Jesus fucking Christ, the new version of ShadowPlay sucks so bad

Jesus fucking Christ, the new version of ShadowPlay sucks so bad.

Why did they had to ruin it?

Because it was too good for free.

They will release a paid version eventually you will see.

what do they change?

>actually using the 3.x version of GeForce Grievance

im on the latest version and it works just fine

I just had to format my pc, id love to go back to the past iteration.

I just reinstalled the old version and disabled updates. Can't exactly remember how, but it's possible to avoid the forced login cancer.

>Forced to "upgrade" to the new Shadowplay
>Can no longer record or stream for reasons unexplained
>No error messages or logs
>Tried reinstalling all of my drivers but nothing seems to fix the problem

It's pure shit.

GPU companies are shit

why not just use OBS?

because it kills the fps
while shadowplay has no performance impact

is that because shadowplay has no performance?

works for me

yes it does but its as minimal as possible

other companies will step up since game streaming is highly lucrative still

Fraps, OBS, and any other recording software doesn't even come close to touching shadowplay. Zero performance impact, simple integration, no bullshit.

what problems are you facing while trying to do those things? As in what is happening that shouldn't be? Or what is it not doing that it should be?

>I-if you upgrade to our new beta experience you'll have chances to win prizes every week
>Eh fuck it, why not
>Runs terribly and actually causes more issues
>Haven't even heard anything about them issuing any prizes

Nvidia has been pissing me off software wise

>yes it does
it's 1 fps loss in SOME games

>good software/driver-quality
pick 1

The overlay doesn't show up when I press the shortcut keys. I have to manually open the Shadowplay menu in order to see the overlay.

From there, I can attempt to record or stream, but nothing happens.

>buying Nvidia

Enjoy your six driver releases per month because they keep fucking them up.

i pick nvidia because they actually do provide drivers

>Providing drivers
>Providing WORKING drivers that don't brick your machine

Redpill me on how to downgrade back lads.

Thats a drop in performance my man

The last big update on AMD side was a Catalyst reskin that actually impacts your system performance


>pc gaming
>i-it just w-works

You can easily use GPU accelerated recording for OBS the Nvidia plug in is already built in

at least you can see how games look like in 60fps now that YouTube supports it

If you are having fps issues using OBS, your computer is barely able to run the game or you're just shit at using OBS.

Objective facts.

Well bait-kun, at least you can fix your issues with PC. Can't say the same about consoles. Source: I still have a PS3 game to this day that takes hours to connect to the servers if I wish to play online. Developers never bothered fixing it.

You can go back.
Just install the latest 2.x version and rename the update.exe inside the nvidia corp folder.
I'm running and can use experience and shadowplay without problems and login so far.


I don't get how people can be so computer illiterate.

If it's not working you're doing something wrong.

Everyone always gives AMD shit but in six years of using an AMD card I had one driver issue and it was fixed with a single small adjustment in settings. Meanwhile every fucking Nvidia update creates some new shitty problem.

Or you can stop being a shitter and upgrade to Nvidia GPU and Intel CPU

Did you think you could come in here and meme on me?

Take your (you) and get out of my sight.

>Meanwhile every fucking Nvidia update creates some new shitty problem.

I've been using nvidia for a decade now without a single driver problem.

>Open Geforce Experience to change Shadowplay settings
>Forced to update; can't access anything until the update is applied
>Crashes while updating; have to completely uninstall and then install the newest
>Greeted by this screen when it finally finishes
>Can no longer do anything without making an Nvidia account and logging in

I don't know that I've ever been that angry at a piece of software. A fucking account to change graphics card settings? Are you fucking kidding me, Nvidia?

My next card will be AMD.

How the fuck does it kill the FPS if you use NVENC

no it's not easy and it's broken as fuck


you realize OBS can literally use the same method as shadowplay, right

>tfw had to uninstall it alltogether because it would tank my system for minutes since it had to update
>tfw I can't find a crack for netbalancer so I can continue to block its access to the internet
>tfw ctrl+1, ctrl+2, ctrl+3 doesn't work while shadowplay is active

>using nvidia cucksperience 3.0

where can I download 2.x?

It's not the same
shadowplay has more option it's easier to use
and it does not impact your performance

Logins bro xDDDD
So important for a driver-software, we facebook now - but with GPU's.
You want smooth start-ups with no performance issues?
Fuck you, we need to check for updates - and if we find any - well say goodbye to the next 15 min, we'll be handling things from here.

people used experience?

How did you get shadowplay to work with 2.x?

AMD has no games.

what is a shadowplay?

I want it back so bad.

>shadowplay has more option it's easier to use
Nigger you fucking WHAT
OBS has an extensive preset list that you can customize anything, from encoder and bitrate to CPU usage and audio channels. You can't even come close to it in Shadowplay

tfw you still own a GTX 560 which doesn't even support "ShadowPlay"

Not sure what you mean

then download it and disable the auto updates


I bought 2 AMD cards in my time. 270x and a Fury and both just flat out didn't work. I've had a 960 and 980ti and both work perfectly

who are you? me?

If I upgrade im going to use obs is far better.

> but with GPU's.
Because it's a proprietary software that is absolutely optional and has nothing to do with drivers. Please don't describe it as it has anything to do with drivers, thanks.

Half of that shit you will never have to use as and average gamer
and it still impacts your performance

>Had 2.x on my old HDD
>Put windows on an SSD so I had to install 3.x


Okay nvidia, sorry.

>actually using bloatforce experience at all

Of course it impacts your performance when you're a dumb nigger that cannot even comprehend that Shadowplay uses NVENC as an encoder - the same encoder that is used in OBS. You didn't even try to set it up, am I right? Shit takes like 5 minutes, 3 of which is watching a youtube video. Goddamn, you're one dumb motherfucker.

>change the software every 2 weeks for no fucking reason
>like completely redesign it, but have it done by the work experience lad and make sure its a fucking hog that takes 2 minutes to open
>shadowplay is really good and popular...
>so we got rid of it - its just the "share center" now xD
>like sony xD
>"sharing" won't recognize half your games so you won't get to share them anyway
>get rid of, or obfuscate, half the settings because everyone needs 5mb .png screenshots placed in their My Videos folder

>used to LOVE ShadowPlay services when I had my 670.
>went red, upgraded to ATI 390.
> is absolute dogshite.
>I miss ShadowPlay too much a month later I buy a 1080
>GeforceExperience? Wtf is this shit?
>nothing works.
>recording doesn't work
>any settings are buried in unrelated buttons and folders because they literally oversimplified it to hell and back.

Is it possible to install ShadowPlay still?

redownload 2.X
disable updates
easy as that

yup. hardware accelerated real time encoding that requires setting up in OBS and is broken.


Use out of the box utility that works. I set my desired resolution, FPS, etc. And away I go.

Why must we make things harder than they have to be? I don't agree with the bullshit account creation requirement either, but for what I do, it doesn't effect me. Don't know why some people are having problems. My main PC has a 980TI and the update went without a hitch. Sister's PC has an old GTX670 that still works fine.

>Werks on my machine

PC gaming is turning into a shitshow, it seems.

shadowplay was always bound to geforce experience but you most likely used version 2.x which didn't have the login bullshit

>"sharing" won't recognize half your games so you won't get to share them anyway
>beta software should work as intended since day one
they fixed that
it even records games in windowed now

>not using the vastly superior Intel HD Graphics chipset

they changed the name you fucking green kike, it should work as well as it ever did.

>Old Shadowplay allowed me to record my desktop, which was handy for games it refused to detect I was playing
>They gutted the feature for literally no fucking reason

revert to geforce 2.0
>download old installer
>install it
>create a FILE without an extension called update in the main directory of gexperience
>it no longer updates and allows you to update drivers
more info on how to do it you can find on leddit

how about you just update to 3.0 and skip all the bullshit

shadowplay in 3.0 doesnt allow me to split audio from stuff like ts3 and game, also it's shit

Are you guys afraid Nvidia will call FBI on your ass when they find all the loli porn you keep on your PC?

no you nigger, i just find 3.0 to be extremely shit because they removed few functions and made it way slower and shittier

ALT+Z to open control panel. Click the gears icon in the lower right corner. Scroll down and click privacy. Click yes.

Now you have your desktop feature back. At least explore a little bit before criticizing

it's like saying win10 is worse than win7
they fixed all the bugs of 3.0 when you were busy fapping to chinese cartoons while on 2.0

I prefer 2.0 with more intuitive layout and the ability to split audio with few bugs than 3.0 without all that

>sucking the dick of multi-million dollar corporations

>Forced to update

Delete your update folder in program data. I just downgraded.

CPU overhead
Shadowplay use your gpu framebuffer ( which is why it only works fullscreen ) and saves it as while OBS you have to set up your scene with multiple inputs and it is a lot of strain to the CPU.

Because you kept sucking nvidias dick and allowed them to get 70% market share.

why the fuck did NVIDIA fuck with experience anyway?
perfect case of """"fixing"""" something that isn't broken


last NVIDIA drivers I installed bricked the card

fuck this company

>Shadowplay use your gpu framebuffer ( which is why it only works fullscreen )
then how does it works in widowed mode and borderless now

there is no such thing as bricked video card
what the fuck did you do to your pc

I love OBS and have been using it for a while now, but shadowplay has significantly better performance than OBS. Specifically because Nvidia has access to parts of the GPU that OBS doesn't, from what I understand.

dunno I use the version bundled in 2.x
before you had to check a box to record your entire desktop if you wanted to record a borderless windowed game

but it's always better to use fullscreen anyway since you get the least performance impact and reduce mouse lag the most

>amd drivers are bad meme
It's literally the opposite now. amd has released nothing but amazing drivers ever since crimson and nvidia has been doing nothing but fuck up for the last year.


last nvidia drivers somehow improved performance in Cemu emulator
im not complaining

>there is no such thing as bricked video card
Of course there is. You can easily blow soft-fuses with software nowadays, set the GPU voltage to "kill" and overwrite the card's firmware.
Malware isn't just doing that, because extorting money by encrypting files is more lucrative.

so they can sell user data to ad companies

it's lucrative

>being poor

at least vulkan works better on amd