Yfw you will never be a first wolrder and play vidya with good connection

>yfw you will never be a first wolrder and play vidya with good connection

What have my BRos be playing recently?


I'm not from South America but i'm from a Latin American country, I am waiting for XV tomorrow

Currently almost nothing Besides sniper elite 3 and bloobourne.

Hopefully I'll have more time next year

It counts

That's why Tibia was the best. Having 300 ping wasn't a problem.



First world doesn't imply good internet. The average BR internet beats mine 5 times over.

Argiefag here, starting Disgaea PC, just downloaded Shadow Warrior and been playing Skullgirls with a friendo over net

I play online games with a good connection. Playing Overwatch and I have a stable 45

S E T E - U M

Vai levar no cu seu filho de trinta putas.

Let's start this shit

Good connection to the people you want to play with

If you aren't brazilian and live over here, you want to spend as much money as possible to have good internet to play with someone you can actually communicate with

Have you played with anyone from the US? is it laggy?

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7-1 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-1

I've been playing ARK but that game's a fucking mess

Viva Colombia

use "tomar" instead of "levar", google translate-kun

>google translate-kun
Vai mas é aprender Português de jeito, dizer "tomar" é para os atrasados dos BR seu bentas de urso. O português verdadeiro continua a ser o de Portugal seu filho de trinta putas.

Anyone here playing Pokemon Sun and Moon?

We had an official Pokemon parade yesterday in Mexico, and i'm currently comfy watching the new anime.

Paladins, but I always get disconnected mid match

Path of exile, but I can't do the merciless lab because I keep disconnecting

Wow, but, guess what, I keep getting disconnected

>I am waiting for XV tomorrow
Luna dies, Noctis dies, final boss is GoW tier, the party dies offscreen.

I did play with people from the US and it wasn't too much of a problem, I'd have around 80-100-ish ping and it was more than acceptable

Digimon cyber Sleuth

>Implying i didn't get spoiled a few days ago

I can't wait.

>seu bentas de urso
top KEK

portugal? more like whotugal

>Learning a language more prevalent in a colony than the country it was born on

How about you learn english and we can actually try to win a fucking game for once

Theres at least 7 more countries in our region that speak spanish that can't communicate with you because you refuse to even learn fucking english

Fuck hermano, im trying to finish this game but the cutscenes just go on and on, it's ridiculous.

Portuguese players speak English all the fucking time, the ones that are subhuman tier are BRs, literally the slavs of South America.


Colombian here.
Playing Bloodborne for the first time right now, helping people with the shadows of Yharman. This game is great and runs fine; Sup Forums was full of shit.

I can play online fine with an average ping of 80-90. To be fair I only play online co-op games like the Killing Floors or the Dark Souls so maybe against computer-controlled opponents a good connection isn't that important.

Why do Ninty hates South America?

Explain me BRos

>benta de urso
>spain's vassal state talking near me

Uruguay here, how bad is the rest of South America.
Pic related is mine.
pretty good :^DDDD

because there's loads of taxes over gaming and ever since the ps1 their stuff hasn't sold for shit here, at least in brazil. so why bother?

15mbps down 1 up
there's fios in my city and my area should be getting it in a few years


Que mierda estan jugando?

Cual es tu GOTY?

they made a manga for the ENEM doorman meme?

my fucking sides

funniest thing i've seen all day

>tfw Peruvian
>PC tech getting good entrance thanks to "that" moba
Connection it's bad, but not that bad
If I know chile have the best connection

>Que mierda estan jugando?
Saiyuki: Journey West
>Cual es tu GOTY?
ZTD fue decepcionante, FF XV también. Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 fue lo único decente que salio este año. Al menos no hicieron falsas promesas.

I've mostly been playing 7-1

Just change Steam download region to US.

>ctrl+f temer, golpe
>0 results

To orgulhoso.

Playing the Deathwing beta while waiting for the next elusive target in Hitman.

I may be third worlder but I'm not retarded enough to fall for the AAA/online gaming meme

Brazil pretty much pirates most of it's games and brazillians don't care for current nintendo franchises or consoles, especially when the third party support is so fucking shit.

enjoy your indieshit famalam

How much does a good PC cost is Brazil?



What's up with you BRs trying to start these threads every weekend?

Go back to Sup Forums or brchan, or 55chan or whatever the fuck it's called.
Não gostou vá a merda.

I took a break from Overwatch and the new Hitman to play EUIV, Civ VI and emulate Growlanser Generations.

I'm just jumping from game to game with no rhyme nor reason most of the time, I also have a bunch of things I bought at the sale taking my attention.

'good' is vague as fuck but like 1.5-2k dollars give or take
just the rig

Not retarded enough for indieshit either

Because it is fun and different from teh rest of Sup Forums we actually talk about games without too much shitposting.

Não gostou vá a merda.

Sou brasileiro. Estou na merda gostando ou não.

Let get this shit started

Your country:
What have you been playing:
What are you excited for:
How are you managing life and your vidya time:

>brazillian gaymer
>waiting for my n3ds to arrive so i can SM

and yea connection sucks here. its nearly impossible to have a decent experience on PvP stuff

Eu tbm, então junte-se a nós na merda e fale sobre videogames

what the hell are you playing then? retroshit?

m-meus senhores gringos! me percebam! s-sou de primeiro mundo como vocês, s-só nasci no país errado!! ;-;

South Americans who play Dota:
Get the fuck off the US servers. Please.

we have build a firewall NOW

yeah but 2000s is ok too, recent AAA is fucking garbage

does Dota have SA servers? sometimes we don't have a choice

>playing Dota at all

Isso, continua repetindo isso toda vez que alguém vai contra. Tá se sentindo patriota? Já jogou futebol e bebeu uma cervejinha hoje?

>Your country:
>What have you been playing:
Uncharted 4
>What are you excited for:
Persona 5
>How are you managing life and your vidya time:
I do stuff until the weekend then I spend all friday and saturday playing non-stop.

Why the fuck do you keep making threads about us on Sup Forums? Nobody cares where we're from, and nobody else makes vidya threads based on their nationality.

Chega dessa merda


>brazil may have a civil war in your live time


I knew that pose looked familiar.

> Your country:
> What have you been playing:
Started playing Crypt of the Necrodancer today
> What are you excited for:
The day I die
> How are you managing life and your vidya time
I play videogames after work.

Brazil already has more people murdered per year than a country that is in an actual civil war anyway.

Quién /CazaMonstruos/ aquí?

I only first tried 3U early this year and it's fucking torture to see the empty multiplayer, but fuck getting a 3DS, I'm waiting for the Switch.

Lance best weapon.


We became an Empire through sheer apathy, a Republic through sheer apathy, a dictatorship through sheer apathy, another Republic through sheer apathy, a military dictatorship AGAIN through sheer apathy, and a Democratic Republic AGAIN through sheer apathy.
Civil wars aren't really the sort of thing that happens down here.

Why are BRs such self hating faggots?

Got a bunch of BR games recently on a sale.
Aritana is alright.

This thread has more quality than the entirety of Sup Forums, you are the only one shitposting.

Tell me of br characters who actually act brazilian.

Playing some fightans alone because very few people play them around here and SF5 is not my cup of tea.

Also playing Sniper Elite 3

Blanka is the only one i thin.

Sean is also a contender but honestly who the fuck plays basketball is Brazil?

>The ONE country that doesn't speak Spanish
>The rest of Latin America is forced to play on BR servers

Explain this bullshit.

because they're influenced by foreign media and think they're too good for brazil and are eternally butthurt for being born here instead of just enjoying the bantz

normal hues aren't self-hating

>para os atrasados dos BR seu bentas de urso
>o de Portugal seu filho de trinta putas.

I think you should be the one studying the language, clearly you haven't mastered it yet, portuga.

We're kinda big

We are bigger and better than you.

If you're so big, then why do you even need the rest of the countries? Just play by yourselves; you clearly don't need more players.

I'm not quite certain it's we who decide where companies get to base their serves m8

>a chinese kid has a plane accident and gets lost in the amazon jungle, gets raised by eels and turns into an electric beast man.
I suppose BRs like Blanka because he's such a ridiculous break from the usual capoeira black men and japanese-brazilian descendents in vidya.

because you are the one playing in our servers pal.

Gt some of your own then.

been playing paladins and smite because there's a large playerbase here in br I think

US is losing net neutrality anyway

emulating games on my pc.
Currently some shin migami tensei

because big population and consequently big number of gamers. servers should be centered to where most of the population in south america lives and if any other country hosted them it'd suck for people in the brazilian coastline (which is where 70% of the population resides)

you expect companies to invest in Venezuela or something?

>you expect companies to invest in Venezuela or something?
I expect companies to give players servers where you don't lag like hell.

I get better ping on fucking Japan than Brazil.


Holy shit I wanna kill myself

Now I'm just waiting for FFXV. I hope it's not that bad.

>our net neutrality is guaranteed by law
Feels good

>I get better ping on fucking Japan than Brazil.
where the hell do you live?