Is it just me or does it feel like Nintendo is marketing its games directly towards my penis?

Is it just me or does it feel like Nintendo is marketing its games directly towards my penis?

The girls in Fire Emblem and Pokemon are all really attractive.

>and Pokemon

most of them are like 11 years old, you fucking degenerate

Calm down.

Little girls are cute and sexy.

No, you're just a loser now.


this is why trump won

trump's america, laddies and gentlemen

They've literally admitted to designing Pokegirls with sex appeal on purpose.

Nah, you're just going through puberty. Soon your voice will change and you'll grow hair..."down there".


Keep crying.

op said "all" really attractive, which includes the 11-year-olds

>take a perfectly good and attractive design
>shop it to be extremely unappealing


Why do I find this pic sexy?

>most of them are like 11 years old
No, most pokemon are probably just a few months old. Just look at how long it takes to hatch one from an egg and reach its final evolution stage.

Fire Emblem: yes, although really it is more along the lines of waifuing than sexual fanservice. Although that could be questioned with the hot springs scenes from Fates.

Pokemon: that's Gamefreak and more you being attracted to little girls and boys, admit it in tight shorts.

How many other Nintendo series does this apply to? Pikmin? Donkey Kong? Probably not much else, outside Smash which is just a mixup of all the others you're talking about above.

>most of them are like 11 years old
Ok so?

None of the girls are attractive because of their bodies, if they were Namco and Techmo would have a lot larger fanbase for its girls.

That's all fine and good but there are dozens of better choices for an OP to get your point across than long-haired Marth.

>game full of cute girls
>OP picks the one with no chest and that most people can assume is a guy because of that

>series full of cute girls
>OP picks one where everyone is a small child and barely hit puberty

OP just needs to admit to being gay and/or a pedo.

I'm with Prison

If you're into that, I guess.

They'll never top Capcom though.

because nintendo like to get kids addicted young so that manchildren keep buying

Misty gets too much sexualized art.

Needs more Dawn.