>hey user, you got a mic?
Hey user, you got a mic?
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw don't use mic because parents are always at home and have thin walls
>inb4 underage b& just a 22-year old khv
>nigger friends ask to come over
>say cool and let them in later
>ayooo user get that hentai jap shit of your ps4 and put 2k on"
>another submissive khv beta fag thread
seems like my kind of place desu
is this a thing now
kissless handholdless virgin
You know you fucked up when niggers have better taste than you.
>"Oh is that a British accent, user? You sound so well spoken!"
Fucking anime-posting piece of shit mouthbreather. How is this thread related to video games in any way? God, are you seriously so fucking stupid that you mistook Sup Forums for Sup Forums? If you did, I'll give you the benefit of a simple fuck you. But if you did it on purpose, I swear I will carve a fucking portrait or your disgusting "waifu" on your fucking forehead. With my dick. Fuck off from Sup Forums and never return, you good-for-nothing motherfucker. I hope you get ran over by a car on your way to the anime convention, you shrimp-dick anime lover cuckold loser. What the hell is so appealing about those STUPID anime girls anyways? Just look at them. Stupid hair, stupid eyes and they sound like a racecar when they fuck. *Deep sigh* Two nukes weren't enough, huh? Maybe now that Donald Trump is the president of Unity States we will nuke China again. And you will probably slit your fucking wrists because your waifu is dead! Which would be good! Nobody wants you! HAHAHAHAHAAHA Yeah how about that anime-faggot? That hurt your feelings? Awww. Too bad. Go fuck yourself. And never post anime on Sup Forums again... Or else :)
Except that they don't, as expected from niggers.
The actual mistake was having nigger friends to begin with.
i always wonder what games you play that getting on a mic is a big deal.
i don't play any shooter with others to not talk
i don't play any moba with others to not talk
i don't play any RTS with others to not talk
i don't play any mmorpg with others to not talk
the list goes on even without repeating every single word to exeggerate what i mean
>I swear I will carve a fucking portrait or your disgusting "waifu" on your fucking forehead. With my dick
you wouldn't do that tho
Seriously guys. khv?
Im 24 live with my parents but at least i had a relationship in highschool. that shit was easy as "hey you're really cute and i know you like me back wanna go out" bam she said yes and we fucked like 2 weeks later. then we fucked almost every day for 3 years.
lose weight and picking up women is easy as fug, just talk fuck fucking fuck you people are pathetic sometimes.
also kissless, really. dude i had my first kiss at like 7 or some shit. me and this neighbor girl would make out on the daily until we both hit puberty. how the fuck can you be 22 and not have kissed a girl before, or hell even hugs. girls give out hugs just for being your friend. bitches hug me all the time just for being there damn.
you people are the reason i want to cash out early, someone buy me some heroin i want to cash out.
I'd love to coordinate and even small talk with random people, but I'm ashamed of my probably bad english
Plus, if I'd ever have to speak in english, chances are the game will be laggy as hell.
These threads always end full of fags.
nobody asked you though
>normal accent
Canadian is the only normal anglo accent.
We like to have a sense of belonging.
Get on mic already fuckboy
/r9k/ copypasta is so tasteless and boring
Nothing beats the Jay.
Yeah, a sense or your dick belonging in another man's ass
stop being so gay pls
wat is that pic from
I just want to talk about video games why not being a fag in your respective boards? I don't hate you,as a matter of fact I have a gay friend but please stop doing this shit.
thats not pasta, i just fuckin wrote that. not every long post is pasta.
Well its pasta now wormfood
>had to stop using my mic at night because a newborn baby was in the house for months
>get made fun of for months
This the blog thread?
>I'm 25
>Birthday coming up
>Parents start nagging me
>"We always buy you clothes and you buy us expensive things for our birthdays. We're not getting you 'just clothes' this time. What do you want?"
I need ideas. What good vidya has come out recently/comes out very soon?
>tfw no black friend to make me laugh in online games
I feel like I'm missing out.
it's the only way to get intimate with another breathing human being if you have no idea how to talk to girls
ask for some dosh you plonka
my parents stopped giving me shit for my birthdays at 18 fucko
honestly if drugs were legal thats all id ask from people for my birthday. mom get me some heroin dad get me some oxymorphone, bestie gets me hydromorphone.
i want to believe.
>they sound like a racecar when they fuck.
user, why do you know that?
>"We don't give money for birthdays. That's just thoughtless and makes it look like we don't give a shit."
>His parents don't love him.
My family all give gifts for birthdays and Christmas, even to our cousins and stuff.
>Have a Russian accent
>resorting to drugs
talking to women is easy. women are vain and stupid, its like talking to a teenager, you tell them what they want to hear. or you know you could just talk to them. hi how are you doing, what are you interests, and go from there its really not hard to have a conversation.
they're catfishing losers online and voice modification software is shit
>its really not hard to have a conversation
it is for me
I have no problem talking to people in my native language, but it gets harder when I have to use english. Especially because people bully me for my accent.
>have russian accent
You are
That's slightly different from what I had in mind.
Well, first of it's meaningless to expect people to do this kinda thing elsewhere since it's no fun doing it with other people that are not us, Sup Forumsirgins.
These threads are about uniting and interacting with gamer fags, not just plain fags.
>as a matter of fact I have a gay friend
Now that's just funny.
you don't know what true euphoria and happiness is. you'll never know. unless you become just like me. come on, life isn't worth living sober. ever. life is shit and then you die, drugs are the only thing that make it not suck beyond belief. if not for opioids id probably would have ended it.
t. minnesotan
>tfw when also 22 year old khv with thin wals and afraid of parents hearing shit
Where you from m8?
What you talking aboot?
>join voice chat
>"No, I don't have a mic"
>mfw I have a deep voice
>Living room right outside my room
Fuck me, I hope our new house has them on the other side again, I can't even talk low without causing airwaves to vibrate and violent rates.
Americans don't have accents, so we're impressed when we hear someone who does.
>you sound like a girl user
This thread again. If you can't talk to people on teamspeak cause you're insecure or whatever, stop being a weeaboo faggot.
what anime is this qt from?
>you don't know what true euphoria and happiness is.
i don't like being happy though but me being stoic is already enough.
nigga you gay as fuck
144hz IPS 1440p BenQ monitor
>live by myself in massive 2 bedroom apt
>afraid of next door tenants hearing the random ass shit i say
>inner me does it anyway
>true euphoria and happiness
>*teleports behind you*
>*tips fedora while you OD*
Kids... Don't do drugs...
It could be worse. Beyond everything you just said thre's also:
>afraid family members will hear you fapping at night
>you can hear your brother banging his gf while she fruitlessly tries not to moan too loudly
you will never be a cute girl amd nobody will think its cute that you are embarrassed you fat fuck
>What is valley girl, southern, texas, NYC, mountain accent
You have an accent dummy, you just don't think you do since you hear it all the time.
Why is it funny?Please post this things somewhere else.
>tfw mom constantly telling you to stop yelling because your headphones are blasting loud as fuck and you're calling people all kinds of faggots any time you die
>tfw I've made her cry several times because I was so loud and she couldn't sleep and had to get up for work the next morning and she was just absolutely exhausted
>tfw I feel bad thinking about how god fucking awful son I used to be
>tfw no longer neet and no longer rage at games anymore
>tfw slowly starting to think I'm starting to make her proud but then I realize I'll never get married or give her grand children like my piece of shit older brother even though they almost never talk to each other anymore
Now all I have to do is find some bitch that's dumb enough to get in a relationship with me and let me cum inside of her and then I'll be the favorite son.
>have a balkan accent
But you're exotic and we need to observe you for science.
Do you hate science or something?
Those are dialects. Average Americans don't have accents.
the fuck is this shit
you sound like a 12 year old spanish boy who wants to be a girl
What kind of retarded sounding accent is this?
At some point I belive that feel OP is talking about was about social anxiety and fear of interacting with strangers.
Somewhere along the road it devolved into homo lust due to sex deprivation and loneliness.
I am actually spanish.
R u gorl
he's a hijo de puta
Ayyy el manolo
I don't speak spic, English please?
ayyy ese paella ole ole toros viva españa salsicha!
Hijo de puta means son of a bitch.
Why the fuck would I need a monitor like that when I never go above 1080p?
>this country conquered a large part of the globe
Is boipucci the mitochondria of a powerful empire?
donde vives?
catalán aquí
R u cute boi
It's not that it's "funny". It's just "fun" to interact with people like yourself and that you can relate to.
Seeking acceptance is hardly something anybody on Sup Forums should find strange, I'm sure of it.
I'll admit it sometimes becomes offtopic and it shouldn't go too out of control, but about half of what's posted on Sup Forums is also offtopic and at least people are having fun instead of being miserable shits waging console wars.
They say I'm very cute, but I wouldn't say so.
>Americans don't have accents.
Will u give me boipucci
Oh boy, I used to get bullied because of my accent so hard. I tried so hard to hide it. While I was working out I'd repeat sentence over and over until the accent was gone almost completely. It's still there if I say more unusual words but it sounded fine in my recordings. Apparently it was not enough because I'd get still picked on from time to time until I was so broken I stopped giving a shit. i don't even hide it anymore, fuck it. I PPT and do my best "It's a me Mario! I hope she made lotsa spaghetti and meatballs" so that it gets out of the way and I can play in peace. It's kinda like that Bugs Bunny picture with him kissing people I don't like doing it but it works.
>"Get on mic, user!"
>Get on
>Don't know anyone else in the group chat other than my friend
>Say nothing the entire time
>They never reinvite me
>Hijo de puta means son of a bitch.
More like son of a whore or motherfucker on a more literal translation, although son of a bitch is more contextualy fitting.
Damn I love that doujin.
Same, I had two relationships in high school.
>Always figured I'd be a khv
>One girl, pretty slutty, says she'll go out with me
>Didn't know she was slutty til people told me after we broke up
>Talk over summer but had to wait til high school to see each other
>We kiss and do faggy shit like getting to school early to hang out
>Turns out she was cheating, break it off
>Later that year, get with another girl
>Not slutty but very sexual
>We get close fast, she wants to do the sex
>Completely paranoid that her parents would find out, she'd get pregnant, STDs, etc
>I turn her down and we break up a week later
>Haven't had a relationship since, haven't really been trying
>Still virgin, never been on a proper date despite two girlfriends
>Trying to get to a somewhat financially stable point before trying for relationships again
On a side note, why don't parents let girls hang out with guys at all ever? That just seems stupid. That's why I never met either girl outside of school and I feel like it's fucked me up.
Video games.
>come to thread to attention whore
>someone else gets all the (you)s
ah I'm outta here
>Yeah I do
>Ok cool
post pic
You'll love what I tell you to love, understood?
everyone i have been with thinks i am gay because of my accent
>be fingolian
>play wow in a british guild
>become class leader
>be on mic every day
>develop a weirdo accent no one can distinguish