Haha, LOL

Haha, LOL




this is loss




>literally always brings those two along

Shitty Mario jokes are one thing but to break the most basic of lore is even more retarded.





Malcolm X was a fucking awful man

>sjws legitimately believe this strawman agrument


>implying it's not cool as shit to fight as animals



>Malcolm X wanting us to live together peacefully
He was an extremist that promoted black on white violence and tried to arrange for a fleet of cruise ships to take them back to Africa

there was a redemption arc though


Why is he eating motor oil?

Why isn't he golfing with 0.5x strokes?

imgur . com/a/jdU6C

or just wants to play Doom

Wait a minute, that black guy has a watermelon on his head!




>that reloading

Holy fuck that's great

everytime I see this episode all I can think of is how it's really strong rhetoric for lesbianism apologetics

>First panel: Parallel sticks, green and red button on the button
>Second panel: Normal 360 controller, buttons are in a different layout though
>Third panel: Same as first panel
>Fifth panel: No buttons, d-pad, holding joystick where the buttons should be



>he doesn't use literal gamer FUEL

>not the edit

>wacky face

What a novel punchline!

Ben garrison...

>and tried to arrange for a fleet of cruise ships to take them back to Africa

Malcom X is the hero we need.


I want a controller to morph my buttons in different locations as well.

Sounds about right

The new meet the sniper look pretty cool.

>nobody's edited her with a switch yet

>not the not the not the edit

>that reload
excuse me what the fuck

thanks for noticing bby


Lost it

I don't know what's better about this picture:
>black kid watermelon
>black kid taller than rest

>that strip where she easily gets a bf

Girl nerds really have it as hard as we do am I right boy nerds?..

not only that im pretty sure hes going to get shot in the face

>it's him

>black kid about to be shot

#1: Meet the Medic
#2: Meet the Sniper
#3: Meet the Spy
#4: All the others except Pyro.
#999: Meet the Pyro

>It was him!

So George Carlin, if you genuinely think that only people who espoused "PEACE AND LOVE, MAAAN" were assassinated, please, read more books, preferably ones about history with a non-partisan stance

Everytime I see your stupid fucking name all I can think of is how you used to make scat threads on /d/ and /gif/.

Kill yourself sauce(dead)pan, you giganewfag.

he's a superhero shouldnt he be able to curve the bullet

>implying meet the pyro is bad
>being a buttblasted faggot who thought they were actually going to show what's under the mask

But John Lenon was a genuine piece of shit. And Malcom X wasn't down with peace at all until he was towards the end of his life.

Lennon deserved it.



Shmorky is the epitome of JUST


Why the fuck would it be horizontal?
shit comic


His name is Flynn Taggart though.

holy kek

it's funny how this is apparently interesting enough to make a .webm out of

>crazy fan and religious nut shots lennon


In the novels, there's also Stan Blazkowicz/ BJ blazkowivz the third from the RPG game or something


> Toon
Fucking deserves it

That isn't Shmorky's art, user. His art is honestly somewhat better than that.
You aren't wrong, though.

george carlin can't read anything anymore.

This thread is making LMAO pretty hard.

It regretted fucking up the game you idiot, read the title of the comic.

There were so many assassination attempts on Hitler, and there's even been at least one on Trump so far this year.

man this last election really made everyone into politics.

Yeah I guess he must have been assassinated or something, uh?


I laughed at Johnson with uno cards.

Wew lad.

George Carlin is dead you fucking underaged imbecile.


I don't pay any fucking attention to shitty American comedians.

>you will never be 3d
Hold me... ;_;

I want to fuck that horse.

Why is he with uno cards?

No you fucking idiot, I'm saying when you fuck up a long piece placement it's always vertical and one tile out of place
Nobody's ever accidentally placed it horizontally


what game?

Because he's a retard who doesn't know how to politics.

I wish I could find all the fucking human-pony porn without having to wade through the actual pony porn


I love when girls obviously check on my big man butt.

They'll never understand how good it actually is to be hit on or objectified

>literally rehashing a comic and a joke someone else made years ago

when i saw this, i lost respect for katie.