What games challenge your critical thinking skills?

What games challenge your critical thinking skills?



3 Bottles is 30, That's 10 each.
10-20= 10/2 is 5. Burgers are 5 each.
9-5= 4/2 is 2. Mugs are 2 each.
Thus, 5 + 2 x 10 is 25.


70, I'm such a math geek XD



15, Talos principle was prettyg ood early on

15. 5 + 1 X 10

>Mugs are 2 each.

I'm guessing 70 too, but that means its wrong


it's 2 mugs in the third row. so 1 mug is 1.

last row is 5 + (1*10) = 15



15. All other answers are bait.

5 + 2 is 7 x 10 is 70.

Oh no shit. I see what I did.

60, obviously.


I went to an Ivy League and figured this out in under 10 seconds.

Answer is 25. If you got something different then I'm afraid you're wrong. Try it again.

Google operator precedence.
Also 1 mug = 1.

order of operations

This is unsolvable without making assumptions about what the single beer value is. Two beers may be 2, but we do not know if 1 beer is 1, unless we assume that the double beer is equal to the sun of two single beers

Order of operations. The last one is 5
+ (2 x 10)

Oh, this again.


All good people.




5+2*10 bedmas 5+(2*10)

10 + 10 + 10 = 30
10 + 5 + 5 = 20
5 + 2 + 2 = 9
5 + 2 x 10 = 70

How is this wrong?

>all these retards saying 15
It's fucking 60
FIVE PLUS 1 TIMES 10. THATS 60. Cretins

3 beer = 30 so 1 beer is 10

1 beer 2 burgers = 20 so 2 burgers = 10 and 1 burger is 5

1 burger and 4 beers so 1 beer is 1

5 + 1 x 10 = 60


Last line has 1 mug instead of 2.
Multiplication takes priority.

All of you are wrong. The answer is null, that's why there's a question mark there.

Fucking idiots.

Impossible to solve. We don't know the value of the bottom centre symbol.

>american education
There is one mug on the bottom row not two. The answer is 15.


Order of operations you dumb mongoloid

Didn't see it was only one mug
15 then

Its basic algebra what are you talking about?

If the value of 4 beers is $4 then the value of one beer must be $1.

Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally



>he doesnt understand the order of operations.


American education, everyone.

You can't know for certain that the single beer is 1, as it's a different symbol than the double beer. That would be like assuming v = 1 if w = 2.

Go take some middleschool algebra and learn order of operations

Cider = 10
Beer = 2
Burger = 5
5 + 2*10

>Only acceptable answer tier
>Shit eyesight tier
16, 25, 26, 17, 27
>Shit at math tier
>The fuck are you doing? tier
Anything else

>bottles high-value as shit
>on-tap low value
Not that I'd complain.

Since we're having a math bait thread I heard you guys like goats and doors, also.

Every answer is American education Xd

fuck u hotdogman

you forgot the fries

Is 2 equal to half of 22?

The answer is 60. If you don't read left to right you're an imbecile.


am I smart?

ONE Pint=1

On final answer remember to do PEMDAS.

Final answer is 15

>on a hotdog
absolutely disgusting

>5 + 2 x 10 = 70
Glad to know I'm not the only one who failed Math in middle school.

Not the same equivalency. If four beers are $4 then $1 beer is one dollar. That's just how math works.

That mustard looks good


They're different symbols. To assume that a single beer is half that of a beer with another partial beer behind it is assuming too much.

the smartest

You gotta think of this like a Layton puzzle, my man.

15? I don't know if everyone is trolling or if I'm missing something.






Where do you see a dollar sign in that image?

probably forgot that there's only three bananas in the last row

Shit no it's 25 my bad

3 bananas in bottom line.


I mistyped, I'm just saying

4x = 4

where x is the # of beers

hence x = 1

No you are making assumptions about the symbol based on what is physical, not formal mathematical rules. There is no precedence for assuming that the double beers i as equal to the sum of two single beers. It may be a multiplication, it may be some other binary operator.this is why modt people fail math, because they dont understand formalism

>You can't know for certain that the single beer is 1

If you're autistic about a shitty grade school problem, you don't. Try not to be.

I'm a Harvard graduate of math and honestly the answer is 60. Nowhere is it specified to use PEMDAS, therefore you don't use it.

Oh there are 2 beers in each image in the 3rd line, but in the final line there's only 1 beer, so it's worth 1 instead of 2

I amend my answer to 15

X + X + X = 30
X + Y + Y = 20
Y + ZZ + ZZ = 9
X + Z + Y = ?

Oh I see it now. I only saw 3 bananas in the first 2 rows.

10 + 10 + 10 = 30
10 + 5 + 5 = 20
10 + (1 + 1)(two mugs) + (1 + 1)(two mugs) = 9
5 + 1(there is one mug, not two) * 10 = 60

it's 60


bottle is 10
burger is 5
9-5=4/2=2 beer is 2

2 beers is not ZZ, its 2Z. Don't be a fucking retard.

The baitest of baits

Only one mug on bottom row my friend

You should be able to solve this


PEMDAS, for fuck's sake!

Could be worse. It could be ketchup

*slowly claps*
Yes, yes, well done, user.
*appears from the shadow*


apple is 10
18-10=8/2 = 4 Banana is 4
4-X=2 coconut is 2

No you are the retard. Abandon formalism, abandon math.

x = 10

y = 5

y + z + z + z + z = 9

9 - 5 = 4

4 divided by 4 = 1

z = 1

y + z x X = ?


Multiplication (DM) comes first

z x X = 10 (1 x 10 = 10)

Next comes addition

y + 10 = ?

5 + 10 = 15

+ c

but there's only one coconut and three bananas instead of four