problem not the game.

Never know when you'll come across a capsule machine.

Because when you throw them, guards hear it and go to investigate. It's a pretty big feature of the game, how weird that you missed it.

Get them osp, nerd, there's not one level without coins in it. Or idk use something else from the level

Good thing you said >inb4 boo hoo always online because I'm gonna do it.

I ljust finished the Paris mission and completed a few challenges, the most important one is killing Dalia with the gas leak.

I found out though that I did it offline by accident. Couldn't figure out how to go online again during the mission so I thought that after the mission ended when I went back online it would remember what I did and tick the challenge off.

Apparently not. Why can't it register what I've done and then update the challenges when I go back online?

I just think it's an incredibly stupid design decision because it implies that 47 doesn't have enough space in his suit to bring 3 coins but then you can stuff your pockets with countless screwdrivers, wrenches, crowbars and bricks and use them as distractions.

If you decide to use distractions as part of a mission playthrough you can decide not to bring coins but then you'll spend time finding other throwables in the level which adds a redundant layer of gameplay.

I agree it's a bit silly, but there's shit to throw everywhere. It's just video game logic for challenge.

>loved blood money
>kinda liked absolution
>half off this weekend

I'm expecting a lot of fun.

Remember to turn Opportunities to minimal or off in options.

are the leaderboards filled with cheaters or what?

Same faggots in all the top 10 spots. Like how are they doing some of these escalations in 50 seconds when it takes 30 seconds just to RUN to them, and you have 3 other objectives to do as well.


>snap Dalia's neck while she checks her laptop
>no challenge completion
wtf I hate Danes now

most of the people on top have youtube channels so you can see.

Sniper rifle kills.

okay so the very first escalation on the training boat, you need to kill 2 targets in two different costumes. Just getting the first costume and reaching the first guy takes at least 50 seconds since you need to run by the kitchen and pick up the knife to kill him with. Then you need to change costume again and kill the second guy.

there is no way you can do this in less than a minute.

haven't been able to stop playing Paris since yesterday, having fun so far

you can start the level already in one costume.

I'm playing Blood money and holy fuck it's hard coming from TM. no minimap no opportunities and worst of all some of the maps are complicated for no reason. I'm currently trying to help save some agent who's been drugged and it's nut's how many rooms there are.

get the security uniform from the lone guard watching the CCTV, stash his body in the dumpster outside the back door of that room.

There's no minimap, but BM has a live, moving full map with many interesting points marked on it. People tend to forget that BM kinda held your hand in some ways as well. Also, you can peek through keyholes unlike in TM.

The Paris building in TM alone is more convoluted than anything BM had to offer. it's just a matter of getting acquainted with the area. maybe it just feels less complex because 90% of Paris is pretty much unused if you just play the campaign

FYI, you can get the full game for $17 on gamestop digital store

I always take coins and lock pick, and smuggle in poison.

I hate that blood isn't noticed, and that security cameras are not only all connected, but also that there is no rush to delete footage before it gets sent to the cloud.

I also hate how everyone speaks English, and speaks it well. They better have a bigger budget for season 2 to pay for other languages.

I still like the game though. Sapienza was great.

Oh shit son that's a great price.

How do I make Blood Money replayable? compared to TM it feels like there are hardly any ways to kill people. The only one so far that I felt even came close to any of TM's maps is A New Life. I'm trying to find different ways of completing Curtains Down but it just feels like I'm doing slight variations on what are essentially the same kill method.

>using opportunities

Well no duh its harder, you played every mission in TM on what is essentially the tutorial mode.


What? Paris is one of the few maps in TM where almost every area of the map has a use. Marrakesh is the one with the most useless areas and I would say that they make up at most like 40% of the map

What you're saying about cameras would only work if they weren't all connected. It would be supremely shit to have to haul ass to the security room because you got spotted on camera in a public area like a cafe.

>he brings coins with him

Nigga, the maps have tons of throwing distractions. You can throw coins, soda cans, busts, toy tanks. Tons of shit. You don't need to bring coins when the maps give you plenty of throwing distractions to pick up.

isn't this US only?

the only important people.


Well I also don't know why it cares that you get spotted in a public area. The cameras should only matter if you are trespassing or committing a crime.

On Curtains down, you can:
>change WWII guns
>snipe from lighting room during crucial scene
>dress as the actor that shoots the target and shoot him himself
>kill him in his dressing room
>snipe other target from behind stage
>drop chandelier on other target
>drop light rig on either of the targets

There are plenty of ways. Sure, not as many and not as diverse as in TM, but there were still plenty. A New Life is one of the best missions in the entire series.

I ve been playing the game with tje default settings, what does oportunities do?

Hey guys. I just decided to start Hitman after seeing several threads. I'm playing blood money and after several crashes finally got past the tutorial mission. I'm wondering what difficulty is good for a newcomer. Should I just go balls to the wall and play on Pro?

>he doesn't live in the US

I think the implication is that during the subsequent murder investigation all the footage is going to be analyzed and you will be spotted as acting suspicious. I think the cameras should only "ignore" you if you're in your starting suit and not wearing a disguise.

play all difficulties in order

I don't know you but you might get frustrated with not being able to save mid mission on Professional especially if you're new to this. Maybe try expert, you can save three times there I think per mission.

I dont like this level.


Just play on Normal, maybe bump up to Expert if you find yourself very good at it. The biggest difference is how often you can save during the mission and it can be fun to save scum and try certain strategies.

Honestly I'd say go for normal if you're completely new to the series. Pro can be frustrating even for seasoned players because you can't save at all. Really, pro is reserved for people who already know the levels inside and out.

I don't get all the hate Marrakesh gets. People seem to despise it, and I thought it was ok. Certainly not among the better levels of the season, but still pretty decent.

Thanks. I'll start off with normal and go from there. Also, are the directions up at the top of the screen all the time, or is that just a tutorial thing. That's a little too hand holdey.

It's just a tutorial thing.

Thanks bro!

Delete this now your dl code is showing.

A public area that happens to be near the scene of an assassination. If you were an assassin would you want any footage of you being anywhere near there?

I liked it well enough. The embassy and the underground tunnel were top tier, but the market area was useless and the school was just bland as fuck. It wasn't Sapeinza or Hokkaido tier but it was still a good level. Night Marrakesh is great though.

I'm downloading HitmanTM for the first time thanks to based user What difficulty options should I use? I was very good at Contracts and Blood Money, though I did start by playing those games on Normal and using the map with NPC icons, then moving up to Professional.

From what I can tell you don't pick a difficulty but you turn options off like Minimap, Opportunities (no idea), NPC icons and Detection arrows.

What should I use for a good first experience? I don't want to cheat myself and make it too easy but I don't want to make it impossible either.

thanks downloading now!

>unironicaly use of the word ''nerd''
When will all these fat as fuck Redditors leave?

If you decide to track opportunities, it'll show markers to complete opportunities, making game too easy as they often lead to good situation to kill a target.

Read it again nerd, user did good.

There is no difficulty selection per se, but there are a ton of assists to toggle on/off in the menu. Just turn all of it off except the "spotted" indicator.

Read the code

Oh fuck, that got me good.

>half off
nigga it's $15 at gamestop

There are plenty of design flaws in this game, but so did the previous games.

I have a couple of nagging points. I did like the fact you could cover your face in absolution, i find it weird that they took that out. Another thing is that everyone has super sonic hearing, being able to hear someone being punched from a fair distance, or even through walls.

Not being able to grab someone from behind on stairs and not being able to just grab them and dragging them somewhere else to choke them out is also something i found stupid. It's a good game, just needs many more features. and better optimisation

>want to buy a fun game
>GameStop has it for a good deal



calm down bernard, no one is playing keep away with your pocket protector

>you can just shoot the camera computer instead of needing to distract guards and walk to it

pretty cool

I've never played a Hitman game.
Should I play Blood Money before the new one so it's not hard to go back later?

Start with Absolution to get used to the cinematic experience.

The opportunities are really easy to follow even when off, since you just have to stick around eavesdropping on certain conversations until a certain piece of crucial info is dropped.

Blood Money should be played regardless of motive, really.

>I did like the fact you could cover your face in absolution
The instinct system was the worst thing about Absoultion, having to use your magic points to make disguises not useless isn't fun at all, and if they took out the magic points you'd just hide your face the whole time, making the feature pointless
>Another thing is that everyone has super sonic hearing
I don't find the hearing that bad, but it's strange that nobody can hear you sprinting around
>Not being able to grab someone from behind on stairs
Yeah this should be a feature, it feels like it's a bug that you aren't able to do it.

I got you good you fuckers!

please user tell me you're not the guy who bought the game

It's obviously a gameplay design decision and not because of his suit you dumb shit

I did.
Best part is, I bought it twice.
I already have it on my steam account.

The "hide face" thing has been replaced with the "blending in" which I think is a much better solution. Plus, unlike in Absolution, only certain NPCs can see through your disguise now. Honestly I feel like they nailed the disguise system this time round. Not super easy mode like in BM, not retardedly unfair like in Absolution.

Oh that code wasn't real. And that screen was just me baiting them into thinking it may have actually been real.
But yeah, It's still here. Safely tucked away from you lightning-handed Brazilians.

> nobody can hear you sprinting around
I know of one spot they hear you. In Marrakesh, come up the stairs through the keycard door in the parking garage and there's a soldier and security guard having a conversation. If you sprint up the stairs to the second floor of the consulate, they hear you and come investigate. I was wearing a suit when this happened, maybe that's why it triggered but they did not see me for sure, their backs were turned.

Arigato user-kun

Gameplay design decisions should at least be based on the game's internal logic. Breaking that internal logic breaks the immersion, which happens to be another important aspect of gameplay. I don't feel like it adds any challenge either because, as I said, you can just stuff your pocket with other throwables anyway, which isn't challenging, just very boring gameplay.

I guess you're the dumb shit for missing the point entirely.

They could have easily tweaked the hide face feature quite easily. restricting it to characters who wear hats or make it so they notice you more slowly than when normally walking past.

I just find it retarded sometimes where you can be wearing a a disguise that only shows your eyes, yet people still get suspicious.

FYI you can shoot cameras. can save a lot of time and hassle. I do wish the AI was more responsive in a lot of areas though. I'm hoping that is one area season 2 works on.

Yeah, the older games got it right by having certain stuff being equipped by standard. Failing that, they ought to just give you one more equipment slot. Another thing that often gets my panties in a twist is how fucking psychic the AI gets whenever you drop stuff. I swear, if there's even one NPC within a ten mile radius, they'll always fucking notice you drop something and make a big deal out of it.
It's especially hilarious when you're trespassing and throwing something as a distraction, and the AI notices you throwing it and tells you to knock it off, but doesn't detect you actually trespassing.

The game should either remove coins as pre-mission equipment or just make the damn things free equipment available in every mission.

Also, give an incentive to use the fiber wire while you're at it.

>Still no sniper rifle briefcase 9 months later
>Despite the promotional art clearly showing it off
It's kind of pissing me off. Especially because they're most likely holding it back for S2.

Season 2 will be better. Eidos actually gives a shit now. Bigger budget, IO hired a bunch of people.

This game was basically early access.

>I just find it retarded sometimes where you can be wearing a a disguise that only shows your eyes, yet people still get suspicious

That's the only thing that needs tweaking in my opinion. I haven't had trouble avoiding the NPCs that can see through your disguise at all, except maybe in the Swedish embassy while dressed as a guard. But there it makes sense and there are better disguises to use in that building anyway.

>The game should either remove coins as pre-mission equipment or just make the damn things free equipment available in every mission

That's exactly what I want. I think only illegal items should be picked for the loadout since the implication is that those items had to be hidden to pass through some sort of security at airports/whatever.

I have some bad news, user...

One thing that always annoys me in every stealth game now a days is throwing shit to attach someone to go investigate. On its own it works fine, but when you have guards saying "what was that noise? HQ going to check a strange noise out" and then they never respond back should make other guards go investigate why they never came back.

And also you can chain people through multiple rooms with coins and shit, but i feel most people, after 2 coins would be freaked out and go get help.

Maybe these things would make it too hard, but just throw object, knock out whole area is too easy as it is.

And this is most stealth games now that do this, not just hitman.

Problem i have is it feels like two levels combined. Night marakesh uses the market and feels cool. and Day uses mostly the embassy which is a fun and has the great moose kill. and the school which is meh. A tip for the school is to get the red beret disguise, you can dismiss any other soldier except other red beret's, which will give you some extra space to take out the general.

eidos, IO i don't even pretend to know this shit anymore

Stealth games went down a very bad path. After Chaos Theory, the timeline split. In one timeline after CT, devs prioritized AI in stealth games and made them almost human like. In this timeline, they trivialized the stealth by letting you see through walls, made the AI literally 4 lines of code and made grimdark Tom Clancy stories.

Audio distractions need to be fixed, they're not very consistent in the way they work. More than once I've seen it worked as if it "assigned" a guard to be the "investigator" to the noise, and it affects no other guard at all. And as soon as that guard is disabled, it randomly assign another guard to immediately come and check.

That's why most of the time I wait till the guard turns off the radio/picks up the sound mine/do whatever it has to do to stop the noice before incapacitating him, so I don't have to deal with a second guard coming in before I've properly dealt with the first.

Guards not reporting to HQ should fire a search party, true. Same with shooting cameras.

>Bigger budget

Aka the suits at SE care about it and it will have to sell more copies now. So now the suits will be breathing down the devs necks heavily.

Be ready for a 'steamlined' season 2 for mass market appeal.

It'll be fine.

How could they make it anymore streamlined than it already is with all of the easy-mode options turned on by default?

I'm surprised SC Blacklist gets so much shit, since it really does do a lot of the things old SC games did. I think people just based their opinions on it on the awful Conviction.

If you're itching for a decent stealth game, Blacklist really is one.

>they trivialized the stealth by letting you see through walls
I don't quite understand the criticism of the whole seeing through walls thing in the new Hitman when compared to the old ones. Not only it's something you can just turn off, it was ALSO present back then, it was just called "Map" instead.

>hose Knight with Slav-M4
>hop out window before anyone comes to check it out
fucking shit Ivan

Linear levels with checkpoints.

what am I supposed to turn off in options?

yes goy, be sure to preorder!


Opportunities is the main one, everything else is preference to how hard you want it to be.

I'm fine with it in Hitman.