ITT: Star Wars games
ITT: Star Wars games
>that ship model
Post the one that integrates the youngling scene with the modded game.
KOTOR 2 was pure pazaak
I actually lol'd.
I don't know why I'm such a sucker for tournaments in RPGs but God help me, I can't resist them.
>killing Bendack Starkiller on Taris
Good times
what kind of new autism is this? are these people for real? are they newfags? am i the newfag? since when has shitting on the prequels been relevant to vidya?
Yup. I just wish it wasn't so early in the game. Somehow it's more enjoyable to me if it's mid-game or at least after you've leveled up your character a bit more.
Its better action than the original trilogies, also has far more interesting worlds and creatures. Writing and dialogue is shit tho, and the overuse of cgi is stupid
>defending the prequels
wew lad
Battle for Naboo was a fun game
>takes place during the prequel era
I don't care enough about Star Wars to paint everything black and white like that.
so were battlefront 1&2, the phantom menace, galactic battlegrounds, empire at war with republic mod and really most games set in the prequel timeline
i don't know wtf that user is on that he's sperging out like that
Fucking plinkett drones how can you take Mike stoklasa seriously
Punished 3po.
>they pull out their lightsabres
It was self defence! Anakin was just protecting himself.
Your'e a bunch of fucking cocksuckers, if you knew how contrarian, and how wrong your opinions were you'd kill yourselves right fucking now, fucking embarrassment to the fanbase
You especially, I bet you couldn't refute a single thing they've ever said in regards to the series
>every piece of media that takes place before OT is garbage because the movies were garbage
lol someone reply to this autist so he spergs out some more. i would but i don't know what to say anymore
By defending any media based around the prequels you defend the films they come from.
Really? How so?
this one word is how you spot a newfag redditard every time
You're defending the setting, the characters, and most importantly George Lucas's legacy.
>can't prove me wrong
Super Star Wars trilogy
Shadows of the empire
Rogue leader
Best Star Wars games. Prove me wrong.
>You're defending the setting
Hardly. I'm not defending anything, I'm just enjoying the good parts that came from it.
> the characters
What prequel character am I defending when enjoying Republic Commando?
>George Lucas's legacy
Any piece of Star Wars media is "defending" Lucas' legacy.
the prequels were better than diversity wars 7: a nostalgic rehash. only a redditard like yourself will disagree
Oops, I Forgot Star Wars chess and Jedi power battles.
go back to Sup Forumseddit, autismo
>better action
>more interesting worlds and creatures
How can you be so fucking wrong
wtf is that recolor
>no new Rogue Squadron game to go with Rogue One
>no Darth Maul game ever
>no new Jedi Knight games
>no Kotor 3
>no new RPGs at all ever
>no new Empire at War
But hey, we got some Lego shit and Battlefield mod
>better than The Force Awakens
You know what TFA has over the prequels? an actual appreciation for the franchise, actual love for the setting and appreciation for what made it great, the prequels don't have that, go back and watch RLMs video on it.
You absolutely are, it's not even funny with this bullshit.
>any piece of Star Wars media is "defending" Lucas' legacy
Wrong, the OT is so far off from his current attitude it might as well be a different person
Prove me wrong
Honestly, I only enjoyed the dreamcast version of Jedi Power Battles.
The hours me and my friend sunk into it are disgusting. We'd pick a new character every week to master, and it was amazing
holy shit I didn't even notice
Clone wars saga>everything else
>You absolutely are, it's not even funny with this bullshit.
Explain to me how am I "defending", then. In fact, I'm not sure you know what "defending" means if you honestly think enjoying media is defending something.
>Wrong, the OT is so far off from his current attitude it might as well be a different person
But he's not a different person, is he? That's still George Lucas. So yes, enjoying any SW media is whatever you call "defending" George Lucas as well.
I agree. It was kind of boring playing by yourself. Better in coop.playednthe ps version here. What made the D.C. Version better.
butthurt poster of the year. We made it all the way to november without topping 2015s winner but you have finally done it.
Let the immature emotional outburts flow through you!
>preqeulfags are still in denial
>still carring about the lore
tfa is literally just a copy with niggers and women thrown in for diversity poitns. it's shit you worthless redditard. you can easily spot the mouth breathing retards with sub 80 iq when they think tfa is even remotely a good movie
>What made the D.C. Version better.
Was that supposed to be a question, user?
>implying debating against your retardation makes me a prequelfag
I guess you ran out of bullshit to spew
Prove my points wrong faggot, oh wait, you can't because you're so stuck up george's ass you actually think the shit he has made is good. Such delusion.
By arguing with me at all it makes you a prequelfag and a contrarian shitposter, it's that simple
Sup niggas
>tfw pure light side but it's one of the best blasters in the game
Being pure light side is pure pazaak
Is that the Battlefront 3 alpha?
The UI doesn't looks like Battlefront 2 one.
>By arguing with me at all it makes you a prequelfag and a contrarian shitposter, it's that simple
Ah, so you attribute an untrue characteristic that you dislike on someone who debates you then?
Why, how very earnestly retarded of you, user!
I still find funny when you ask for someone to "prove you wrong" when you have so far done nothing but personal attacks. I'm still awaiting a better reply than for Or do you not have an argument, thus relying on insults that seem to come from an emotional investment in this?
Best starwars game ever
>missile turrets
Tales of the Jedi>Kotor>Clone Wars>Civil War>After episode VI clusterfuck>Disney nu-civil war
This is the only correct answer.
>an actual appreciation for the franchise, actual love for the setting and appreciation for what made it great
Sure, if you can call borderline plagiarism "appreciation."
The only way to do Star Wars right is to do the OT over and over again, you know it's true
if only that fucking idiot finished his mod instead of wasting shitloads of time for unnecessary stuff
Hello. You were way the fuck more harder then I recall.
>sticking to biowares childish interpretation of morality
>not ignoring the faggy light side / dark side meter
Do you even ubermensch?
you're just an autistic monkey with retard iq levels. tfa is literally a fucking copy. there's no denying this
>Volcano Level
>caring about star wars
games are fun but the movie series is just flick trash
The guy who made this mod was working on another version with more battles and scenes.
However he sperged out after realizing he had spent 10 years of his life modding a dead game and deleted all his work on it.
And the reward for getting all gold medals is a cutscene where they say "wow u da best yo!"
No you piece of shit, it's a deep love for the series BECAUSE it's just a rehash, that's how the series is supposed to be, you can't beat perfection so why bother trying something new? The prequels were garbage because they went against the established tropes the series had used up until that point, do you know a single person on this planet who enjoys them? No, you don't because they're garbage.
I'd probably do it too if I was in his place.
I don't like the prequels but watching this dude lose his mind is great. In fact, I'll go buy a copy of episode 3 and donate it to some Christmas thing just to make it even better. Some kid is going to get that movie and think it's great.
I don't like to throw the word autism around but hostility to change and love of repetition and structure are classic signs. This is a problem in the Star Trek fandom too, which is odd considering Star Trek is about exploring new situations and places.
It's called a 'role-playing' game for a reason. A good Jedi would not just kill someone in a duel for pure sport.
>I hope you like Missile turrets because we crammed a fuckload in the last levels hope you know how to dodge or shoot them down!
>playing that mission at corelia as a kid
>barely speak english
>don't understand how to deal with AT-ATs so i just shot them autistically.
>even tried to ram them until i only had 1 life left
>in eastern europe so no VHS of the original trilogy so i hadn't watched episode 5
>finally beat that level at least two years later after i watched the VHS re-release of episode 5 that came out around the time episode 1 was released and my english had improved so i knew i was supposed to use the tow cable
Content from episode 2?
Thanks but no thanks.
>gold everything easy except that fucking volcano bomber level
Not even gonna lie, I pulled out the naboo starfighter to gold that bitch.
? episode 2 was great
he sliced one of them first dipshit
Muh nigga!
>watches plinket once
>the naboo starfighter
i never unlocked that. i don't think it was even on my version, because i was definitely using cheats. what made it powerful?
i remember the millenium falcon being easy to play because of its auto-tracking turrets.
I find it funny you're all shitting on me and yet I know you'd all hold this same opinion if someone started to praise them, really hypocritical
wow you sure showed him. guess he was wrong after all. really made me think
I'd be like 'haha, those aren't very good' and move on with my life.
>talk about star wars games all the time
>recently can't have a thread without some retard screaming "HURRRR PREQUELS DURRRRRRRRRRR" as if the video games are the movies
Is it just one colossal fucking retard? or is it some meme shitposting i dont understand
>what made it powerful?
It could do everything. For real though. It was just a really really strong and fast ship.(There's a reason you can't get it without cheats. Besides the the prequel marketing back then)
>star wars game thread
>no one hosting battlefront 2
who's gonna do it cmon boyos
But I don't give a shit about the fanbase.
2>1>3 as far as the series goes, I don't count Naboo Starfighter but I guess it could be a part of the series
Kotor 2 restored content > jedi knight series > republic commando > kotor > kotor 2
>there will never be a sequel to Pod Racer
>you know realize graphics in games are almost as good as the CGI was in the film at that time
>you could literally play an almost 1:1 remake of podracing in the current gen, but EA says fuck off
Fuck you, clones are awesome
> there will NEVER be a sequel or remake of this
At least there's the expanding fronts mod
Weren't there bootlegs of The Phantom Menace in eastern Europe before the first theatrical release?
i bet you didn't even notice till you watched the plinkett reviews
The cheat was pretty obscure.
>what made it powerful?
It was fast, had fast firing laser, and was as durable as the x-wing, and had a repair droid. It was basically a super x-wing.
The millenium falcon's auto track turrets ruined it for me since they threw off it's accuracy.