Wow, so I'm playing this after getting it on the Black Friday PSN sale, and man it's pretty fucking fantastic.
I don't know why I didn't pick it up around launch, maybe it was because of the lukewarm batmobile reception, horrendous PC port and my eh feeling on Origins; but it's seriously pretty great. I actually kind of love the batmobile and didn't realize how essential it feels to Batman before playing this. The way the game is too self-indulgent about the car is pretty silly; but they really nailed the feeling of driving it. The way it almost drives through almost everything feels borderline pre-rendered.
This probably takes the second spot after Arkham Asylum for me.
Camden Cooper
Agreed, I think it's great.
I can absolutely see how people who hate the tank combat would dislike the whole game. But I liked the tank a lot and generally everything else was amazing,
The story and Arkham Knight were bad though.
Ryan Harris
Love the game, and the whole trilogy is honestly a worthy landmark in gaming. Asylum has the atmosphere and environments, city has the bosses, knight has the best core mechanics
There are alot of design decisions that I really DONT like about knight though. The scale of the game is way too large, and as an effect of this, it spreads itself too thin. Practically the only thing that the open gotham lends itself off to is being able to glide and drive around, but that gets old pretty fast. There should be big indoor complex levels, but I honestly think that might be something that a different, more stealth oriented batman game should explore. Maybe something in the vein of year one and the nolan movies in terms of style and content
But knight gets way too much flack, considering that each arkham game is heavily flawed when you look at the trilogy as a whole. Especially asylum with its very weak and clunky core mechanics
Michael Ward
Opinions on Origins? I liked it a fair amount.
Christopher Adams
>everything else was amazing
except for the "boss fights" and the no more joker we promise guys
Jackson Price
you might be an actual faggot if you were retarded enough to not like the way joker was put into knight
Brandon Brown
It's the best Batman simulator we've had yet, regardless of those bitching about the Batmobile. It also has the best version of gotham. It suffers from mediocre story and bossfights, which were a bit better in the DLC.
Origins is the worst one. A blatant cash grab in my opinion.
Tyler Robinson
Thought I would like it more by being prepared for just "more Arkham City" but even then I still felt it fell short. Something about Origins just made it feels way less engaging than the rest and I don't know why. It just bored me.
It had the best writing out of the bunch though, so that's one feather in its cap.
Owen Jones
I gotta say the graphics in this game are insanely good, like "one of the best looking games I've ever played" good.
It's pretty funny that a Batman game is the thing that gives Uncharted 4 a run for its money. I probably think this game looks better, but then again I'm a sucker for rainy nighttime and neo-gothic stuff in video games.
Kayden Brown
I preferred origins to asylum
Ian Watson
If it wasn't for the uneven performance optimization I'd like Origins a whole lot more. It's a decent take on Year One and some of the boss fights were pretty great, particularly Deathstroke and Firefly. Just that in certain areas of the map I'd suddenly find myself fighting the framerate more than the enemies and I'd get my ass kicked as a result. That's my only real complaint.
David Cook
Honestly, I think the game is better because of the scale. It feels like Batman to actually drive to a crime scene and do stuff. In City and Origins it was too small to feel realistic.
I also love the amount of stealth that takes place outdoors and on rooftops. It makes the city feel real.
Landon Bailey
It's okay
Nicholas Campbell
Kinda a shame that there weren't alternate skins for Batgirl like with the others. Even Harley Quinn and Red Hood got one.
Samuel Butler
I think it's because WB Montreal made the DLC, such a shame.
Adrian Murphy
Asylum > Knight = City > Origins
Very good serie, Knight was a pleasant surprise
Connor Wilson
gotta love that level of detail on Batman's suit, in game as well
Sebastian Hall
Arkham Knight was a massive disappointment. The feelings you are experiencing are wrong. Stop having fun. This game is shit.
Joseph Foster
> I enjoyed Origins the most. Comfy Christmas settings always get me.
Aiden Cruz
I thought I was the only one who thought this
Elijah Cruz
People really seemed to hate the writing/story and the ending too but I really liked both.
Batman vs an entire army occupying Gotham was a great premise too.
Parker Wood
Who are you quoting?
Logan King
Snow technology was really pretty.
Brandon Nelson
It wasn't the tank combat, it was being forced to use it for a ridiculous amount of puzzles. I got the game refunded because I love the on-foot gameplay but couldn't stand how much I was made to use the tank.
Levi Cook
Best writing, worst gameplay. Which says a lot because it was a copy and paste of City which was great. Most of the tweaks they made were very poor decisions. Doing less would have helped.
Joshua Phillips
Pirated it. Played for 2 hours. Got bored. Uninstalled. Tired of the same formula being recycled again.
Carson Jones
>Best writing
This is my favourite Batmeme.
Michael Jackson
I loved the game and I 100%'d it on PC
Nathan Baker
Also, does anyone know what pic related is? Is it that thing from the epilogue?
Lucas Walker
Target practice?
Grayson Mitchell
Which game?
Andrew Lee
You're the thing from the ending
Andrew Howard
Origins has the best writing though? It's not super special but it's sure as hell better than Rocksteady's.
Rocksteady does this awful thing were they desperately want to be taken seriously as writers so they do a ton of surreal shit and go for a bunch of shock value; but it just comes off as contrived and like they're trying too hard.
Bentley Powell
Best story but worst gameplay
Jonathan Jenkins
Arkham Knight Why the 98% MW rating in the thing on the left?
Mason Rogers
I probably would have liked it if it wasn't for the fact that the PC version was complete shit.
Did they ever fix it?
Ian Diaz
It's great though. Hands down the best Bane of the series, with actual motivations instead of just being a monster. The insight into Joker's thoughts, the early stages of his obsession with Batman, and the way he connected and eventually seduced Harley were awesome. You even saw Bruce progress in his determination to his mission, adapting to the change in enemies from corrupt cops and the mob to freaks.
All of it was really well done. And it beat the hell out of Dini's ham fisted approach to just shoehorning one bad guy after another in City.
Lincoln Allen
Eventually, yes. It's mostly playable now.
David Gomez
Is there more on that in the comics? It seemed interesting
Hunter Rodriguez
I still think that one cutscene in the Batcave after bane has trashed it and nearly killed Alfred where Batman remembers what hes fighting for and gets his resolve back after desperately saving Alfred is the best scene in the game cinematic wise.
That fucking Bat.
Michael James
>shill point one >shill point two >include something Sup Forums can relate with as a positive >downplay whatever Sup Forums hates with anecdotal evidence >compare it to a game earlier in the series or genre >use perfect punctuation
Brayden Gray
easily the worst arkham game even if you ignore the batmobile.
David Scott
I agree OP, it feels VERY forced how almost every single thing Batman does revolves around the car, even for things he did without issues before in the prequels, when he had no access to the car. However, I actually enjoyed the car sections a lot. Thr chase oarts, the tank battles, erc, so I had no issues with it. Overall it's a fantastic game imho. Too bad I haven't seen the ending because I haven't bothered collecting every riddler trophy. I did every other side mission, but fuck the riddler trophies, I'm not doing that.
Carter Cooper
Bruce uses fear gas to strike fear into the criminals and becomes a monster and a legend
Parker Myers
Best scene In the series* not just game.
Luis Adams
I don't know, I think it's related to the AR challenges, I didn't get 3 stars on all of them
Justin Ortiz
Completely agreed. Fucking loved that scene
Cooper Butler
Favorite in the series, unfortunately buggy
Connor Williams
7.5 outta 10 Best story Best designs Best setting Gadgets were rehashed Open world felt really annoying with the Bridge. It was already annoying in CITY Some of the bosses were kinda meh but that's a problem with the whole series. The Detective CSI thing was cool but underused
As a whole though it felt the most satisfying as a stand alone game. The Rocksteady games had some terrible endings. Origins is the only one that had a good one.
Brandon Watson
Its good for the first 4-5 hours but the extreme repetition (even with all the new shit you get) got too tiresome for me.
Evan Rodriguez
its the green lantern of video games
James Moore
dumb frog poster.
Ayden Murphy
>Origins has the best writing though
Origins is utter shit writing, Corey May is a hack. Not only is it broken from premise onwards but the dialogue and dynamics are like a child writing a school project. It was an entirely forgettable story but I do remember how hard he shat up Killing joke material as Joker was shoehorned in as well. Not to mention how much it doesn't fit with the rest fo the Arkham games.
>The insight into Joker's thoughts, the early stages of his obsession with Batman, and the way he connected and eventually seduced Harley were awesome. Kill yourself, child.
>ham fisted approach to just shoehorning one bad guy after another Origins in a nutshell.
Jack Kelly
Some people think it's Nightmare Batman, but I think it's just supposed to be some cool-ass graffiti that gives you some insight into how criminals perceive Bats more as a mothman-esque urban legend that isn't quite human. Neat touch, I think.
Grayson Phillips
Some like him, some don't?
Jack King
No arguing with this master debater.
Adrian Russell
>implying Joker wanting to turn everyone into Xbox Huge retards is good tier >implying that nonsense with Hugo Strange and his major Protocol just being blow up everyone was a good idea >implying anything with the Arkham Knight and Scarecrow made sense.
Christopher Nguyen
>WB games would waste HR on shilling an one and a half year old game.
Retarded frog.
Ayden Evans
He was used in a good way but holy fuck was it disappointing. They hyped up the game with Arkham Knight is totally not Jason, he is going to be OC and saying that the other villains would finally get their moment in the sunshine, but yet they still play second bass to Joker again.
I really hated the story. They tried to force the feel of THIS IS THE END OF BATMAN down your throat before you even know why it would be so. It was told in a good way, but it was still a lame story overall.
It deserves credit because it actually tried to implement boss fights in a good way and kind of succeeds with it too. I especially like the final Predator-fight with juiced up Bane Story-wise it was lazy
Bentley Lopez
>all of this shit and Origins is still the worst of the series
Impressive failure on WB Games Montreal's part.
Jack Hughes
>joker's sick > gives blood to batman and citizens >they get sick >they get cured >some missed the cure and started developing joker traits >batman got cured and still starts developing joker traits >no one else does (that's 1) >fear gas makes traits worse in batman, a guy who was sick then cured >ENTIRE FUCKING CITY GETS COVERED IN FEAR GAS >no one who was previously sick then cured develops joker traits (that's 2)
Holes you could drive a truck through.
Lincoln Ramirez
tbf, developing joker traits is the least of worries when the entire city's getting gassed
Asher Morris
I really like the dynamics with the Joker throughout the game, and the part with Scarecrow where Batman goes full Joker with yellow eyes and everything was cool as fuck
Angel Scott
Not really. He had Tim working on a cure around the clock even when an army was being deployed in the city because more Jokers was such a huge risk. He literally says it.
More importantly, it doesn't make any sense in the story.
Connor Garcia
>It's shit because it's shit
What kind of logic is that? Origins worked because it shows the transition of Batman becoming a superhero dealing with superfreaks. Granted the prologue should've showed Batman stopping Bane in Santa Prisca to show why they have beef instead of alluding to it but the storyline worked a lot better in being faithful to the characters while also setting up shit to tie into the sequels.
It also didn't rely on Batman being injected by some shit and being sick/turning into Joker which was a major subplot in City and Knight and established in a retarded sequence in Asylum.
It's like they were obsessed with the notion of Batman and Joker being gay for each other and found a "witty" way to throw it in.
Robert Martin
You just sound like a person whose self-esteem revolves entirely around demonstrating your superior knowledge of Batman. You write a lot of stuff and it sounds impressive, but there's really no substance when you break it down:
>Origins is utter shit writing Meaningless statement until you explain why the writing is shit.
>Corey May is a hack Meaningless statement until you explain why he's a hack. Your purpose here was just to drop a name so that you sounded like you knew what you were talking about.
>Not only is it broken from premise onwards Meaningless statement until you explain why, but it sounds vaguely technical, as if you have some kind of knowledge about creative writing.
>but the dialogue and dynamics are like a child writing a school project What do you even mean by "dynamics"? Again, it's like you're just reaching for a word that makes you sound smart, without actually doing any explaining. Comparing the dialogue to a child's school project without providing an example just amounts to "it's shit" without explaining why all over again.
>It was an entirely forgettable story Because you say so? Okay.
>but I do remember how hard he shat up Killing joke material as Joker was shoehorned in as well Well done for your transcendent knowledge of Batman lore, demonstrated by your name-dropping of one of The Killing Joke.
>Not to mention how much it doesn't fit with the rest fo the Arkham games Again, you don't explain why.
All you did in this post was say a bunch of clever-sounding stuff that completely lacks substance upon analysis.
Luis Gonzalez
user's fanfiction was a better game than this game turned out to be.
Xavier Morgan
I liked the story and setting despite reusing a lot of Arkham City's assets
Ethan Long
The PC port is now pretty decent. Played it without any issues on a i3 and GTX 960. I liked it better than the other 3, and Batman this time feels like a character, not just a dude who's here to punch all the villains.
Henry Jones
also unfortunate enough to own an i3 and 960, can confirm, it's playable easily if you don't turn the game works shit on
Colton Martin
What's weird is that it's using the Unreal Engine 3.
Nolan Hernandez
I don't know shit about engines, why is that weird?
Jackson Powell
Origins is by far the best. Best story. Best VA. Best bosses. Comfy setting. Dare I say best combat with the gauntlets.
Justin Cook
The Unreal Engine 3 is the engine Gears of War 1 runs on. It's literally a 10 year old engine.
Henry Ramirez
damn it's impressive how far they pushed it then
Austin Morgan
Any of you guys remember that user who has the PC port that was so fucked up, the entire game world glowed in this blue sunlight-like haze?
Easton Kelly
>Meaningless statement until you explain why the writing is shit. I go on to do so.
>Meaningless statement until you explain why he's a hack. He wrote Arkham Origins. Also you don't know what namedropping is, retard. Someone naming a person isn't namedropping.
>Meaningless statement until you explain why, but it sounds vaguely technical, as if you have some kind of knowledge about creative writing. You should listen then since I know more than you.
>What do you even mean by "dynamics"? What does the term "dynamics" mean in the context of writing, you retard? Do you need me to tell you what I mean by "the" as well?
>Because you say so? Okay. Because I've forgotten most of it.
>Well done for your transcendent knowledge of Batman lore, demonstrated by your name-dropping of one of The Killing Joke. Thanks and also once again that's not name dropping.
>Again, you don't explain why. Have you played the other Arkham games?
Actually don't answer any of that and instead end your life with a lawnmower for being such a baby. You got triggered because someone used some words you don't like and then had to pretentiously act as if someone being smarter than you means they're disingenuous and posturing lel. You're basically the shitposting version of a scrub who shouts "tryhard" at people who beat him.
Essentially, staymad.
Matthew Rivera
>triggered Transcendent defense of your own standpoint, user.
Logan Powell
>The PC port is now pretty decent. >Played it without any issues on a i3 and GTX 960. Are you me? I had AA on, Enhanced Rain, and most of the things on mid-high setings, except textures which were on low cause they're fuckhuge, they still looked good though
Brayden Richardson
These are my settings, runs mostly at 60FPS with ocasional slowdows, there were a few major slowdows but very few and far in between