Why don't you like DRPGS?

Why don't you like DRPGS?

lizzy a shit, el a best

But I do.

I liked DT2.

I do, but I hate the fucking interface of them. It's like, "hey, let's not improve on the most annoying fucking aspect of this genre at all because it's fucking tradition!!". I want to feel like I'm exploring a dungeon, not like I'm a goddamn robot who can only turn in 90 degree intervals

what does the D stand for

What do you think it means little girl?

Grindy boring garbage

Low effort barebones shit.


>tfw Sup Forums is too casual for DRPGs

I don't have a Vita, how advanced are all of those crawlers in terms of quality of life improvements such as pic related?

Demon Gaze lets you do that but goddamn did stranger of Sword City's equipment system suck ass

In my defense, I'm too casual for RPGs in general, except for TacticalRPGs

I'd love to play a well made porn DRPG though.

Have there been any true gameplay advancements in the genre? It seems like every game just boils down to
>explore a maze
>defeat monsters in random turn-based battles to level up

Adding cute girls and a story doesn't count.

Nobody likes Ray Gigant? Why?

>missing the point of DRPGS completely

more like gay gigant amirite

So what makes RPGs different from each other, aside from the setting and the turn-based gameplay?

I'm wondering if anybody in Sup Forums has actually played and beaten any Wizardry game, especially IV

Make it action

i liked it, but i could see why most people dont, its extremely simple, i would recommend it to people new to the dungeon crawler genre or those that want to play something casual

also cool sprites

Best girl.

I don't think anyone on Sup Forums has beaten IV. At least not without cheating.