Wow, so I'm playing this after getting it on the Black Friday PSN sale, and man it's pretty fucking fantastic

Wow, so I'm playing this after getting it on the Black Friday PSN sale, and man it's pretty fucking fantastic.

I don't know why I didn't pick it up around launch, maybe it was because of the lukewarm batmobile reception, horrendous PC port and my eh feeling on Origins; but it's seriously pretty great. I actually kind of love the batmobile and didn't realize how essential it feels to Batman before playing this. The way the game is too self-indulgent about the car is pretty silly; but they really nailed the feeling of driving it. The way it almost drives through almost everything feels borderline pre-rendered.

This probably takes the second spot after Arkham Asylum for me.

Agreed, I think it's great.

I can absolutely see how people who hate the tank combat would dislike the whole game. But I liked the tank a lot and generally everything else was amazing,

The story and Arkham Knight were bad though.

Love the game, and the whole trilogy is honestly a worthy landmark in gaming. Asylum has the atmosphere and environments, city has the bosses, knight has the best core mechanics

There are alot of design decisions that I really DONT like about knight though. The scale of the game is way too large, and as an effect of this, it spreads itself too thin. Practically the only thing that the open gotham lends itself off to is being able to glide and drive around, but that gets old pretty fast. There should be big indoor complex levels, but I honestly think that might be something that a different, more stealth oriented batman game should explore. Maybe something in the vein of year one and the nolan movies in terms of style and content

But knight gets way too much flack, considering that each arkham game is heavily flawed when you look at the trilogy as a whole. Especially asylum with its very weak and clunky core mechanics

Opinions on Origins? I liked it a fair amount.

>everything else was amazing

except for the "boss fights" and the no more joker we promise guys

you might be an actual faggot if you were retarded enough to not like the way joker was put into knight

It's the best Batman simulator we've had yet, regardless of those bitching about the Batmobile. It also has the best version of gotham. It suffers from mediocre story and bossfights, which were a bit better in the DLC.

Origins is the worst one. A blatant cash grab in my opinion.

Thought I would like it more by being prepared for just "more Arkham City" but even then I still felt it fell short. Something about Origins just made it feels way less engaging than the rest and I don't know why. It just bored me.

It had the best writing out of the bunch though, so that's one feather in its cap.

I gotta say the graphics in this game are insanely good, like "one of the best looking games I've ever played" good.

It's pretty funny that a Batman game is the thing that gives Uncharted 4 a run for its money. I probably think this game looks better, but then again I'm a sucker for rainy nighttime and neo-gothic stuff in video games.

I preferred origins to asylum