Sup Forums btfo'd???

what site

I've shitposted this game to death and I know it won't be bad, but
>strong characters
C'mon now Indian Gaming reviewers.

>Music is shit

Didn't see that coming

>10 years for an 8/10

Is this the real life

>unremarkable music


Shinomura is passed her prime and was given shit direction

Look at the Altissia town theme. Worst thing I've ever heard from her

>unremarkable music
Oh so its like 12 and 13 then. Yay.

>Strong characters


>Unremarmable music

Ok, he needs to off himself now.

>Vague story

Literally the only thing I agree with.

The characters are strong at least the main 4 are. What is lacking is time, development and just more meat to the story for the other side characters. The frame work of the game seems to be great. Should have released it 1 or 2 years.

She was never good

The music is okay at best and terrible at worst, actually.

stop baiting please

Nah, the music was shit. Though 13-2 had some ok ones.

>The characters are strong at least the main 4 are. What is lacking is time, development and just more meat to the story for the other side characters.

They were unable to fit all the shit in Brotherhood/Kingsglaive in the actual game. I wouldn't call the 4 main characters strong on that basis.

>These are likely the same people who praise Amy Hennig as the patron saint of female video game developers (well, an example of SEE WE DON'T HATE ALL WOMEN) despite her presiding over the complete and utter downfall of Naughty Dog as a respectable and competent video game company from the very first game she was in charge of
>but muh Legacy of Kain
Bitch fucked up my Memory Card with Jak X fuck you cunt.
Just end my life here.

>great combat
It's a Tabata game, if anxthing the combat is functional, butbnot great. Just shows that even mediocre stuff nowadays gets praised.

>strong characters
Not strong enough it seems, as all of them die.

>flexible progresdion
Yeah, sure.

More like Sup Forums celebrating. FFXIII, the one that people so hate also got 8/10 this just prove that XV is equally shit.

>Final Fantasy with shit music and bad story


or, you know, maybe Sup Forums is wrong, as always. FFXIII was good

Don't forget
Official review are paid hill marketing techniques owned by devs and publishers, right up until they agree with your opinion
Then they're factual, objective gospel that you can tote around a hardcore proof that your opinion is correct

>great combat


>unremarkable music
>Yoko Shimomura

Opinion discarded.

Have you listened to the game's OST? Compare it to her other works. Better yet, compare it to previous FFs.

The OST isn't Shimomura's best, but the fact that he lists combat as pro and somehow thinks the progression is flexible is retarded while calling the OST a con.

It's actually phoned in as fuck

I'm at Chapter 4 and there's not really much necessarily WRONG with it, it's just not very good. It's very bland outside of the battle theme and the menu music

The 4 main characters are essentially plucked out of your standard otome. What they needed to do was implement the content from Brotherhood into the actual game.

I don't even think the last episode in it is free, but even so most people won't have watched it.

A flying fuck is not given about the review.

Sauce me though, senpai. Where's the review from. I want to shit on them for having bad taste.

>FFXIII was good
Let's not kid ourselves and trying to pretend that XIII was ever good, user.

Joking aside, anything less than 9 for XV is kinda disappointing, you knows with all those hype and shit, people really treat it like the next big thing.