What name did you give him?

What name did you give him?

Kazuma Kaneko.

I usually go with Dude Guy for SMT games.


That's not American

When will he leave the flower field Sup Forumsros?

Meme Lord

I played the Japanese version.

Meme Master

Flynn Taggart.


I never understood this doom guy meme, care to explain? Not baiting. I´m really curious.

I would assume it's because they're both space marines fighting against demons.

Apollo Skylark

He looked like a taiwanese fuccboi
So I named him Gaylord Quinn.

that´s fucking it? seriously?

Joseph Joestar .

Miles Clark

He wears a space suit with a similar color to doom guy and runs around alien dimensions shooting demons in the face. Not a hard connection to make

His official name is Alger Langdon

Nigger Lover

First name:DOOM GUY
Is it weird I give all of the Megaten protags the same last name, as if they were all related?

Oliver Henry. He looked like it.

my real name like every jrpg with self insert PC