This is my first MH. Is it good? Did I mess up not getting Gen?

This is my first MH. Is it good? Did I mess up not getting Gen?

I don't know how much it helps you to hear this, but it's my first Monster Hunter as well and I only picked it up 4 days ago. I had tried in the past to get into the series through MH3 on Wii and Wii U, but this was my first handheld rendition. I've enjoyed it plenty thus far, got to the 2nd village maining the Long Sword, and I'm about to branch off into Gunlances.

Imo MH4U is better than MHGen mostly because of how fucked the pacing is in Mhgen. mh4u feels a lot more polished in general.
anyway if you like 4U try MHGen, it still got a lot of great stuff, and the 4 different styles really mix up the formula.

Online wont be as active as Gen but MH4U was a great title in the series and really freshened things up. After you're done with it you can opt to buy Gen or wait a bit longer for XX.

And of course a few of the usual advice tidbits
>there is no best weapon; use what you have fun with the most
>be patient or you'll screw up and die
>learn attack patterns and habits
>make note of where to find certain items in the field


4U was a much better game than Gen. The only reason to get Gen is if you wanted more active online just because it's newer.

yea the pacing had me and all my friends drop the game shortly after reaching high rank
and in 4U we at least beat Gog

Should i wait for xx or bite the bullet and buy an older version?

MH4U is a good starting point. Gen has a bunch of new mechanics that may not be in later numbered games. Also there was a new updated version of Generations announced in Japan so eventually it will come out here as well and you would have to start over anyway.

Gen is fucking garbage. So no, you did good.

You did good. Gen is really subpar fanservice that goes for quantity over quality.

I really don't get the gen hate, the game is fun. Relics were a horrible idea and i hope they never return.

Nope. 4U's pacing is miles ahead of gen, it does a much better job of introducing monsters at a good rate to a new player, not to mention the story is pretty non intrusive and neat. Gen has gathering quests out the ass, 0 story whatsoever, and throws monsters at you in a confusing stupid order. (The first time you see the new 4 monsters, you're just supposed to run from them, which they never tell you. They're beatable, but it's shit game design.) People still do 4U online as well

I thought 4u's story was ass. There was way too much of it and too many shitty cutscenes. Monhun has never been about story and I don't want it to start.

it's story was okay because HEAVENS WHEEL

that poem was sick

>tfw no mhxx on vita

OP here. Glad I bought 4U and I hope I enjoy myself.
So what is a relic

Monhun has always been about killing monsters to make stuff out of them. 4u added a randomized loot system like something out of diablo. I think it's dumb and doesn't fit the series at all.

It's good, but wait for the inevitable Switch version.

Oh man, I fucking can't wait for next year.

>30 fps.
>tickets for fucking everything clogging up the item box.
>No challenge outside of deviants and a handful of hypers, even then they are a joke with 4 man parties.
>4 man parties can beat every monster in sub 5 minutes and not a single person being in threat of carting.
>Maps are all terribly uninteresting.
>They brought back volcanic hollow.
>Lagiacrus is a shell of his former self.
>Niblesnarf isn't designed to work properly on such inclined and small places like on Dunes.
>They also brought back Dunes.
>Giant cuttlefish monster, which is supposed to be the giant snek/giant underwater snek/jhen of this game, isn't even remotely threatening.

I hate that people pretend 4U's story isn't just "oh no, there's another monster, kill it for us" like every other MH game. The only new thing it did story wise was having more than one (singleplayer) town

>Only ten slots for item sets, when 4u had atleast thirty.
>Meanwhile, fucking cats get something like 10 fucking pages of equip sets.


I don't completely hate Gen, I just found its NPC/monster/location selection disappointing and the wonky pacing/distribution of quests kind of kills it. Getting tickets for garbage gear constantly thrown at you gets annoying and they shouldn't have had to sacrifice performance for more "flashy" effects.
It was handled by a different team, though, so it makes sense it wasn't as polished.

you did good. 4U is the best place to start

>I could say the same about 4u short of high GQs
>was the same in 4u
>no worse than 4u and probably better
>hollow isn't great but it's not the worst, also applies to 4u
>Underwater combat is fucking garbage and I never want to see it again, if that means lagi is shit then that's a small price to pay
>that can be a bit annoying I'll admit, but fairly minor
>Dunes is fine
>nakarkos is pretty crap worse than gog better than dala

all of these pale in comparison to the fundamental flaws that 4U has, like an even worse map selection than Gen, a god fucking awful monster lineup, the already mentioned GQ/Relic cancer, and "Apex" aka artificial difficulty: the mechanic

I always forget about apex. Holy fuck that shit was brutal. Deviants are so much better.

I actually liked the apex theme and that ''holy shit it went back to apex'' feeling, but overall apex monsters were bullshit and artificial difficulty

You're late

>XX is bringing back glorious 2nd gen Desert
>With large areas and flatness relatively unscathed

Regardless how the rest of the game goes, this is a good decision.

I just bought Generations with 2 of my friends together. Did we fucked up? Is 4U really that much better? I played tri and triG. Loved both of them, triG is obviously better.

You bought a game that's going to become out of date in about a year or so. They announced XX (aka X with G quests and other shit) not too long ago.

Hey, he might just luck out and have Capcom never localize XX.

Then Gen won't go out of date until MH5/XXX.

fug. When did they? I haven't followed anything the last 4 months or so. Well, only 30 bucks. At least I can play monhun again till the next one comes out.
Oh, and what platform will XX be on?

inb4 MHXXHD on the switch