Post screens of games with impressive visuals for their times.
Also post
>year of release
>if you're posting a screen of vanilla/modded version
Post screens of games with impressive visuals for their times.
Also post
>year of release
>if you're posting a screen of vanilla/modded version
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I thought that was Harry Potter
It's Mafia, 2002, vanilla
Mafia 2, 2010, vanilla
and then Hanger 13 came around and fucked up everything 2K Czech did.
>that comf.
This looks like a current gen game
kek I see it too
One of the comfiest openings I've played.
Mafia 2 was/is incredible in the graphics department.
looks better than sequel. seriously.
it really does
You know full well that's from the PC version
That's pretty funny, I'm currently playing throught he Mafia games. Just beat 1, about half way through 2, gonna start 3 soon.
FUCK, M3 wasn't made by 2kCzech? Fuuuuckk, I suddenly care a whole lot less about finishing this series
GTA V, 2013, modded
It's a screen I personally took
The power of 96KB
Tribes 2, 2001
Doesn't look particularly impressive. Big view distance is irrelevant if all you have it 5 polygon hills
Arkham Asylum, 2009
Thought Mad Max was pretty impressive given how big the world was.
Is this a bait image?
It's probably a bait image.
Same year as GTA San Andreas
like sure it's a modern open world game but it's a damn good one
>color design
>vehicular combat
>PC optimization
The environments in that game are terrific, but there's such a stark contrast between that and the shitty NPC models
I, Robot
>posting bullshots
Perfect Dark was the tits
Deserts do not look graphically impressive ever.
Too bad there's not a decent image of someone looking up in the Tallon overworld
First two Rollercoaster Tycoon games. every single sprite was made by one guy
It's not just a desert though.
does this not please you?
silent hill 2 and 3
Doom 3, riddick and HL2
SW2 really puts doom to shame, It really only needs some more level chunks to draw from even if it has to come as dlc or whatever
I love how good the sky/cloud/stars have gotten in recent games. Stuff like witcher 3, gta v, etc have such awesome sunsets and skies it adds an insane amount of realism
Not that user but here's a pic from my game.
>Witcher 3 sunsets
Pretty damn great looking.
reminds me of WoW graphics.
Looks good, but that car needs some serious AA
It looks like no matter what I do, even up close. Really pisses me off.
Did they ever tell what happened to him in Mafia 3?
>25 years old
>still looks like real life
How did Bethesda manage this?
They say he's dead but there is also a cutscene with a character that looks like an old Joe. The new devs couldn't make up their minds.
BLACK - 2005
This game blew my mind when I was younger.
I would love a PC version to play it again.
Why are older graphics so much more visually appealing?
Reminder that this game was released 10 years ago
Negro, that game is BARELY 10 years old
And aside from character models the game still looks pretty good
Halo 3, 2007 (360)
2015 (PC)
Smaller dev teams lead to a more unified vision and visual design.
Too many cooks spoil the broth.
>Too many cooks spoil the broth.
They had to rely a lot more on solid artstyle and there was less focus on making everything realistic
The graphics weren't more appealing, the games were.
I don't think you realize how impressive the landscapes and view distances were in Tribes 1 and 2 compared to other games of the same year like Unreal. It's one of those things where you had to be there to understand.
Crysis Tres.
R6 Vegas look great for 2006
wew lad
glorious 2d graphics
>emulator/PC screenshots
Oh man you just pissed me off when you reminded me of how JC3 has no varied or interesting biomes, has even shittier driving mechanics and the only good thing about it is the explosions, wingsuit and grapple kicks
Does anyone else not care about graphics much? Personaly I really care about how much fun the game actually is. I have to play Overwatch on some low settings but cot dam it's fun as shit
>mfw it is fully compatible with a vr headset now
if you have a strong cpu, enough spare money for a htc vive and absolutely love prime than you should consider playing it with a vr headset, I never was so impressed from a game honestly
One year later.
Much better than either.
so it is any good or worse than the first, I am getting mixed messages everywhere
>the only good thing about it is the explosions
Isn't that the only reason people buy Just Cause though?
>tried replaying the PC version of this recently
It is not a good game...
I remember king kong being the first "next gen" game I saw when the xbox 360 was released. I had never played anything in high def and demo'd that at best buy and it blew my mind. The graphics nowadays are always getting better, but that jump from SD to HD gaming was so huge
What about it? It looks great. Some of the best art direction in all of video games and that's no exaggeration; it's instantly recognizable as HL2 every time that's how good and unique it looks.
Yeah hl2 had amazing visuals.
aesthetics > graphics
Graphics are the easiest thing to show off when it comes to games so people focus on that. That said, I spend more time playing games from the '90s than anything else.
goddamn, was just talking with friend about mafia 1 and 2 being fucking great
shame they butchered the last one..
Same, I even first dismissed the whole "SD to HD" as a gimmick. But then I tried it at my friends house, The game blew me away. I couldn't believe it.
what game
fuck meee best grass ever
>tfw Spent 100+ hours roaming around JC3
>tfw spent 200+ hours roaming around JC2
>This game is almost 7 year old now
Riddick, Halo 3 and Crysis are notable examples.
You may not like some of the games but you have to admit they looked and most likely still look good.
Fucking consolekids, I play games on PC since I was 5 and they already had "high" definition
I got my first home console in 2006 and the biggest shock was japanese games to me
They were just so different
I remember playing JC2 with the mod so you could fly around like superman, I spent so much time just flying around checking out the visuals. Is there anything like that in JC3? I know the game has a wingsuit
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory still looks fantastic, and it was released in 2005.
There is a DLC that includes Jetpack Wingsuit. Its pretty fun.
>tfw the Devs gave me a free Just Cause 3 copy with Season Pass after I created a neat WebM that got big on the internet
Halo 3 aged like fine wine
Could have meant "which Tomb Raider"
It's also the best of the series.