A lot of fans got really pissed that the Mouse decanonized all Star Wars games, but let's take a moment to remember that this was actually canon at one point.
Not everything lost should be missed.
A lot of fans got really pissed that the Mouse decanonized all Star Wars games, but let's take a moment to remember that this was actually canon at one point.
Not everything lost should be missed.
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He looks a lot like the Aidan from Being Human now that I look at him again
>star wars
my life may be shit, but at least it isn't that shit that I would care about any of this.
The Kotor and Kyle Katarn games are still good. Who gives a flying fuck if they're "canon" or not? Morons, that's who.
Who cares about star killer? This guy more than made up for him
That's pretty uncanny honestly
Because people are upset that they wont be referenced in any future installment of the franchise. Not like they were going to even if they were still canon.
EU has more crazy shit than that
Starkiller wasn't half as bad
Isn't it the same actor?
>you deny dicksney the authority to control your star wars lore
>you decanonize the autistic shit and keep the good shit
>katarn lives on as canon
feels good man
>Not like they were going to even if they were still canon.
I honestly would welcome Emokiller with open arms if it brought back the living god that is Kyle Katarn.
That's because it is him, they used a real actors appearance for the character, same thing happened with commander shepherd.
Fans should be more upset that Disney's planning to milk all the money they can out of the franchise with a deluge of watered down sequels and spin-offs. Still, it's not as bad as the prequel trilogy was.
Starkiller is still pretty retarded, but the entire game was retarded, buggy and repetitive. It pussified the shit out of Vader and made Starkiller the messiah of the Rebellion. At leadt Palpatine kicks his ass at the end, but still, Starkiller could fit in pretty well with the worse aspects of the EU.
Yeah, that's Starkiller's model and voice actor.
He also voices characters in other Star Wars vidya.
Why would they be upset about something that they show demand for?
I don't really care what is and isn't canon one way or the other.
Force unleashed was bad though.
That was never canon retard. It had darth vader being captured alive by Starkiller instead of killed on the deathstar.
That's because it is him.
He also voiced Anakin in The Clone Wars series.
Didn't they pretty much rehash the Dark Forces plot and some characters in the new Rogue One?
Jan Or... I mean, Jyn Erso and her Kyle Katarn-look alike sidekick who are stealing death star plans and shit?
They brought Thrawn over, when will Kyle be next?
Also bring back Dash. And maybe Guri too.
They brought back the Clone Commandos and Bane so I'm fine.
People don't realize just how many tonnes of awful shit exist in the old SW canon. Disney did us a favour. The good stuff will make it back in, the rest will hopefully be forgotten.
does he wear a mask
they didn't burn the books, did they?
Not yet.
This, even KOTOR is being made canon.
Even people who like Force Unleashed distance themselves from the sequel.
Knights of the Old Republic is cannon by way of The Old Republic
The bad part is the The Old Republic basically shits on everything established and built by Kotor and Kotor II. Instead of letting the games die a death peacefully, they get to be raped forever by that shit MMO.
But hurray, cannon, right?
Rogue One is weird because it took so much from Dark Forces, but also changed a bunch of shit for no reason.
-Jan Ors is now Jyn Erso and Kyle is now Cassian Andor
-Jyn is the main character and Cassian is the sidekick, a total reversal
-The plans are stolen from Jedah instead of Danuta
-Rom Mohc is now Orson Krennic
-Dark Troopers are no longer giant death mechs but just black stormtroopers, and they're called "Death Troopers"
-No Moldy Crow
I wonder why SJWs have not raged over the fact that they changed Jyn's ethnicity from asian to white.
Nah, all the games prior to the New Canon are non cannon. Even Battlefront is technically not canon. Everything from now on is technically "canon" which includes maybe "Battlefront 2" and definitely the Viseral bounty hunter game.
Only reason most folks consider KOTOR canon is now because references to it were in Rebels (tv show), TFA encyclopedia and apparently rouge one.
>I wonder why SJWs have not raged over the fact that they changed Jyn's ethnicity from asian to white.
Because SJWs get infuriated about what they know and they never actually played games.
Let's be honest: "Moldy Crow" is a pretty dumb name.
SJWs probably like Rogue One just because it has a female lead rather than a male one.
because SJWs don't know about things that aren't on the mainstream right now
Its why they don't lose their shit over lolita or Genji
>I wonder why SJWs have not raged over the fact that they changed Jyn's ethnicity from asian to white.
Because they don't care much. And don't know shit.
I never played TOR and about a year ago I read what they did with Revan and the Exile.
I didn't think someone could fuck something up badly. It's like they were trying.
No, Matt Lanter voiced Anakin.
He voiced Maul and the Emperor (i think)
I am not sure if you are referring to both games. But I fucking loved the first one and it will always be canon in my heart (disregarding this nigger pulling a fucking Imperial ship out of the sky)
I stand corrected.
Palpatine was voiced by based Tim curry
Ian Abercrombie voiced Sheev in Clone Wars
I can't believe clone wars animated didn't get fucking retconned.
Like, if they are gonna bring that nigger Darth Maul back with robot legs, then I want to see Count dookus head return with a general grevious style spider body capable of wielding 20 of the Helicopter lightsabers
Repetitive, short and silly
I mean, fuck, who's idea was to start the game with all the abilities already unlocked? Throughout you only improve them, you don't learn new shit like in the first one. Story-wise it makes sense since it's a sequel, but gameplay-wise it prevents the player from feeling any real progression. And again, the game is really short, which doesn't help
But i have to say the game is very pretty
Its actually still canon. Lucas was directly involved.
The films
The Clone Wars TV-series
Force Unleashed
Those were the things Disney grandfathered in.
I prefer the old Asajj Ventress, from the Clone Wars comic.
The one was - boring.
And the way they ended her story in that book with Quinlan Vos was just plain stupid.
Except the new film directly contradicts Kyle's backstory.
Karpyshyn is a hack, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Anyone else remember the game informer article for this game? I wish we got that instead.
It was supposed to be a clone wars arc but because show got cancelled it was just put into a book.
who even cares about canonicity?
I mean, I know there are people that do, but who are they and why? It doesn't discount the stories that you've read, and if disney decides they want to bring back x property again, they can just retroactively make it canon again. Did it cancel some ongoing star wars stories or something?
I think Ventress was just fine in the series.
I'd have still found it boring and stupid even if it was part of the show.
I just didn't like the Dathomir magic bullshit.
And bringing back Maul. Several times.
>Not everything lost should be missed.
TFU was fucking cancer
Dathomir was old EU stuff though, Courtship of Princess Leia.
Lets face is Starkiller is the most overpowered fuckin being in Star Wars.
Wow, it's an even bigger ripoff than I thought
>I wonder why SJWs have not raged over the fact that they changed Jyn's ethnicity from asian to white.
An asian lead in a SW film (other than the usual mysterious kung-fu guy like Donnie Yen) would be actually kinda cool.
>gets BTFO multiple times by Vader
Dark Troopers are in Rogue One though :^)
If Starkiller can pull a Death Star down with the Force why didn't he just pull Vader down with it too?
After his death it was Tim curry
My b
You got any of those funny pics Sup Forums made of him?
Witches of Dathomir is ancient EU. What I didn't like was having all that stuff to explain her crazy murder wannabe sith past and at the end of the day still made her an ex jedi in her past. I agree her death was retarded.
I wanted her to develop into being a ruthless bounty hunter that hates everything not have a shitty "redemption"
Maul was cool. Eat me.
because the sooner you realize Lucas is a hack, the better you are for it
Maul did fuck all
>George Lucas
>anything to do with TFU
Even after he came in for his retarded "Darth Icky" meeting they managed to wrestle him as far away from it as possible.
Oh no, milking the pure SW franchise with sub-par products? I don't want to live anymore...
Can we PLEASE go a day without your jewish tricks? You will NEVER compare to Lucas-era Star Wars in anything you do. Even the tv shows are better than your movies. Just sell the IP to Fox already.
*fuck all the bitches
Show ventress was great
Humans tend to assign more value or legitimacy to things that many other humans do. It is a common notion that whatever story the author or owner vouches for is the story that "actually" happened, which of course is silly because it's fiction in the first place.
>You will NEVER compare to Lucas-era Star Wars in anything you do.
Go back to Sup Forums, the prequels were poopoo on a stick and TFA was leaps and bounds better than any of them.
Star killer is nothing's compared to Luke in the EU, the motherfucker becomes a literal force super saiyan
>disney caring about artistic integrity
Lucas being a hack is supported by him selling his IP to disney and thinking they give a fuck about his ideas
They knew exactly what to do to make billions and whatever creative spark it has in it will be extracted so they can make further billions
just like with marvel and every other IP they acquired.
I just want a movie about the 501st, is that too much to ask?
Fucking THANK GOD all that 'Force Unleashed' horseshit is NOT cannon anymore. What a piece of junk!
>I wanted her to develop into being a ruthless bounty hunter that hates everything not have a shitty "redemption"
Aurra Sing?
fucking this. just make a gritty dark movie of the campaign of battlefront 2.
>this game is no longer canon
I weep
TFA was boring and forgetable trash with bad music and focus tested for the marvel audience who pay 10 bucks to tweet about seeing a movie then forget everything that happened in it a couple months later.
TFA relied on CGI just as much as the prequels did despite them hyping up practical effects, which PT did a lot with models and sculptures for their locations.
Also The Clone Wars was Geroge's apology for the prequels, as episode quality could stand up there with even the OT. Though some episodes could also end up worse than AotC, but the fact it managed to make Har Har and Anakin likeable characters is a feat of itself, and its budget and production quality really show past season 2 thanks to Lucas funding it from his own pocket.
>has the choice to kill Jan
>strangles and belittles Tavion at one point
>his apprentice can end up killing Tavion
>makes out with Jan at one point
Yeah, until this generation gets it's collective shit together, I doubt Disney is going to do anything with him anytime soon
Why? Both Fetts are pretty much the poster boys for most overrated characters ever.
Maybe if Lucas didn't make such shitty prequels, we wouldn't be in this fucking mess to begin with
Don't you use my Renge for this shitty opinions.
You just can't see the pottery for the clay, my friend.
Didn't one of them actually do shit? Or is that just my memories fucking with me?
>muh canon
Who gives a shit?
Those stories still exist, they haven't been wiped from the face of the earth.
I do at least like Lucas, as retarded as he is, does different things.
I mean, turning star wars into a political drama, the absolute madman
How deluded do you even have to be to think Lucas is even remotely relevant anymore? He's the Kojima of movies.
Yeah, one was Mace Windu's bitch, the other was Luke's bitch.
Boba captured Han in Empire, Jango does fuck all.
Unless you dive into the EU where Boba does a lot of shit and becomes the new Mandalore and Jango just does some bounty hunter stuff
>TFA was leaps and bounds better than any of them.
Fuck no. TFA couldn't even pull off basic characterization. It basically forces the viewer to make up a bunch of shit in their head because it fails to communicate simple shit.
>including the Force Awakens in your own personal canon
They will die a death that will last millennia, until all that remains is their code, their history, and in the end, the shell of their armor upon the shell of a man, too easily slain by Jedi.
Karen Traviss is a hack.
>focus tested for the marvel audience
Don't do that. The Marvel movies are classics by comparison.
I wish Lucas had a smaller ego, cause the overall story of the prequels is good, if he let someone else direct and had a good editing team they'd be masterpieces
He also turned it into a shitty romance with cringy dialogue, gay robots and CGI force pears.
Attack of the Clones is worse than Phantom Menace. Fight me.
Yeah I recall that much at least.
>Jango does fuck all.
Oh. Thanks user.
Not now Kreia.