Any games where I can be a black knight?
Any games where I can be a black knight?
Dark Souls
To be fair Sir Lancelot is a fictional character so they aren't really whitewashing anybody
Maybe Arthur met him in Africa while searching for swallows.
Wasn't Lancelot a wanderer? Maybe he was a moor searching for a lord worth his sword or something
Still, fictional or not that's pretty stupid. It's like making Captain America asian or Chapulin Colorado german
how many black Frenchmen knights do you know?
Final Fantasy IV
I've been trying to ignore it for a while, but the political agenda is getting really blatant.
I know how to spoiler, too
Mechwarrior Online.
Diablo II
BLM won
It's modern day Lancelot right?
>Implying you wouldn't
Funny because Lancelot betrays Arthur super hard. Wonder if there's a joke in there somewhere.
But those games are shit
I'm playing a black Wizard in Pillars of Eternity
It's not political agenda; it's just the producers taking advantage of a modern trend, like the latino pandering a few years ago (do you remember "Ugly Betty"?)
In a few years we're going to see YELLOWED.
on this awful tumblr show Arthur is a villain
so literally dindu nuffin
Ugly Betty was Latino?
well I definitely would've railed her anyway
>BLM won
i seriously doubt this trend will continue past 2019. and even now, this kind of thing is really not as pervasive/
attachment to the white european aesthetic is too strong, despite the calls against whitewashing.
Diablo II
Arthur is a robot who doesnt understand the plight of the common worker
Vote Mordred a king we can trust
>my qt waifu is a cuck
where da asians at
rip sleepydoge2
not even black or white but i enjoyed this and you can't stop me
>Watching the shitty rip-off
I enjoyed it too